
Chapter 140 Go, Find Avalon

The knights struggled.

But their hands were bound by vines, and even the swords around their waists were bound.

"You evil wizard, let us go, let's fight one-on-one if we have the ability!" A knight exclaimed, struggling hard, but all he could do was shake his crotch slightly.

All petrified!

Harry didn't see it, and cast a spell to petrify him.

"You bloody bastard." The other man cursed, before he could curse a few words, a vine was roughly stuffed into his mouth, blocking his words.


A person sprayed water from his mouth and fell on the vines.

Spray the one closest to him wet.

All the knights looked on expectantly, and a second, ten seconds, a minute passed and nothing happened.

Harry waited too.

He didn't feel any breath from that to the saliva, neither magic power nor danger.

"What are you expecting?" After a while, he couldn't hold back and asked.

"Holy water has no effect!" The person who sprayed the liquid screamed in panic, and their eyes were full of shock.

Harry looked at them and shook his head. "What do you think wizards are? Bugs? Something that can be killed with a shot of insecticide?"

Look in their eyes.

Apparently that's what they thought.

"Ugly bastard! If you want to kill us, do it quickly." The knight yelled, his face was grim, and he closed his eyes tightly.

The other knights are also ready to die heroically.

Harry threw his head back and looked at them.

This group of people does not pose any threat, whether it is to Gryffindor, to himself, or even to Hogwarts' normal sixth-year and fifth-year students, as long as they are not too flustered, they can easily deal with this group of people.

And the little wizard who was able to pass through the Forbidden Forest and the trap of the previous village, even if he had no brains before coming here, should grow up now.

"What are you going to do with them?" The Sorting Hat poked him.

Harry waved his wand.

The vines entangled the knight who met in the tavern, and hanged him neatly: "The culprit must not stay."

"As for the others." Harry raised his wand and pointed it at them: "Remember my name, I am Godric Gryffindor."

The Sorting Hat exclaimed.

He cast an Oblivion Charm, tampering with their memories, and another Sleeping Charm knocked them out, and the vine tore off each of their left arms, twisted their swords, and threw them on top of each other.

"Hey, how do you say you're Godric." The Sorting Hat twisted.

Harry said confidently: "This is Gryffindor's memory. I am playing Mr. Gryffindor now, reliving his experience, so of course I have to report his name."

Seems to make sense?

The Sorting Hat nodded thoughtfully, and was somewhat persuaded: "Then you cast the Oblivion Curse on them?"

"Change the image of me in their minds to Mr. Gryffindor." Harry was still confident.

The Sorting Hat poked at him vigorously: "You can't do this, you are Harry Potter."

Harry shook his head: "Yes, I'm Harry Potter."

The Sorting Hat froze.

"I don't know what his choice was." Harry said softly as he walked towards the boat docked in front of the lake, "Maybe with Mr. Gryffindor's character, he would let these people go, and he would Believe in chivalry?"

"But that's my choice."

He stepped into the boat and shook slightly. The Sorting Hat didn't speak, but hummed a little tune again.

Harry took the helm, and with a flick of his wand, the boat moved and drifted towards the center of the lake.

The mist gradually filled in.

He couldn't see the way ahead clearly, even though Harry waved his wand, the fog persisted and did not dissipate, but instead became thicker.

It floats.

Harry, too, waited patiently.

Just after an hour or a day passed, the fog suddenly dispersed, and an island in the middle of the lake appeared in front of him.

Harry moored the boat and walked up to the island.

The island was not big, but the magic power protected it, and the plants did not grow too densely. After walking a few steps inside, a cobblestone path appeared in front of him. Harry walked along it to the center of the island in the center of the lake, where stood a Cottages.

Beside the thatched hut, there is a tomb with a line of words engraved on the tombstone on the cross.

"Here lies the purest knight in Great Britain, the only saint who can lift the Holy Grail, Gaharad."

Harry bowed, paying his respects.

With a wave of his magic wand, a dead branch turned into a little man, pushed open the door, and walked into the abandoned hut, and soon the little man came out happily, proving that it was safe inside.

Harry walked in.

The furnishings in the house are simple, a simple wooden board divides the house into two, the inside is the bedroom and the outside is the kitchen.

He picked up the frying pan, looked at the back, and found a layer of charcoal ash: "It has been used for a while, but the charcoal ash is not thick, and it has not lived for a long time."

"Rotten apples, meat, um, and half-drunk wine, people who live here are leaving in a hurry."

"A follower of Gahalad, or"

Harry frowned and walked to the bedroom.

The furnishings here are simpler, a bed, the bedding on it has not been enchanted, and has long been eroded to tatters; there is also a wardrobe, he tore off the loose cabinet door, opened it, and the clothes inside are not unexpected, Also corroded by the years.

"Male clothes."

"But the size is small, this shoulder width."

Much like what Ciri would wear.

Even though she didn't choose to become a demon hunter like herself, she grew up among demon hunters, and she has many habits like demon hunters, and she prefers clothing that is convenient for fighting.

So she lived here for a while?

And a long table by the bed.

There are several books, the titles of which can be vaguely recognized, including history, poetry, and magic theory.

Other than that, nothing else.

Ciri left no clues.

Harry continued to check. There was no secret compartment and no cellar. This was a very ordinary room. He could only walk out of the room and walk to the back of Gahalad's tomb.

Behind the hut.

A half-person-high, boxy stone on which Gryffindor's long sword rests.

Sword in the Stone.

Harry smiled knowingly. He had reason to believe that when Gryffindor discovered the island in the middle of the lake, Galahad's relic would never be like this. Is it his little mischief?

He jumped on the rock.

Both hands are on the hilt of the sword.

Just like the feeling of wearing the sorting hat when entering school.

There seemed to be a voice, asking in his ear: "Do you regret everything you have done?"

With a groan—

The Gryffindor sword was barely blocked, and UU Reading www.uukanshu.com was pulled out smoothly.

The illusory voice paused, crackled, and dissipated.

The torture of the heart is over before it begins.

A wooden box appeared on the stone so naturally.

Harry waved his wand, tapped it lightly, and the magic poured in.

With a click, the wooden box opened.

A projection surged out and landed on the open space in front of Harry, and that figure made him feel a little thump.

It's Ciri!

She swung her long sword, moving and dodging her feet, demonstrating sword skills.

A doubt in Harry's mind was solved.

Gryffindor learned swordsmanship from here?

Wait for a set of sword skills to be demonstrated.

Ciri stopped, and her eyes seemed to fall on Harry from the long river of time, separated by thousands of years and this layer of Gryffindor's memory: "Go, go and find Avalon."


Harry froze.

The state is not very right recently, especially after the original dungeon started, how can I say that what I wrote is a pile of shit.