
Hogwarts: I Am The Wizard Of Goblins

Shane Dolea, a wizard formerly human and secondly a Fairy Tail wizard, inadvertently found himself transported into the world of "Harry Potter" following a deadly encounter with Acnologia. Amidst a blood-red magic circle and devil's curse pattern, the Fiery Curse ignited. Alongside it, the gray soul curse pattern, deep black tearing curse pattern, and forest green death curse pattern, representing the three unforgivable curses, emerged. Other spells such as Shattered Bones and the Petrification Curse manifested within their respective magic circles. In this familiar yet strange and magical realm, Shane's magic circle intersected with the ominous curse, altering the course of history discreetly. Dumbledore questioned, "Who might you be? A reformer, or perhaps the next Dark Lord?" Voldemort snarled, "Shane Dolea, you are damned to hell! The Death Scythe shall claim your soul!" Grindelwald remarked, "Your ideals will turn the entire world against you. Your future intrigues me greatly." Xia Zhi trailed off, "You..."

Preet_Dhaliwal_6569 · Book&Literature
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Chapter 2: A New World In Ten Years

After a big energy clash tore space apart, Shane got sucked into a weird tunnel when he was fighting Acnologia.

In this tunnel, Shane's body kept getting smaller because of some time and space stuff.

Then, out of the blue, a big truck showed up in the tunnel. The folks inside saw Shane, almost turning into a baby, and got mad:

"Who's the dummy who left this guy here in such a hurry?"

"Forget it, we're all pals here, let's help him out!"

So, one of them made a hole in the tunnel and threw Shane in.

1980, London, England.

When a lightning bolt zapped through the sky, a naked baby fell from the sky and landed on a park bench.

Soon, some people came over...

A little girl with blonde hair shouted, "Hey, Rick, come see! There's a baby here."

She looked about six or seven, wearing a white dress and boots that sparkled under the streetlights.

A lady rushed over with a little boy.

She saw Shane on the bench, wrapped him up in her coat, and said, "Oh no, who'd leave such a young kid here?!"

Shane started hearing voices and woke up.

"Oh, Mom, look, he's awake!" the little girl said.

Shane was confused. He wondered if he was back on Earth.

But why were these people so huge?

Was he in a land of giants?

And why couldn't he move?!

He had so many questions.

August 1, 1991, London, England, outside a white house on 67 Colton Street.

An angry woman came out, holding a spatula.

"Shane Doleah, get down from that tree right now!!!"

"Okay!!!" Shane shouted back, still in the tree, hiding something in his clothes.

He leaned forward and jumped down.

"Be careful! Come down slowly..." the woman said, worried.

But Shane didn't listen...

I jump! *(Indistinct)*.

He landed safely on the ground.

"Oh my God! If I could, I'd leave you in the park to fend for yourself."

Seeing Shane jump down, Julie Swinton said in horror.

"I've heard that a lot, but would a kind person like Aunt Julie really leave a kid in the park?" Shane grinned, showing his teeth, "And don't worry, I'm good at this." Then he flexed his muscles.

"That's not a reason to climb so high and jump down. What if you broke your leg or worse?" Mrs. Mary said, grabbing Shane's ear.

"...There's love, but not much," Shane said. "Besides, I climbed up to save this cute little guy."

He took a kitten out of his arms, with big blue eyes and very cute.

"Look, it's cute, right?" Shane held it up to Julie.

"Meow~~" the kitten mewed.

"Poor thing..." Julie took the kitten from Shane, "I'll take care of it. You need to come home now for dinner."

"Okay!!!" Shane ran into the house.

It had been eleven years since Shane came to this new world.

When he turned into a baby suddenly, he couldn't understand it, so he used magic to keep himself asleep. When he was ten, he ran out of magic, so he woke up.

For Shane, it felt like just a year since he came here.

After he woke up, Shane remembered the last ten years.

The Swinton family took him in when he was little. The girl who found him, Alia, was the oldest. She had a simple brother named Rick.

Shane remembered his life for the past ten years and felt magic in his body.

Even though he was a kid again, he still had magic, and it helped him get magic power.

Yeah, there was magic in this new world. It was different from Aslant, though. Here, magic was nice and clean.

Why, you ask?

In Aslant, the air had all kinds of magic mixed in. If a magician used it, it could go wild.

So, the magicians there made magic circles to control it.

In this new place, though, magic was pure. It was just magic, nothing else.

This meant Shane could do magic without a circle, but it used a lot more power.

Using a circle was better. It made magic faster and used less power.

That's like typing on a computer. You could type slow by hand, or you could scan it in and get it done quick.

Even though both ways worked, one was way easier.