
Junior high Trauma

It's now seven years later. I'm thirteen, and I'm still going to this one place I hate most, school. Not because it's eight hours of being in a classroom but because it's eight hours of being with him in a classroom of, my bully aka Min Yoongi. He's not just my bully, but he's also been my crush for seven years. Ever since that cold December night I've been dreaming about him wishing he would notice me, hoping that when he did he wouldn't torture me with his friends. As you can guess his friends also bully me but it doesn't hurt as much as when he does it. even after all my wishing and all my hoping I hate the thought of knowing he'll never like a nerd like me. Ugggggh after all that talking I just now remembered that tomorrow will be the middle of seventh grade which means 18 more weeks of seeing his face, And I am determined to make him wish he never even thought about bullying me. Just because he's popular and rich doesn't mean I'm going to let him treat me like a like a piece of trash on the side of the road. I'm a smart, beautiful, and optimistic woman who deserves to be treated like a queen, and if he is going to say doesn't like me because I don't express my true self as much as he thinks I should,then let me express myself to se if he can handle me.

••••••••••••••••••NEXT DAY••••••••••••••••••

It's the middle of the year, and I just got to school. I try to find my three friends: Elizabeth, Gracie, and Sarah. I search for ten minutes before I find the person I wanted to see least of all: Min Yoongi or should I say the 'King of the School'. I try to quickly walk pass him, but he makes sure I don't get far. Yoongi shouts, " Hey everyone the nerd's here, and she is wearing her pajamas!" The whole school started laughing at me. My gosh this is so embarrassing. Finally, I say, " At least I'm not a spoiled girl who picks on people like they're trash!" His face immediately flushed of all color. I realized I should show him my true self.