
Chapter 139 Deliberate Mr. Gryffindor

The horses are galloping, and the dust bursts.

Startled a group of birds and a few small animals in a hurry.

The Sorting Hat hummed a little tune, and its voice relaxed: "It's been a long time. Thousands of years ago, Hogwarts was not well-known. When Godric and the others had to go out to find students, he would take me like this."

The corners of Harry's mouth curled up slightly.

Yes, he hasn't been like this for a long time.

On the way, Harry asked the Sorting Hat about the situation in this era.

Pick off a handful of leaves at random, turn them into silver pennies, and put them in your hat.

The horse created by Transfiguration does not have the feeling of spiritual connection, but it also has an advantage, that is, it is tireless.

The portrait world is very real.

The flow of time is the same as in the real world, and the sun sets, stretching their shadows long and narrow.

It wasn't until dark that they reached the village with the rumored relic of Galahad.

This village is much larger, and even has a small square with a burned out bonfire, and right next to it, a tavern with signs of malt and grapes is shaking slightly in the wind.

This made Harry breathe a sigh of relief.

Taverns are always the best places to inquire about information. There are many people there, and after most people drink too much, alcohol anesthetizes their brains, and they will always be less able to control their mouths than normal.

Just like George and Fred, when they had too much to drink, they liked to hug Percy and tell all the pranks they had done to him.

He opened the door and walked in.

There were quite a few people in the tavern, the knights with swords sat in the best position, followed by rangers, they sat on clean long tables, and at a glance, villagers and farmers dressed up sat in the corner, discussing in a low voice, Whispering.

His arrival attracted the attention of many people.

"A glass of mead." Harry walked to the bar, took out a silver penny, and put it on the table.

The landlady's eyes sparkled, and she carefully poured out a glass for Harry.

Taking a sip, Harry couldn't help frowning.

The wine wasn't bad, but he was spoiled by Wood's whiskey and vodka.

"The guests come from far away?" The proprietress put her foot on her feet.

But Harry was shrunk in the shadows, making it difficult for her to see the appearance of this not very tall guest.

"You want to ask, am I here for Galahad's relic?" Harry took a sip of his drink, breaking her little thoughts.

He took out another silver penny and put it on the table: "I will let you earn this money."

The proprietress put her hand on the money, but said nothing.

Harry raised his eyebrows, and took out another one: "This is all my patience."

"That's enough." The proprietress nodded and put away the three pennies.

She lowered her voice: "The relic of Galahad is related to the lady in the lake."

Lady of the Lake?

Harry's eyes grew serious, and he sat upright in the shadows.

"It's in the lake not far from here." The proprietress continued, "Many people have been there, but unfortunately none of them have been favored by the lady in the lake. Instead, the famous wizard Godric Gryffindor, he."

Suddenly a knight came over with a wine glass.

His tone was frivolous, and he added to the topic: "It's ridiculous, isn't it? The sword of King Arthur, the greatest human being, was given to a wizard freak by the lady of the lake."

"Maybe the Lady of the Lake is a witch?" Harry replied blankly.

The knight was stunned and laughed: "You said that the lady in the lake is a goblin, which is more reliable than a witch. When will those mumbling wizards be able to forge weapons?"

"Ever seen a goblin?" Harry asked him.

The knight shook his head: "No, but I have seen the crafts of goblins."

His eyes lingered on the armor Harry was wearing.

"Only skilled knights can be favored by goblins." His tone was somewhat envious.

"Where is that lake?" Harry looked at the proprietress.

"It's not far away, to the northwest, at the entrance of the valley named Kum Puka." The knight said the address before the lady boss could speak.

The proprietress frowned: "I won't give you the money."

"Of course." The knight nodded, but his eyes were fixed on Harry.

Harry put down his glass: "You want to go with me to find Galahad's relic?"

The knight readily admitted: "That's right."

"I can see that you are very powerful, and you can be recognized by the fairies. I can forge armor, weapons, and your sword for you. It doesn't seem like an ordinary sword? It is also a sword with the magical power of the fairies. Sword?"

"If you have a chance, please let me follow you during this journey."

Harry said nothing, thinking quietly.

He always remembered clearly that this trial was a memory of Gryffindor.

Then the appearance of this knight should also be something that Gryffindor has encountered before, just like how he treats himself now, and asks Gryffindor to follow him.

"Thank you, I don't think so." Thinking of this, Harry resolutely refused.

The knight's face became ugly.

Harry stood up and walked out the door.

The knight took a big stride and blocked his way: "No, please think about me"

With a glimpse, he saw Harry's eyes, those amber cat pupils, he couldn't help but took a few steps back, bumped his head against the bar, swept his arm, the glass was pushed down, the wine slipped down, and flowed all over the bar .

Harry quickened his pace, walked out of the pub, mounted his horse, and left the village.

"Aren't you going to rest tonight?" The Sorting Hat lazily said, "That village is a good choice. I haven't slept in bed for a long time."

"Gryffindor didn't tell you?" Harry shook his head.

The Sorting Hat was stunned: "What did you say?"

"In this part of his past, he was once betrayed." Harry said succinctly.

The Sorting Hat bowed its waist and tried to recall: "It seems that there was such a period of time in the past? Wait, how do you know, I almost forgot!"

"This is a trial," said Harry softly. "Nothing happens for no reason."

"Although I said that Mr. Gryffindor is very similar to Lockhart."

"It's just that the degree of narcissism is similar. He is far from the vulgar thing like Lockhart."

Speaking of which, Harry made his own guesses.

"The first village is Gryffindor, or Ms. Hufflepuff's reminder?"

"If it wasn't for me, it would be hard for a normal little wizard to think of hiding his identity, or it would be full of loopholes, and those people would catch the little wizard, or kill him directly, or use it to blackmail Ms. Hufflepuff. "

"As for this village, it allows me to understand the essence of trials, like Gryffindor, to find Galahad's relics."

"They seem to like this sense of ritual very much. When entering the first grade, little wizards have to take a small boat like the Big Four discovering Hogwarts. Now, here, I also want to walk on a boat like Gryffindor did back then. Go on a journey."

"That knight was the person Gryffindor met back then. He said at the beginning that he hated Gryffindor and wizards very much."

"But such a man actually followed Gryffindor. I think Sirius can guess what the result will be."

The Sorting Hat sighed, "So you didn't stay in the village because he saw your eyes?"

"Yeah." Harry nodded, his tone a bit sad, "Their malice towards wizards is really great."

He was almost catching up with the malice he had suffered.

The horse galloped fast.

When it was dawn, Harry rushed to this valley.

Fog shrouded the valley, and a magical power shrouded the entrance. Of course, this magical magical valley was not the destination of Harry's trip.

The lake in front of the valley also contains magic, a magic called "beauty".

The surface of the deep blue lake, even if there is a wind blowing, does not have any waves and ripples. It is as smooth as a polished sapphire mirror. A staunch defender of the lake.

Harry dismounted and led it across.

A small boat docked on the shore, as if waiting for his arrival.

call out--

Suddenly, there was a light sound from the nearby woods. It was the tension and release of the bowstring, and the arrow shot towards Harry at high speed.

Harry dodged on the horse's back.

The arrow hit the horse hard, no blood flowed out, and the horse didn't respond.

With a wave of Harry's wand, it turned into a stone again, and UUReading Book www.uukanshu.com blocked him in front of him.

"Look, I'll just say he's a wizard!" The knight in the tavern shouted loudly.

He led a group of fully armored knights, and rode out of the forest on horseback.

He stared intently at the boulder where Harry was hiding.

"Outliers! Accept the trial!" A bald knight yelled, "You weird creature does not deserve the relic of one of the greatest knights of mankind!"

Harry sighed: "You know what I want to say most now?"

"What?" The Sorting Hat was taken aback.

"Mr. Gryffindor, it seems a little too deliberate." In Harry's words, there was no tone, very indifferent.

The Sorting Hat still doesn't understand.

In the distance, the hooves of knights sounded, charging towards Harry.

Harry waved his wand unhurriedly: "Last night, I left the tavern and came straight here. I didn't stop or get lost on the way."

The black stones by the lake twisted and gushed out like vines, rushing towards the knights.

"I'm already at top speed."

"But these people are still faster than me, ambushing here." Harry clicked his tongue. "And, in my senses, this group of people suddenly appeared. There were not so many people in the forest before."

"Do you have to let a little wizard experience the scene where he was betrayed?"

The vines bound these mortal knights one by one, rolled them up, and lifted them up high, while the horses under their crotches tripped and fell to the ground.

Harry drew out the Snake Bone Sword, walked slowly in front of the group of knights, and looked at the one he met in the tavern, his face was full of horror.

Still a little Calvin~