
Historia Acranorum

According to the prophecy given by the goddess of light Lenora, Justin is to embark on a journey to stop the evil spreading across the land of arcana and the world.In this journey, he meets comrades, foes, companions, and love.

WallyPlum · Fantasy
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2 Chs

0: Prologue

In a world where magic is as normal as the air, where Mystical beasts rome, where fields of flowers flourished on end, where Powerful mage's strong enough to level countries, soon felt despair and loss

Blood curdling screams echoed through the air as smoke fills the night sky, guards and mage's of the city are being killed one by one, dark and ominous looking beast ravage the lands and blood crawls the ground, a total nightmare of a night that people wished was nothing more.

All these chaos, being lead by one man, a figure in a cloak wearing a mask that had four claw marks running across their face, named Ford.

As he sat atop of a tower staring to the horizon, he whispered under his breath "it seems the cavalry is taking their time". The screams were deminishing, "i guess we went a little too fast". But just after saying that, the ground started to shake,the hooves of horses as well as valiant screams were being heard, swords were raised and the banner of the Sunniva kingdom is being waved, the royal army has come and it is being lead by Prince Frederick.

Ford stood up and yelled "Look alive people, they're here". The henchmen were getting ready and the beasts has started to charge at the soldiers. "Let's show them our might" said ford as his arms and feet are being covered by darkness. He leaps to the ground and runs to battle.

Prince Frederick then unsheathed his sword and pointed it to the enemy "Onwards! to battle!!" he yells as his sword blazes aflame.

As the two groups collide, Prince Frederick jumped from his horse to deliver a heavy attack from above directed at Ford. Ford blocks the oncoming attack by creating a dark cloak on his arm

A wave of magic that resulted from their clash put both side's to a hault, Prince Frederick and Ford pushed each other back

"Surrender now, and we might consider sparing your life" said Prince Frederick, "Enough with the lines from the 'how to be a good prince' textbook and just Fight!" said Ford in a frustrated tone.

They resume their battle, Prince Frederick swings his flaming sword at Ford but is quickly blocked, he tried to attack again by aiming for his head but just like earlier, is also blocked. "Grrrr" Frederick growled, "Whoa there mutt, dont go bearing your fangs just because you can't land a Hit!" Ford says with a smirk on his face.

"What about This then!!!" Prince Frederick backs away and swing his sword at Ford's direction causing a wave of fire to appear, Ford quickly jumps back but Frederick followed by a sword swing aimed for his neck.

Before the blade reaches his neck he expands his dark magic by causing prince frederick to be blown back.

Prince Frederick and Ford falls to their knees, "Come on prince ass, is that all you've got?". Prince Frederick plants his foot to the ground and with all his might, added with his fire magic, he leaps forwards to ford covering their 1 kilometer distance in a blink of an eye.

Ford who is very startled uses his dark magic to again use dark cloak all over his body, Frederick swings his sword only to be blocked again. Furious, he leaps backwards and creates a miniature sun like fire ball. "Blazing Sun!" Frederick chanted aiming it at Ford, but to his surprise, the attack was absorbed by the darkness.

"W- What the..." said prince frederick in utter surprise, "What? did you think i would be bested by something as measly as that? dark magic isn't a rare affinity for nothing" said ford in a belittling tone and a smirk.

"What a tricky fellow" prince frederick stood still and closed his eyes, he released his magic and focused on his sword. After realizing what he was trying to do, ford conjures a sword using his dark magic and runs to frederick to stop him, but he was too late.

Prince Frederick opens his eyes and with a swift movement, he swings his sword cutting through Ford's dark cloak defense.

"H- How did he activate sword aura so quickly???" Ford thought to himself "Could he be... a Supreme Magic Swordsman?"

he thoughts to himself as he falls unconscious on ths ground."Your magic is nothing to my prowess" said Frederick.

The wind picks up around them, an ominous feeling put Prince Frederick on high alert.

"Your quite spot on, this child is not an opponent for you but he Does show promise" said by an unknown entity that cannot be seen with a soothing male voice, "Who's there? show your self!!" said prince frederick in a fighting stance ready to battle.

Thick, Dark smoke covered the field in mere seconds. "Soldiers, Fall back, Their is an unknown enemy here!!!" Prince Frederick screamed to his men as they regroup and backed away.

"Oh, that wont be necessary, this ends, Here" as the voice disappeared so did the smoke. So did the people that attacked, and so did Ford.

Hello everyone, this is my first novel so it pretty half-assed, if there is any pointers you can tell me to improve my writing skills please do tell me

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