
His redemption

Everybody knew he had it all. Fame, girls, shit ton of money, beautiful parents, charming brothers and best friend.... but, did he! Damon Stone didn't grow up like any normal child. At the early age of 10, he had to learn how to take care of his 8 and 7 year old brothers because his parents were never home. "We won't be home until next week honey, we love you three so much. Take care, mommy and daddy will be home before you know it" They'd say. But it was all a lie, he realised later that all they said was a load of bull and he loathed them so much for choosing money over their own children. His hatred blinded him so much that he started taking it out on other people. At his school, he was known as the 'Demon' with a heart of Stone and he couldn't care less. He loved it, all the fear, it's like he fed off of it. He loved the way girls would practically shit themselves under his gaze just for them to come begging for a one night stand. The way he would intimidate men both older and younger than him due to his strong built body, he loved it. Until he met her. They say that even the coldest hearts deserve to be let in, will she be his saviour! Or will he teach her all he's ever known. Destruction.

Sabrina_Iris · Urban
Not enough ratings
22 Chs

I almost said it back.

I thanked her and went back inside. I leaned against the door and sighed.

"Why would the driver give me the key to Damon's suit?" I mumbled to myself puzzled. I fixed my sweatpants and walked to the bedroom with ice cream and strawberries in hand. I opened it and nearly passed out from delight. I grabbed the huge spoon that came with it and took a huge scoop. I stood up and switched off all the lights except for the lamps.

I jumped on the king sized bed and switched on the TV. I grabbed the strawberries and used them as topings. I searched through the channels and decided to settle with Moana. I watched the Animation I fell in love with when I was a toddler in peace, the rain pouring outside creating a cozy and comfortable environment. I couldn't have been more at ease.

I only wished my momma was here with me and she will, no matter how long it takes. I was half way through Moana when I suddenly got an overwhelming urge to pee. I begrugingly got out of bed and used the restroom. I took the opportunity and brushed my teeth. I got the remaining ice cream and strawberries and put them away in the freezer situated in the in-built kitchen.

I grabbed a cup of water and walked towards the floor-to-ceiling window in the living room over looking the busy streets. It was hard to see what was ahead let alone below so I just settled with watching the little droplets roll down the window.

Suddenly, I heard the door 'click' open and I turned around in fright. I waited in anticipation as the door slide open oh so slowly. My heart skipped a beat when I saw it was him. His white T-shirt was folded all the way to his elbows whilst his tie hang loosely around his neck. The shirt stuck to his body like a second skin due to it being wet. He held his coat in his right hand while the other held the door open. He shut the door close and took off his shoes with a grunt.

It felt like years since I'd seen him and having him infront of me right now did something to me. My throat went dry as I watched him push his hair out of his face. He froze once he noticed my presence. He looked me over and his lips stretched to a devilish sexy smirk that only he seemed to pull off.

"I thought you'd be asleep by now." He said throwing his coat down. I wanted to say so much to him. Like why he disappeared and didn't have the courtesy to tell me why or even call once in a while. I mean, it's not like he had any responsibility to do so it's just that when I travel with someone I usually like it when they keep tabs....if that makes any sense.

All in all I was angry, so angry I'd slept late some nights having imaginary conversations with him. Planning on how I'd give him an ear full but yet, being in his presence with his cologne engulfing every sense of my body was enough to shut my mouth and send my insides into a frenzy.


":-where have you been?" I asked so lowly, I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't hear a thing. But yet, he did.

"I had some really important work to settle before I came here." He sighed and closed his eyes for a second before opening them up again. But then I noticed behind his usual flirty gaze that he seemed to always hold, he looked tired. He walked over to me and surprisingly, I engulfed him in a hug. I felt how tense his muscles we're so I gently rubbed his back while he buried his head in the crook of my neck, soaking me in the process. He relaxed a little and sighed, his wet hair tickled my neck and face making me giggle a bit.

"You want me to order you something to eat!" I mumbled softly in his ear. He shook his head side ways but didn't say anything.

"How about snacks then. There's chocolate ice cream in the freezer." He chuckled a bit and turned to face me whilst his head was still on my neck.

"Only you'd have ice cream on a stormy night." I rolled my eyes and he chuckled.

"How about you take a hot shower and change before you catch a cold." I hummed gently pulling back. His gray orbs starred at me for a while and he smiled. Not a smirk, but a real breathtaking smile.

"I'm so glad you're here Wright." He cupped my cheeks and pulled me in. He hesitated for a bit, afraid I'd pull away before he lightly pecked my temple. He walked towards the bedroom I was in and I realised it's probably the master bedroom. I heard the water start running so I quickly changed into a black sweater matching the huge black sweatpants I had on and a pair of briefs.

I ran out of the bedroom once I heard the shower go off and settled in the living room. I rested my head on the window and sighed. My eyes closed shut listening to the rain drops hit. I felt a presence sitting beside me and I didn't need to open my eyes to know who it was.

"It's pretty late maybe we should head to bed." He said, his voice raspy as if he'd spent a long time without speaking. I opened my eyes and stared at him. His black shirt matched the gray sweatpants he had on and for a second I thought he wanted to match with me. The thought brought a goofy, stupid smile to my face.

"What are you smiling about you!" He said and looked at me with a small smile on his face. I shook my head side ways and sighed.

"Why did you want me in your suite?"

"Well it's a stormy night and I didn't want you to be alone." I wanted to ask him how he knew I was alone but realised how stupid it would sound.

"Thank you!" I mumbled looking over at him. He brushed his damp hair out of his face and looked outside.

"You look hot in my clothes." I scoffed and rolled my eyes.

"How original of you. Totally not cliché." I said with a hint of sarcasm.

"Believe it or not, not a lot of girls get to wear my clothes."

"So there are a few!" I hummed and scratched my chin like a detective. He chuckled to himself but surprisingly, he didn't say anything back.

"This is the part where you tell me that I should be lucky to breath the same air as you." He laughed and shook his head side ways.

"Not tonight." He said in between peals of laughter.

"Tonight I get to enjoy your company and same applies to you." He shrugged and looked back outside.

"Fun fact, Ace once jumped from the hotel's roof top with nothing but a parachutte on." Now it was my time to laugh. I felt insides curl up due to how much I was laughing.

"No way!" I covered my mouth coyly trying to stop laughing.

"Yep! But back then it was not yet finished so it wasn't as high as it is today. I remember Rosie losing her mind when she found out about it." He smiled but it didn't quite reach his eyes.

"Who's Rosie?" His facial expressions changed. He cast a glance to me before looking back outside.

"My mother." He responded cooly. I frowned in shock.

"And then there's Derrick who, before that whole incident happened, had not called either of us for weeks on end and the very first thing he said to me was how disappointing I am. My one job is to take care of my brothers and I had failed to do that." My heart nearly broke listening to him talk about his parents and not once did he look at me.

"Why don't you call them mom and dad?" This time, he did look and it made me gulp.

"All they've been is Rosie and Derrick. Not once have they ever been parents to me Bloss." He turned and looked outside with indifference. I reached over and held his cold yet soft hand.

"I am so sorry Damon." He looked at my hand and his expression turned a little sorrow. I wondered if it was okay of me to continue this conversation. When I thought he wouldn't say anything, he opened his mouth and spoke to me.

"I didn't grow up like Phraser and Ace. I was passed around from nanny to nanny and when I got old enough, they'd sent me to the country side to live with my grandmother." He smiled a little and continued.

''Ace and Phray didn't go anywhere nor we're they surrounded by maids 24/7 so when Rosie and Derrick started to pull back into their old ways, the boys felt terrible and hurt. They would do everything and anything to get their attention but I would not understand why they wanted to:-"

":-because you had nothing to compare their pain to." I mumbled softly. He nodded his head and smiled but I could see the pain behind it.

"Damon, I:-"

":-I don't need your pity Bloss."

"That's not what I'm doing. I just wanted to say that no one deserves to go through what you went through. Absolutely no one." I don't know what it was that pulled me towards him. At that moment, I wanted to hold him again.

I think this is the first time I saw his vulnerable side. He dropped his flirty, know-it-all facade and actually gave me a glimpse of the person he truly is. He showed me that he is not perfect, he is a human being with feelings too and they we're violated by the two people he is supposed to trust and love the most in this world at such a tender age.

I guess that's what gave me the courage to get closer to him. I cupped his cheek and he leaned on my palm with his eyes closed. I smiled a little and massaged his scalp. When he opened his eyes again, my lips parted with a gasp.

God he was beautiful!

He leaned in and kissed me. I was still getting used to the whole thing so I let him take control. He bit my lip playfully and I gasped in surprise. Our lips moved in sync and I felt my insides curl up in excitment.

"Thank you!" He mumbled resting his forehead against mine.

"For what?" I gasped as I tried to even my breathing.

"Being here. With me." He said and pecked my lips lightly.

"I missed you Wright." I laughed pulling away from him. He held my hand and stood up to go to the bedroom.

I almost said it back.

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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