
His redemption

Everybody knew he had it all. Fame, girls, shit ton of money, beautiful parents, charming brothers and best friend.... but, did he! Damon Stone didn't grow up like any normal child. At the early age of 10, he had to learn how to take care of his 8 and 7 year old brothers because his parents were never home. "We won't be home until next week honey, we love you three so much. Take care, mommy and daddy will be home before you know it" They'd say. But it was all a lie, he realised later that all they said was a load of bull and he loathed them so much for choosing money over their own children. His hatred blinded him so much that he started taking it out on other people. At his school, he was known as the 'Demon' with a heart of Stone and he couldn't care less. He loved it, all the fear, it's like he fed off of it. He loved the way girls would practically shit themselves under his gaze just for them to come begging for a one night stand. The way he would intimidate men both older and younger than him due to his strong built body, he loved it. Until he met her. They say that even the coldest hearts deserve to be let in, will she be his saviour! Or will he teach her all he's ever known. Destruction.

Sabrina_Iris · Urban
Not enough ratings
22 Chs

The Big City

Life is beautiful. It can be cruel at times. Throwing the wildest, most cruel things at you but the amazing part of it is, you still have a chance to grow. Another day to live and certainly, to learn from the mistakes made.

Who could've thought that a girl like me. From a poor but humble background, rich in love and adoration for the simplest things in life, could've actually had the guts to fly in an airplane to Los Angeles!

Kingsley High has been everything but, rainbows and butterflies. But I guess that's to be expected when you have one of the most handsome men in the entire campus locking you in the ladies' room just to ask you to accompany him to New York and even ask you to be his girlfriend....I think!

Damon is the most complicated human being I've ever come across and will ever meet. He enticed me with his beauty, those eyes that held the most innocent and tender feel at times, but could send someone running for the hills in a matter of seconds. He held an authorotative aura to him, perhaps because he is rich! But I highly doubt it, it's just Damon Stone. The person he is and will always be.

Days passed and school couldn't have been any better. I adapted well to...everything. All the subjects and even PE. Kaylee told me that Phraser or...'Phray' as she calls him, had asked her to be his date to a gala happening in New York and I couldn't have been happier that we'll be together over there. Alessa was Jake's date and somehow, she managed to get Hayes to ask Jupiter to be his date. And now, I couldn't have been any happier than this but Damon was not around. He'd disappeared after our encounter in the ladies' room.

It was a Friday evening so, the girls decided we hang out in my room and buy our dresses online so we can just pick them up when we got to New York. My eyes nearly bulged out of my socket when I spotted a beautiful black dress. The back was open forming an oval shape but it all came together at the back of the neck to form a beautifully tied knot. It hugged the manicure's figure so well it looked like a second skin. I knew it'd never look good on me.

"This is so beautiful!" Jupiter squealed looking at it. The girls agreed and I did too.

"How about you take this one Bloss! It'd look amazing on you and I have noticed you have a thing for black." Jupiter said examing the dress more and looking back at me.

"Uhm, no I'm good." I shook my head side ways frantically and she rolled her eyes.

"We have been looking through dresses for hours now and you haven't said a thing. You're the only one who hasn't picked a dress yet Bloss!" Alessa groaned standing up. She stretched for a bit and then came back on my bed.

"It shows too much skin and plus, I'd look ridiculous." I mumbled looking it over again. Kee burst out in laughter and punched my arm lightly.

"I hate it when you sell yourself short." Alessa mumbled shaking her head at me.

"You'll look stunning Blossy and you will steal Dem...I mean Damon's breath away." Kee said and cupped both my cheeks comfortingly.

After a few more pleas from the girls, I finally caved in and ordered the dress. It really was beautiful and I prayed to God it fits well.

Days turned into a week and finally, it was time to go. Damon was still not here. Apparently, he'd already left for business to God knows where. For a second I wondered if he had changed his mind, found a much more beautiful white girl and replaced me with her?

Anything was possible with him but I tried to do as he asked and 'cut him some slack'. It didn't seem to be working. Hayes drove us to the Stone's private airstrip and we boarded Damon's plane. I was blown away by the inside, it looked like a mini beach house with everything you'd need. A huge TV screen, couches that could surprisingly turn to beds.

The girls and Phraser immediately took off to their supposed 'rooms' but I opted to sit by the window. I drank water throughout the whole plane ride to try and calm my nerves but nothing was working. I watched as Jake and Alessa cuddled in their own private booth. He pecked her cheek and she smiled with love in her eyes. I couldn't help but smile at them. Deep down, I knew I'd never have what they have;-atleast not with....him.

"Hey! You alright?" Hayes sat in front of me with a glass of water too. I nodded my head with what I hoped was a convicing smile plastered on my face.

"I don't fly much, that's all!" He hummed and passed me some pills.

"Alessa usually does the whole 'caring' but uhm:-" He trailed off looking back at her.

":-she's a bit busy at the moment." I chuckled and happily took the pills. I felt my stomach growl in protest as I felt the contents go down my throat.

"You haven't eaten a thing." He frowned in disapproval and left. I watched him disappear behind what I think is the kitchen and return with a plate of food. I wanted to decline but closed my mouth shut once he glared at me.

"Good! I'll be in my room if you need anything." He left once he saw me start to eat and I smiled a little. It was my first time talking to Hayes. His long brown hair that was always tied in a cute bun behind gave off cowboy vibes and his right ear ring looked good on him.

I felt my eyes start to get heavy and I succumbed to sleep. I was awoken when I felt the whole plane shake. I noticed everyone was back and I sighed in relief when I saw that we we're landing.

"Ladies and gentlemen! This is your captain speaking. We have arrived in New York City and the time here is 10:00 in the night and the weather is a bit chilly tonight. Thank you so much for flying with us." I heard a man say and I smiled. I can not wait to get some real rest. I unfastened my seatbelt and stood up but groaned right after.

"Jet lagged?" Kee said helping me up again. I happily accepted her hand and we walked out. The captain wasn't joking when he said that it's a bit cold out. I looked up in the sky and noticed that it was about to rain. I loved it when it rains.

"We'll get the driver to take you girls to Royal Suits Hotel for the night because the penthouse is a bit far." Phraser said looking at us.

"Wait! What do you mean by 'you girls'? Where are you guys going!" Alessa asked looking at Jake. He scratched the back of his head and intentionally messed up his blonde hair.

"Out." Hayes said opening the car for us. I stayed rooted to the ground since none of the girls wanted to enter even though my whole body was aching.

"Well, we're coming with then!" Jupiter said crossing her arms over her chest. Her big glasses covered up most of her face and it was adorable she thought she looked intimidating.

"And no buts:-" Al said closing the door. I watched the boys debate amongst themselves but caved in once Alessa gave them the puppy eyes.

"I'd rather go to the hotel and get some much needed sleep." They all turned to me and their excitment died a little.

"Okay! We'll come with you then." Alessa said holding my hand. I smiled at her and shook my head side ways.

"No. You girls go out and have some fun alright!" I giggled and gently pushed her in Jake's direction. We said our goobyes and surprisingly, Phraser opened the car for me.

"Take care Blossom! We'll be at the Hotel before you know it." I nodded my head and entered the car. His eyes, much like Damon's, shone under the lights but unlike Damon's eyes, Phraser's was full of sincerity and a particular glimmer.

The drive to the said Hotel took a long while due to heavy traffic. I slide the car window down and took in some fresh air. I looked around the the busy and loud city and it was skyscraper after skyscraper, each one better than the last. I slide it closed and closed my eyes. I felt a hand on my shoulder and I jolted awake.

"Ma'am! We have arrived but it's raining outside. Allow me to get the umbrella from the hotel staff and then come back for you." The middle aged driver dressed in a formal attire said and opened the door.

"No!" I pulled his shoulder and he came back inside. I breathed heavily and looked outside. Man it was raining cats and dogs. It'd be rude to ask him to step under the rain when smartly dressed.

"It's fine. I can run inside." I said trying to see how far the entrance is while rain covered the already tinted window.

"But ma'am:-"

":-it's okay and please call me Blossom." I covered my mouth when I felt a yawn escape.

"How long have I been a sleep?"

"Thirty minutes." I nodded my head and pulled my jumper closer to my chest.

The driver, whose name was Bill, passed me a room key and said to show it to the receptionist once I entered. I took it and smiled in appreciation. With one final breath, I opened the door and practically sprinted towards the entrance. It was surprisingly further than expected and once I reached, everyone looked at me like I was a mad woman. I stepped inside the elegant Hotel and gulped once I noticed the mess my clothes and shoes we're in. My lips parted in shock looking over everything. A huge chandelier hang so high up I wondered how long a laddler would have to be for someone to fix it. Everyone was either dressed elegantly or professionally. To say I felt ouf of place would be an understament.

I approached the receptionist trying to avoid judgy eyes from the staff and other people around. I handed her my now wet key and gulped. Her nose scrunched in a way that rich people always did. She looked at me with a hint of irritation and disgust. I wanted the ground to swallow me whole.

"You're suit is on the 76th floor just below the main suit." She threw what looked like a card to me but I caught it before it hit the ground. I walked away from her and went to get an elevator to the 76th. I stepped inside the glass looking elevator and pressed a button with the 76th number on it. I held on to the glass as I felt it raise up fast and prayed to heavens I do not faint or worse, vomite in here. Some people refrained from entering once they noticed me whilst others simply didn't care.

I finally arrived on my floor and stepped out. The hallway was dimly lit with expensive paintings on the wall. It led to a huge door and it seemed to be the only one on this particular floor. I walked on the brown and no doubt soft carpet and reached in front of the door. I swiped the card a few times until it opened.

I gasped when I stepped inside. This looked like something right out of a movie. A chandelier, much like the one downstairs hung up, over looking the huge TV screen on the wall. There were huge 'L' shaped couches a little further away from the front door.

I closed the door behind and took of my shoes along with my clothes. I remained in my underwear and vest and explored the place more. I entered the bedroom and it was huge with what looked like an office table with a laptop and other things on the far right and a huge mirror on the left. I noticed wind blowing the white curtains open and I slide the floor to ceiling window open leading to the balcony.

I noticed it was still raining outside so I closed it shut and sat on my bed. There was another door near the mirror which led to what I assume is the bathroom. The hotel telephone beside the bed rang and I picked it up.

"Good evening Ma'am:-" I heard a male voice speak.

"Welcome to Royal Hotel! Is there anything you'd like us to bring to your suit?" He said. I paused and thought for a moment. My stomach growled and I opted to go with something sweet, creamy and childish.

"Uhm, can you please bring me a tab of chocolate and vanilla flavoured ice cream with a bawl of strawberries?" I heard the other side go silent and for a second I thought he hang up on me.

"Right away Ma'am!" I thanked him and put the phone down. I decided to take a long hot shower and for a second I wanted to stay there forever. I washed my hair with the lavender fresh conditioner and stepped out once I was done. I put a towel in my hair and another on my body as I searched the wardrobe for what to wear. It was surprisingly full of clothes of different sizes and by that, I mean the none of the clothes we're small enough for me. I decided to wear black socks and a huge black T-shirt. I inhaled the scent of it and gasped. My thoughts we're interrupted with the doorbell. I sliped on sweatpants and ran to open it.

"Good evening ma'am! Here's your order." A middle aged woman dressed in a skirt and white t-shirt greeted me and strolled in with a huge tub of ice cream and strawberries. She settled the contents on a table and left without another word.

"Wait! Uhm sorry but how long have you been working here?" I asked once she was outside.

"Three years ma'am." She beamed at me with a smile and I couldn't help but smile back.

"Great! Do you know who usually stays in this suit?"

She giggled and nodded her head. "Ofcourse! The owner of the Hotel, Mr. Damon Stone."

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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