
Historia Acranorum

According to the prophecy given by the goddess of light Lenora, Justin is to embark on a journey to stop the evil spreading across the land of arcana and the world.In this journey, he meets comrades, foes, companions, and love.

WallyPlum · Fantasy
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2 Chs

0: Prologue part 2

Prince Frederick returned to the kingdom, "Prince Frederick, what of the killer of your father?" said the Duke of Allofaria, Duke Verrill. "Im sorry Uncle... he got away.." said Prince Frederick in a solemn voice. Duke Verrill felt frustrated.

"But uncle, can you please initiate a closed door meeting? this is Urgent!" Prince Frederick asked Duke Verrill in a serious tone, "What for your highness?" asked the duke in a worried manner, "After i defeated the killer, an ominous magic came and took them away, it felt like... Demonic mana", "What!?!" surprised by what prince frederick said, "i see... then a meeting with the council is a must" said duke verrill.

The scheduled meeting has concluded, the council has decided to send the royal knights to survey the land and royal mages to scan the mana in each region.

3 weeks have passed

"Your highness, the report from the patrol has arrived" said the knight. "I see, thank you" said prince frederick to the soldier, "hmm still nothing... what of the mages?" prince frederick questioned, "they have yet to submit their report" answered the knight.

Right after the the knight said that, a person suddenly bursts through the door, it was Irene Agnar, the archmage of the Sunniva Kingdom, daughter of count agnar, she has red wavy hair, orange eyes and pale skin, "Archmage Irene! What is the meaning of this intrusion!?" yelled prince frederick in an angry tone.

"M- My deepest apologies your highness, but this is Very Urgent!" she exclaimed, "What? what is it?? have you found a lead?" prince frederick inquired, "Well no sir, but this is also Very Urgent! when we were scaning the region of the holy lands of Pollifaria, we encountered a very high amount of devine energy flowing through the cathedral, we suspect it to be a Prophecy" she explained, "A prophecy?? are you sure?" said Prince Frederick, visually surprised by the news, "Yes your highness!" answered Irene, "then it would seem i need to pay the cathedral a visit, if that is all, you may take your leave, Irene send a message to the cathedral of my arrival" said prince frederick as he stands up to get ready to leave for the city of Pollifaria.

As prince frederick arrives to the cathedral, he is met by Cardinal Paul and Cardinal Eric,"Good day your highness, we are here to escort you to the pope" they said in a hurried manner, "Let us make haste then, a prophecy only comes once in a century after all", as they make their way to the Sacrament Chapel, prince frederick felt chills run down his spine because of nervousness.

They make it to the Sacrament Chapel, there they greet the Pope, "Ah! Prince Frederick! or i guess i should say King Frederick.. i am so sorry for your loss" The pope gives his condolences, "That.. that does not matter right now Pope Daniel.. we have a prophecy at hand.. have you deciphered it?" Prince Frederick asked wanting to change the subject, "Well, you are Just in time, i have just finished my lord", Pope daniel answers delightedly, "Well then? what does the prophecy say?", he eager to know the answer, "Here it is" the pope prepares himself, Ehem, "Oh great country of Sunniva, a great evil is upon you, an evil that will spread across the world, endangering everyone. But do not fear, for in 24 months, on this very day, a child will be born in my image, with the power to oppose the enemy that yearns for the destruction of the world, and as well as other people that is destined to accompany him on his journey, will vanquish the evil that is spreading. So until then, the countries of this world shall band together in other to protect yourselves, and to guide these heroes to the right path. But beware, for a child will be born the same day as the hero, the child will bear the power the enemy yearns for, that will then help them bring suffering and damnation to both the heroes, and the world".

After the pope relaid the information contained in the prophecy, prince frederick felt amazed and worried at the same time, "I-.. I see... well, thank you for your help pope daniel but i must depart quickly, for i have to inform the other monarchs of this, farewell",

as the prince leave the cathedral with a worry some heart, yet he tried to be professional.

2 weeks after the prophecy, the monarchs of the 6 countries has arrived to the neutral islad in ths middle of the Apifica Ocean

The room was filled with contempt and annoyance, "What are we even Doing here?" said Queen Leticia, Monarch of the kingdom of Arcana, "Now, now Queen Leticia, im sure the young king of sunniva has a reason" said the monarch of the sacred forest, King Behroz, "Well he better have, the preparation for the moon festival has been suspended because of this", said the ruler of the beast kingdom, Chief Lionheart, "Ugh, why do i have to sit next to this Mutt" said the king of giants, King Loki, "Huh?! What did you just say to me? you primitive cave man" said chief Lionheart in an annoyed and angry tone, "The fuck did you say Pussy cat?" said King loki as he stood up trying to intimidate him, "I said what i said" Chief Lionheart answered while bearing his fangs, "..'signed'..Men..." said the monarch of Mazanoa, Queen Aznea.

Young king frederick finally arrives "My apologies, the physician checked my wife on her pregnancy" he said excitedly, "That's not what we Came here for is it?" answered queen aznea in an annoyed tone, "Yes, my apologies queen aznea, well, without further adieu, i would like to relay a prophecy given by the goddess herself".