

"This child will grow with strength and courage but with the power he holds, eyes of jealousy shall pry. He shall break. No matter how hard he tries, he is but a tool in their eyes. He shall suffer and within him darkness will emerge. If his darkness is not tamed, arise destruction, one race shall be sent to oblivion." A prophecy meant for genocide! A moonkissed child is either fated to save or destroy a single race. Will this child be a blessing or a curse? A struggle to survive ,to be able find light within darkness and love within hatred. To protect what's important. "Find the other half of the moon in your hands"

InsaneShiro · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
9 Chs

CHAPTER SEVEN: The Second in Command


"Mom... Wake up. Mom!" He kept shaking his mothers shoulder. He was trembling in fear. No. He couldn't accept it. Why was this happening to them?

Slowly the womans eyes opened slightly but suddenly widen when she realized that her son was the one in front of her.

"Ke...an... R-run!" The boy froze when he heard heavy footsteps coming closer and closer. When he turned around, there the man stood. The man he never thought would do this to them even a in a million years.

"There you are, boy!"


Keans POV

Stephan and I carried Allen to the pack hospital but to our surprise Alpha Jason was there.

I never really thought that I'd be able to convince this guy to a contract.

"Fight me boy!" The alpha growled. "Fight for my daughters hand or die!!!"

I was stunned. My wolf wasn't even able to sense him. "Not that it had any differece."I said and when I looked at Stephan for back up, he vanished. "Traitor!" I whispered.

"Come on, boy! Put the Allen down and fight me like a real wolf!" Ahh cliche much? Alpha Jason lunged forward which made me let go of Allen. Uhh... That gotta hurt. I defended myself while catching his hands that wanted to strangle my neck. The damn old fart is strong! His grip tighten and his claws dug deep within my hands. I growled at him while bearing my teeth. This fight was unavoidable. It was now or never.

"What happened to wanting to die for my daughter?" Alpha jason mocked.

"You had your chance." I said with a smirk on my lips. Yes I am not confident that I will win this battle but... I will not back down. I have to make him understand. I have to make them understand. He pushed hard and tried to kick my stomach but I was able to guards it with my right knee. I took that opening to escape his hold. He kept coming at me with his punches. Alpha jason was strong and fast. It was hard to keep up. "Whats wrong pup? No more wisecracks, eh?" He snickered while throwing punches left and right.

"Well, ya see. Its hard when I want to crack you up a punch line! Get it? Crack you... With punches?" I laughed. He looked displeased. Yeah. I sound like an Idiot sometimes. I was on defemse mode. He kept attacking while I had to try and dodge as many as I can. This is hard. I cant seem to find an opening. The difference in strength was there but the biggest advantage he had was experience. It was shown in the alphas movements. Tch.

"You think you can come 're and take my princess, eh?"

"Technically, you guys were the one who came to our pack and about your daughter sir, I stand by with what I said."

Alpha Jasons eyes were filled with rage. "I'M GONNA KILL YOU MUTT!" He leaped and went flying to my direction. A flying wolf? How about that? Nah just kidding. This time I wasnt able to escape. He was able to pin me down with his feet. Imagine that!

"Die you, Mutt!" His right foot stepping on my throat and his other foot on my chest. I kept clawing him but it was no use. He stood there with anger on his eyes. I struggle under his feet. Like literally. Ahh.. Stupid mouth of mine. If only I could learn to shut up sometimes. Honesty to a fault. I grunt and scoffed while I choked. Think kean... Think! What to do? What to do? Then out of no where a scent of strawberry and vanilla came. A wave of sensation came overflowing inside me. My wolf kept clawing my mind.


"WHAT THE HELL DAD!!" Jasmine came with a fearsome look. She was so mad that I think I saw Alpha Jason flinch.

"H-hey, sweety! I was just having a chat with this fellow right here!" Instantly I was on my feet. Considering how he just used one hand to MAKE me stand. "A CHAT! He was practically dying on your feet!!" Okay so much for being the shy type. Haha shes got fire in her. mate! I mentally rolled my eyes on my beast. Damn it. Even just the sight of her makes me crazy. Shes just perfect. As I was watching her argue with her dad, I just couldn't help but stare at her. She had the most beautiful amber eyes that shines brightly with her light brown hair. Her skin was tanned perfectly and body that could bring every man to his feet... Damn it! I felt the mate bond pulling me towards her. A mate bond is the connection you have with your mate. The goddess made it so that we were able to find our mates. But the only setback is that it keeps you coming back to them no matter how much you want to run. Its like a string that keeps your souls together and once you've find your mate, it'll be even harder to be away from them.

"I will stay here and that is final!!" those were the words that registered in my mind. Did I just heard her wrong? They were arguing one minuet then this!!!

"I am to stay with my mate as tradition and by my choice." She said firmly. Alpha jason did not like what her daughter had said. "You will come home with me! And THIS MUTT! You will leave this mutt and come home!"


Even after the cold treatment I did earlier, she... I sighed. I really dont deserve her. I dont know what the moon goddess is thinking, giving me a mate like her.

"Hes my mate." She was strong. She is an alphas pup. My wolf felt pride seeing our mate fight for us.

"Go home." both of them looked at my direction.  "STAY OUT OF THIS!!" both of them replied at the same time. My jaw dropped instantly. I raised my hand in defeat. "Whatever."

"Stephan, take Allen home."

Stephan emerged from who knows where. "Its over already? I was hoping for a bloody show!" he took Allen with him then I shifted to my wolf and left. My wolf hesitated from leaving. Mate!

I ran to the forest. I let my instincts take over. My wolf understood why it was necessary but he still thinks I'm an idiot.

"There you are, boy!"

Damn it.

"You are just like me. You ARE me!"

I fell on my knees as I shifted to my skin. "I am nothing like you."


I growled when I heard the voice. I calmed down when I saw who it was.  "What do you want?"

Jasmines POV

I fell down when I heard him growl. I trembled to his powerful voice. "What do you want?" He said to me. His eyes stared at me coldly. I breathe deeply to calm my nerves.

"Are you okay?" I asked. He seemed shocked and pained by my question. "Are you okay?" I asked again. Suddenly he pined me down to the ground with his hand gripping mine. "Go home." He said firmly. He was trying so hard not to show emotion but his eyes revealed everything. My mate was in pain. "I will stay."

"Go home." He repeated. I shook my head and touched his cheek with my other hand that was free from his hold. "I will stay."

"DAMN IT!" he said. His head was now resting on my shoulder as we lay on the ground. He was silent for moments I didn't know how long. His hand still held mine captive as he did with my heart. I know it seems stupid. I'm not sure if its the mate bond but I fell for him even though all he ever did was push me away. I could feel his breath touching my skin. My wolf cried and ached for him. She wants him as do I. He needs us and we will be there for him.

I wont lie. It really does hurt and it hurts even more since he is my mate. Each time he tells me to leave, daggers swarm and stabs my heart. "Go home, please. I dont want to hurt you." He broke the silence with a whisper.

"What do you mean?"

"just leave. Please." He said and got up. I stood up as well. I could see that he was trying to be as cold as he could. I understood when I saw his eyes what Allen meant. Sometimes bad things happen to good people. Its not their fault. It was not his choice.

"I will stay. We want to be with you."

He laughed sarcastically with a grim expression, filled with pain that no one could even sketch. A face that looks like hes been from hell and back.

"Can you still love a murderer?"


2017 Me:

Shock! K-kean? What did he just said? 〣( ºΔº )〣

Haha Want to know whats gonna happen next?? Not tellin'!! Bwahaha keep reading and you'll find out!!

Dont forget to vote. Please leave comments too! I would really really love to hear from all of you!!


Thanks for reading!

Also 2023 me:

why was I sooooo dramatic??😂😂😂