
His stubborn mate

what will happen when 20 year old independent mujde meets her mate the possessive king of all the alphas.

sara999 · Fantasy
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5 Chs


I took a deep drag, my tense muscles gradually going lax as the smoke filled my lungs. unfortunately the smoke did nothing to relax my tense mind. I've been tapping my foot against the porch step anxiously ever since discovering that I just purchased a house on the outskirts of the royal werewolf pack.

I ran away from home when I was 5 John and lisa the former alpha and luna took me in as their daughter and hid me away from my father Philips who wanted to kill me . I avoided the royal ball and every single formal gathering and hid my Identity from when I was 5 and any other werewolf beside from my pack like plague. The longer I stayed here the higher my chances were of being caught but for some reason, I didn't want to leave. which was stupid, if someone found out that I am the rogue king's daughter and not the daughter of John knight the former alpha of blue river moon pack.

And if they were successful in finding my identity they would tell Philips that I'm here. No doubt the fucker called all packs in Russia, spreading filthy lies about what a danger I am, so if I came in contact with a pack they would blow the whistle on me and I'd be in the same horrible situation I was in years ago.

I have been classified as a rogue as I born rogue, which doesn't make me look better. rogues are the hell raisers of werewolf world, and have been known to cause mass destruction.

"Fuck, this just gets better and better. " I muttered to myself as I stomped out cigarette. staying here would be the worst decision I could make. not only are Philips lies and the fact that I'm a rogue going to raise some serious red flags and increase the chance of me getting caught, but these is another thing that could ultimately lead to my demise.

The king has a meeting for all the alphas at his pack to consult each other during times of hardships or when something important is happening.

So not only there be a even higher chance of being caught, but there would be a chance of meeting one of Philips puppet alpha face to face. The thought of his cold grey eyes sent a shutter down my spine. I reached into my pocket and gripped at my key's while looking back at my car. I should leave.

Go right now, this very instant. that's the best thing I could do, the safest thing to do. I stood up and took a step towards my car when a howl bellowed loudly inside my head, making me stumble over my own feet and nearly fall. my wolf amethyst has been silent for years now, after all this time is a shock.

Her howl filled with sorrow and had me edge. I stood frozen like statue, "amethyst? what's going on?" I asked. silence for a moment, I thought she had went catatonic again, but then she said "don't leave." I frowned.

"why would I stay?" silence. when he didn't make a move to answer. I took another step towards my car "stay!" amethyst growled in desperation. I was getting more frustrated by the minute, " why?" I asked again "stay." she said in a soft whisper, before going silent again. I guess four words is all I'm going to get from amethyst, it's more than she said in years.

But why did she want to stay here? she didn't need to answer because I already knew. It was the strange pull this had on me, amethyst felt it too, and I'm guessing she knew what it was. With a huff I agreed to stay, "fine amethyst, but in six months we're moving away." she didn't reply, not that I expected her to.

Might as well unpack my things. I followed the cobblestone path down to street where I had parked my vehicle and grabbed a couple of my boxes from the trunk. It was sad now that I think about it, I'm a grown woman, and the only things I have are some boxes of crap,

a suitcase full of bad and good memories, and the clothes on my back.

The only thing sadder would be if I threw it all in a trash bag and started dragging it behind me. I have Philips to thank for that.

I carried the boxes back to house, juggling them in my arms as I tried to open the door, nearly dropping everything twice before finally getting the damn thing open. I went inside and set boxes by the front door before taking in my surroundings. Straight ahead was a staircase that lead to the second floor, and a small foyer.

To my left was a dining room, if the dinner table was any consolation. Peaking my head into the room I saw that the kitchen was connected to the dining room through a large archway, The only thing separating the two rooms was the kitchen counter, which glistened in the sunlight.

I then turned to my right and found the living room, furnished just like the other rooms. With downstairs explored I made my way to the second floor, where I found four more rooms, two on each side of the hallway. First I checked the rooms on the left, just an office and a libra, two things I'll probably use.

Then the two rooms on the right side of the hallway were bedrooms, each having their own, ensuite bathroom and walk-in-closet. I went downstairs and grabbed the boxes, by the door that contained my clothes and took them back upstairs to my new bedroom, the first one on the right because it's closer.

I go out back to the car and take the other two boxes to kitchen because they have some some food and stuff which I unpack and store away. Now to bring in the retched suitcase, I thought with a sigh. I went out and grabbed my suitcase from the car, locking the doors behind me as I made my way back into the house. I went up the stairs and threw the suitcase into the very back of the closet before quickly slamming the door shut.

Leaning against the closet door, I panted softly. Just carrying that suitcase into the house took it's toll on me, it felt like it was pulling me down, trying to drag me to the pits of hell. I could have sworn I felt jerk in my hands. Inspite of the situation, I laughed softly. Look at me, having paranoid thoughts of evil, hell- bent suitcase. what's next?

Demon possessed jackets going on murdering sprees?

I unpacked my clothes and put them in the dresser, before going downstairs. I sat at the coffee table in the kitchen and started to think. I wanted to figure out why amethyst was so intent that we should stay here. That is, until the doorbell rang. who could possibly be at the door?

Maybe one of killer jackets.