
Hogwarts: Start Fusion Phoenix Bloodline

(Hogwarts: Start Fusion Phoenix Bloodline) This article is also known as [After Nirvana, I became a child again! ], also known as [My Elegant Life at Hogwarts! 】 Peter York, reborn in 1980s London, gets a super gene fusion device! Start by merging Phoenix’s genes to gain immortality! Don’t be afraid of Avada’s life! Integrate the genes of the invisible beasts to gain the ability of foreknowledge and invisibility! Integrate the genes of the bird and snake to gain the ability to be as big as you want! Integrate the genes of the basilisk, and gain the ability to die if you look directly, and become petrified if you look at it! One day, Peter York was besieged by the Death Eaters. With Mandela* genes, he sang directly on the spot! Immediately, everyone was shocked by the sound of death! Daily Prophet: “Peter York is a new generation of magic gods after Merlin! His abilities are beyond even the mysterious man! He is the future hope of the magic world!”  

Big_Big_0235 · Book&Literature
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Chapter 4

Hogwarts: Start Fusion Phoenix Bloodline Chapter 4

Diagon Alley is bustling with people, and a crucible hangs outside the door of the nearest shop, and a sign hangs on the side that reads: Copper – Tin – Silver Crucible, complete in model, automatic mixing – foldable.

The next shop was crowded with children lying in front of the window, and a glass cabinet displayed a state-of-the-art broomstick.

Peter York followed Professor McGonagall into Gringotts, and by the nature of the phoenix, instinctively did not like these ugly goblins.

But the goblins' respectful attitude made Peter York a little embarrassed, and it also surprised Professor McGonagall, after all, the goblins could not hold anyone but gold coins in their eyes.

Just took out fifty thousand pounds and wanted to exchange it for ten thousand gold gallons to deposit in Gringotts, but Peter York was told that there was a limit to the exchange limit, and the maximum exchange could only be exchanged for two hundred gold gallons!

The moment was extremely embarrassing, after all, he remembered that those crossing big guys always took out a hundred million checks to exchange, and then they were greeted by the hot eyes and warm service of the goblins.

Instantly back to reality, Peter York knew that there were fewer than tens of thousands of wizards in the whole of Britain!

If there is a huge amount of money entering the wizarding world, it will definitely paralyze the wizards' financial markets!

So, obviously, wizards and goblins in Gringotts aren't fools!

"Exchange 200 gold gallons for me!" Peter said helplessly to the goblin on the counter, and then gave him more than a thousand pounds.

"All right, Mr. York!" The goblin said in a very friendly manner, not at all as annoying as the legend.

Peter looked curiously at the surrounding environment as the goblin slowly calculated the golden gallon, and when he saw that there were goblins weighing rubies, he casually asked, "Mr. Goblin, do you collect such things as gem gold here?" "

The goblin heard Peter's meaning, and directly looked up at Peter, a smile on his face, and said, "Of course, Mr. York!" Gold gemstones and the like have always been precious, and we are happy to accept it! "

As soon as Peter listened, his eyes lit up, and 200 gold gallons alone was not enough for him to spend!

He then took out a ruby the size of a pigeon's egg from his bag, handed it to the goblin, and said, "How much is this worth?" All redeemed for Golden Gallon! "

When the goblin saw the ruby in Peter's hand, his eyes became greedy, but when he saw Peter, he retracted.

He took out a magnifying glass from the small drawer under the table, carefully observed the ruby, and said with satisfaction: "The purity of the gem is good!" Mr. York, we are willing to buy this jewel of yours for 100,000 gold gallons! I wonder what you think? "

Peter skimmed his lips and said disapprovingly, "My ruby is worth millions of pounds in the Muggle world!" As a result, it is only 100,000 gold gallons, which is more than 500,000 pounds! That's a pit. "

The goblin smiled and said, "Mr. York, this is the highest price I have specially given you, and it would be nice if we could have 50,000 gold gallons for others!" "

"If it weren't for the enforcement of the Secrecy Law, wizards would have easily gotten things like gold jewelry from the Muggle world!" So although these things are rare, they are still not as precious as magical materials! "

When Peter heard the goblin's words, he asked even more strangely, "Mr. Goblin, the first time I came to the wizarding world, I was just a Muggle-born wizard, why did you give me the highest price?" "

Professor McGonagall on the side also pricked up her ears, she had never seen the goblins treat any wizard as kindly as they would to Peter York.

The goblin looked deeply at Peter and said meaningfully, "Mr. York, we goblins are born to see through the essence of things!" So good at crafting magic items! So even if you drink the compound decoction and become another person, you can't escape our eyes! "

"But as soon as you come in, we see the eternal flame in your body!" What an enviable talent! "

"So, Mr. York! Does your golden gallon need to be deposited in our underground vault? We provide you with the lowest vault for free! There's a dragon guarding it, keeping your property safe! "

After the goblin said a few words that made Professor McGonagall in the clouds, he directly changed the subject and sold the vault to Peter.

Peter looked deeply at the goblin, he didn't expect the goblin to have such an ability! Actually saw through his essence! When he speaks of the eternal and immortal flame, he is afraid that he is talking about the fire of his own nirvana!

However, seeing that the goblin did not say anything in front of the others, he smiled and said, "Then store my golden gallon in the underground vault!" "

As for what the goblin said about the dragon guardian, the safest thing, he just listened!

In the future, this place will be repeatedly visited by Voldemort and Harry Potter, and there is no safety at all!

However, at present, it is better for these golden gallons to exist in Gringotts, and the 100,000 golden gallons are piled up as big as a hill, and he is inconvenient.

As soon as the goblin heard Peter's words, the ugly face smiled even more viciously, and quickly took out a piece of parchment, handed it to Peter, and said, "This is a magic agreement!" Just sign it and vault 13 underground belongs to you! It's already the deepest location! Even many pure-blood families can't get this position! "