
His stubborn mate

what will happen when 20 year old independent mujde meets her mate the possessive king of all the alphas.

sara999 · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Meeting Mujde.

Sebastian pov...

That's all I needed, confirmation that my suspicions were correct. I looked at my watch and saw that it was six PM, Mujde should be awake. Good, because I don't see any reason in waiting until tomorrow morning to get answers

Mujde is either a threat to my pack and people, or she is one threatened and if that is the case it's my moral obligation to protect her. That thought gave me a pause, the only people I'm morally obliged is my pack and my people. Not some rogues.

But Mujde is different for some reason, her very name gives me a warm fuzzy feeling inside and ever since, stirring in my mind occasionally and staying near the surface, like he was on the look out for something.

I don't know what's happening to me.

But there are more urgent matters at moment with that thought I left my office for my car, while fishing the keys from my pocket. After I got to my car and started the engine I peeled out of the driveway.

My hand's grip on the steering wheel tightened until my knuckles turned white. My wolf was just beneath the surface, growling as he fought me for control.

With how close he was to the surface I'm sure my eye's were glowing the brilliant green-blue of my wolf's. I looked at my reflection in the rearview mirror and sure enough my eyes were shining brightly, pupils now the elliptical shaped ones of vital's eyes

It occurred to me that mujde might be human and at sight of my wolf eyes she would freak out, run screaming into the hills, and give the tabloids a new headliner.

I could imagine it now; man with wolf eyes would be exaggerated to wolf man spotted, then city of werewolves, including stories of grisly murders caused by the 'wolf people.'

I'm not concerned that anyone would believe that trash. But I am concerned that a hunter might see the magazine; gather up a hunting group and come to destroy the pack.

Not wanting to see the destruction of my pack I grabbed my shades from the sun visor and put them on, hiding my eyes perfectly. I pulled up to the curb and parked behind what looked to be mujde's car.

I got out and was hit by a scent so powerful it nearly bought me to my knees. My wolf purred in appreciation as I tried to regain my balance. It smelled like fresh strawberries and chocolate.

The scent was incredibly sweet smiling, and had my mouth watering.

I walked up to the front door in such a haze I didn't even remember getting there. I rung the doorbell and waited. My knees felt like they would buckle out from under me as the smell grew closer.

The door swung open and I instantly found myself lost in the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen. They were gas flame blue, so vibrant in color that it made them even more mesmerizing.

But in an flash the pupils changed into elliptical slits, the blue irises expanded leaving no white, and changed to a honey brown. "She's our's." Vital said. Yes, she is ours, I thought in agreement.

wait. rogue?

I was so lost in my mate's eyes that I didn't notice any of his other features. I stepped back and looked at the rest of my mate's features. Long, brownish golden hair was in disarray, smooth face, and soft pink lips and I was shocked to discover my mate was indeed a rogue.

Not possible, this has to be a mistake. Vital must be mistaken. "I am not mistaken!" vital snarled. So this means the moon goddess made a mistake.

I was so confused, my brain malfunctioned from the shock and I just stood there, frozen. The just as quick as my brain shut off it was was on again, and working at a million miles an hour.

In my befuddle state I had no control of myself, my body and my mouth went rogue on me. "I reject you." I said in a rush. Pain flashes in her eyes before the changed back to his normal blue eyes.

Her expression was blank, completely emotionless. " I accept your rejection. " she said, before closing the door in my face. My body went autopilot, took me to my car, and drove me away from my mate's home.

Mujde pov...

I leaned against the door as pain coursed through my body. Rejection hurts. But how could this ever happened? Rogues don't have pack mates, they have rogue mates.

And from what I could tell he was someone from the pack nearby I could still see him every time I closed my eyes, his warm brown eye's dirty blonde hair, and well defined muscles. Nope definitely not a rogue.

Back to the situation how did we end up being mates? Has moon goddess been smoking something? I hissed when a pang of pain shot through my heart, it was so intense that I almost collapsed.

I stumbled into the kitchen and fell to my knees. Before the sink before throwing cabinet doors open. I blindly reach into the back, and smiled when fingers brushed against cool glass.

I wrapped my fingers around the bottle of whiskey and pulled out. I threw the doors back shut and sat in one of the chairs at the table. I should pour my liquor into a glass, but seeing as it's just mr drinking it doesn't really matter.

The cap twisted off with a crink. I brought the bottle to my lips and took long, deep swallow. I set the bottle down and smiled when the pain started to dull.

Alchohol doesn't effect werewolves as intensly as it does humans. In summary it takes a lot of alchohol to get a werewolf hammered.

Looks like I have a lot of drinking to do.