
Chapter 141 I Have No Parents, I'm an Orphan

This was the second time Harry had heard the word.


He wasn't interested in the legendary Utopia, but Gryffindor said that the White Wolf and his wife were buried there, even if it wasn't there, Ciri spit out the word, and that place was worth looking for by himself.

where is it

Harry was about to try to speak, to see if he could communicate with Ciri's vision.

The illusion dissipated.

This hasty meeting came to an abrupt end.

The Gryffindor sword in Harry's hand hummed slightly, and a breath gushed out of the ruby ​​on the hilt, wrapped happily around his hand, and then it disappeared.

He was not surprised.

Instead, following the connected breath, he looked up.

After meeting those knights, he had guessed that he would say something like that to the Sorting Hat—"He's playing Gryffindor."

The trial of the last link is a ceremony.

Like a first year following in the footsteps of the Big Four, here he is, following in the footsteps of Gryffindor.

From Godric Gryffindor to Harry Potter.

Gold and red rays shot from the lake, drawing a curtain on the sky, and the emblem of Gryffindor College was projected on the curtain.

It slowly opened.

Gryffindor rode a white horse, flew out from the curtain, and landed in front of Harry, with the disappearing sword at his waist.

He got down from the white horse, took off the sword, held it in both hands, and handed it to Harry: "I, Godric Gryffindor, admit that you are a qualified and excellent heir, then, you are willing to inherit my glory , maintain and develop it?"

"I thought you would deny me." Harry stretched out his hand and took the Gryffindor sword solemnly.

Godric's face froze: "At this time, you shouldn't say such things that destroy the atmosphere."

"I'm really puzzled." Harry looked serious.

Godric turned his head and looked at the other side, which was blocked by the fog and couldn't see: "You mean Horsen?"

"Is he the knight I killed?" Harry asked.

Godric nodded: "Well, my original choice, as you said, spared him."

As he said that, he paused, and his tone became strange: "I don't know the magic spell to modify the memory. In fact, even if I can, I will not modify the memory in their brains to someone else."

"Although, if I choose now, I might modify the me in their memory to be Salazar."

"It seems that after that, there was a bad experience?" Harry put the Gryffindor sword back into the Sorting Hat.

Godric froze: "It's very unpleasant."

"After I got the relic of Galahad, I was revealed by Horsen, and those Muggles wanted me, so I had to live a rather painful life, until I met Rowena, under her wisdom , to solve these troubles."

"If you do it again." Harry said.

Godric understood what he meant, and shook his head: "I still won't choose to kill him, but I will use magic to cover it up, at least I won't tell him the identity of a wizard, apart from hating wizards, Horsen is a Excellent people."

"But I don't reject your choice."

"This kind of punishment is not too much for him."

He looked at Harry with complicated eyes: "Anyone who wants to kill others will definitely suffer the backlash of death, but you are only in the third grade."

"I don't have parents." Harry replied calmly.

Godric flinched.

The sorting hat explained to him: "Harry is an orphan. Before entering school, his life at his aunt's house was not satisfactory."

"He has always been more mature, more decisive, and smarter than his peers, or even many adult wizards."

"Sorry, I don't know." Godric became ashamed, "I thought the outside world would be safer after so many years. I heard the person five hundred years ago say that the order is better than ours. to become."

"It's really safe," Harry replied. "I don't know about the other grades, but I'm the only orphan in the third grade."

Godric's expression became even more contorted.

He wished he could slap himself.

Obviously trying to comfort her, why did the situation get worse?

"It's okay." Harry reassured him, "Don't take it to heart, it's a fact."

Godric sighed and said seriously: "Harry, you are better than I thought. If I were you, I'm afraid I can't be like you."

Harry shook his head and changed the subject: "I saw the relic in Galahad. There was a lady demonstrating sword skills. Did you learn your sword skills from her?"

"Yes." Godric nodded and smiled, "She should be the lady in the lake that Galahad met, I learned my swordsmanship from her, and this thing is also in my relic middle."

"If you want to continue to improve your swordsmanship, she will be a good reference."

"She mentioned Avalon at the end." Harry asked, "Mr. Gryffindor, have you tried to find it?"

Godric shook his head: "We tried to find it. Helga and I wanted to establish Hogwarts in Avalon even though the name of the magic school had not been decided yet."

"Muggles are becoming more and more malicious towards wizards, and the conflicts are getting bigger and bigger. We have to protect the safety of little wizards."

"But we never found it."

"Salazar built a castle in the Scottish Highlands. His magic was strong and the castle was safe. We built a school there."

"You want to find it?" Godric said briefly, looking at Harry.

Harry smiled lightly: "The legendary utopia, according to the lady in the lake, it does exist, why not try to find it?"

"Then I hope you can find something." Godric sent his blessing, he took out his wand, and waved it lightly.

A picture frame appeared in front of Harry's eyes.

"Then, I'll see you off."

Harry got into the portrait, his eyes went dark, he re-entered the dark passage, walked forward, and almost quickly returned to the airtight room.

Godric moved his portrait away again.

A closet is exposed, and there are some things in it, a large number of books, and some rare materials. Even after a thousand years, it is still filled with a powerful wave of magic power.

And what caught Harry's eye the most, was the older, older wooden box than he remembered.

Seeing these things, the Sorting Hat couldn't help but wailed: "Oh, no!"

It hooked the brim of its hat with the tip of its hat and curled up as much as possible.

Harry pushed it open and stuffed the books inside.

Wait until everything is loaded.

The Sorting Hat hiccupped vividly: "Harry, discuss it, how about you buy a bag with a traceless stretching spell, I'm a hat!"

Godric looked at the sorting hat, thoughtful: "It turns out that the hat can be used in this way, why didn't I think of it."

"I'm so thankful you didn't think of it." The Sorting Hat sighed aggrievedly, "I'd rather be a cat scratching board than that."

"Don't worry, you can see Crookshanks when you go back today or tomorrow." Harry patted him, turned his head, and looked at the Gryffindor sword stuck in the center of the room.

It's different than before.

The sword became more intimate, fitting with his breath, becoming like a magic wand.

And on it, there is also a magic power, which is exactly the same as the magic power in the pavilion. It is cast with the spell of "port key".

Until this moment, this sword really belonged to him.

"Although I was mentally prepared." Godric sighed.

Harry turned his head back: "You have been preparing for a thousand years."

Godric was taken aback: "After all, it is one of my closest partners."

"The other partner must be me." The Sorting Hat stood proudly.

"Obviously a wand." Harry answered without thinking.

A trace of panic flashed across Godric's face: "Of course, the Sorting Hat is also one of my close partners."

The Sorting Hat yelled, "Godric, what's the matter with your face! You didn't think about me just now!"

"No, I'm just looking at the weapon." Godric argued, "You are not a weapon, you are my favorite hat."

"But you only have a hat like mine." The Sorting Hat said in a low voice.

Godric wanted to say something else.

Harry interrupted their conversation: "UU reading www.uukanshu.com flirting can wait for a while."

Godric raised his eyebrows: "This kind of word doesn't suit me and my hat."

"Do you want me to take you back to Hogwarts?" Harry asked, "or do you plan to go back to Hogwarts by yourself."

Godric's tone was resentful: "I'm just a painting now, how can I go back to the castle? Do you want the frame to grow a pair of legs?"

"Travel to another painting," Harry said.

Godric stared round, surprised.

"Godric didn't have that spell at that time." The Sorting Hat shook, "If we could shuttle, we should have seen him in the castle long ago. He is not someone who can stand loneliness."

Godric clenched his fists in the portrait: "I should have asked that student five hundred years ago!"

Harry didn't speak, and raised his hand to remove the portrait of Gryffindor.

With the exclamation of Godric and the Sorting Hat, he rolled up the canvas and stuffed it into the hat.

Walking up to the sword of Gryffindor, holding the hilt with both hands.

The belly button was hooked, that familiar feeling of spinning the world.

Harry rolled over, raised his hand to put a layer of Quinn shield on himself, and looked up again. The Portkey did not send him to the abandoned garden, but sent him outside the castle. He and In the open space where Dumbledore trained.

The Hogwarts ban seems to have no effect on Gryffindor.

That's good too, so you don't have to hurry.

Harry waved his wand, conjured a boat, and floated slowly towards the castle.

Someone was holding a book, sitting alone on the grass on the other side of the lake, reading, and looking up at the Forbidden Forest from time to time, as if waiting for something.