

Gabrielle Lane, a very colourful and joyous woman with a big heart. She was never one to judge, spread rumours, or stay mad at someone for over a day. Closing up her shop one night she was bombarded by four men. Elijah Knight, a cold and dangerous man who never cared for anyone except his crew. A job gone wrong have him meet the caring and sweet Gabrielle. He instantly disliked the young girl, hating everything about her. But when his hate turns into something more... something deeper, will he be able to control the obsession he soon has over her. Read to find out... Warning: This is a dark novel and will have a lot of mature scenes. It will have also a lot of disturbing scenes such as violence, abuse, and other sensitive topics. This is not for people with soft hearts.

Kanika_Manocha · Urban
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21 Chs

Chapter 6

For the next few days Elijah was cold and shut off. He didn't bother to glance my way and whenever he would look at me he would appear to be bored. Most of the time he wanted me out of his face. I tried to not let it get to me but sadly it did hurt.

One morning I was surprised when I didn't see anyone around. I took the chance to finally go on that stroll in the garden. I felt my mood lifting as I touched and smelt every flower I passed. For the first time in a long time it was peaceful, forgetting everything around me... to forget Elijah...

Looking back I was surprised to see four pairs of eyes on me. My cheeks heated up and I slowly made my way to where they were seated. I noticed the man, Garrett I believe his name was, siting with them. His eyes stared at me with such longing, it made me uncomfortable. David and Noah did not help in the matter as they were glaring at me angrily.

"Over here Gabrielle," Elijah called out looking very calm. I obliged, taking a seat beside to him. My eyes gazed upon his bare chest longer then necessary. My cheeks heated as I stared at all the tattoos. They were so strange but somehow it fitted him.

"My, you get prettier by the day." Garrett complimented. I tore my curious gaze from Elijah's ink filled chest and sent Garrett a soft smile in appreciation. "I have to say I am a bit disappointed Elijah didn't take me up on my offer. Hopefully he can reconsider." Garrett said smiling at me. Elijah eyed him out darkly, saying nothing. He actually looked bored.

"I'm quite surprised he kept you this long, he never had a woman over an extended of time. I was expecting for him to leave you by now."

"Mr. Garrett-"

"Just Garett,"

"Garrett... you speak to me but it is like you are unintentionally speaking to Elijah." He let out a laugh at my words.

"You are very amusing Gabrielle." I frowned at the sound of my birth name, not the least bit of comfortable hearing him say it.

"Gabby," He gave me a look of confusion. "Call me Gabby,"

"Gabrielle is much more beautiful."

"I prefer Gabby," Why wasn't he just calling me Gabby?

"Elijah calls you Gabrielle and not Gabby... why is it you allow him to call you by your full name?" My gaze shifted to Elijah, he didn't look like he was interested in our conversation. He sat there as if we were wasting his time.

I didn't understand why I allowed Elijah to call me Gabrielle. Maybe because he refuse to call me anything else and I'd gotten used to him calling me Gabrielle.

"I prefer to be called Gabby." I repeated. "You asked me to call you Garrett and I did. I only ask for you to also respect what I ask of you and to call me Gabby." I said softly. He stared at me intensely.

"You are out of this world." He spoke slowly as if not believing I was real. "What I wouldn't do to have you." I noticed both David and Noah sitting tensely.

"Is that a threat Garett?" Elijah surprised me by speaking. He gazed at Garett with challenging eyes, not looking the least bit worried.

"And start an all out war... now why would I do that?" Garrett replied sounding appalled but his eyes stayed on me. I uncomfortably shifted in my chair wanting to hide myself from his yearning gaze.

"Yes that would be very stupid of you." Garrett tensed at Elijah's words, his hands gripping the arm rest of the chair angrily. "Know this, you will never have her Garrett, she's mine, understood?" Garrett stiffly nodded.

He stood and extended his hand out to me. I placed my hands in his thinking he wanted to shake but was surprised when he brought my hand to his lips placing a small kiss on the back of it. Elijah sat there his face not giving away a thing.

"I'm looking forward to seeing you again." I shook my head at the stupid man in front of me. Did he not believe that Elijah would kill him.

The second after he left Elijah stood grabbing the chair he was seated in and tossed it across the yard. Noah grabbed me, moving me out of the firing line. Elijah continued to smash anything he could get his hands on. "Fuck!" He cursed loudly.

I tensed when his gaze landed on me. He stalked straight towards me, pulling me away from Noah and striking me across the face. I fell to the ground, the tears spilled from my eyes uncontrollably.

"What the fuck man!" David grabbed Noah back from intervening. Elijah didn't even glance at Noah, his eyes zeroed on me. He grabbed me by my neck pulling me from the ground. His hand squeezed my neck tightly cutting off my air way.

"He's going to fucking kill her!" I heard Noah yell. My gaze got hazy from lack of air. Seconds before I could lose consciousness Elijah roughly shoved me away causing me to fall to the ground.

"Get the fuck out of my face!" I all but ran to my room.

I was in there for a good hour dreading that I would have to see Elijah again. He was very angry and for some reason it was directed towards me. When the door opened and Elijah walked into the room I took a step away from him feeling pure fear.

"You like having that fucker lusting after you? You like having a fucking drug lord lusting after you?" I quickly shook my head. "No? You were all but teasing him just minutes ago." What?

"I was not." I whispered.

"Oh but you were. Regardless if you realized it or not, you fucking were."

"I'm sorry... I didn't mean to." I said to wanting to appease him but Elijah did not give in.

"Maybe I should give you to him, beat me having to deal with you." My heart dropped. He was considering giving me to Garrett. "No? You don't want Garrett? You want Noah?"

"I don't want anyone." I whispered. A whimpered escaped my lips the moment Elijah grabbed my jaw.

"See that's the fucking problem." My tears fell faster in confusion. I knew he was gone. There was no getting him back, his jealousy had taken a toll on him.

"Elijah please you're scaring me. I'm sorry... please, just stop." Elijah laughed humorlessly.

"You don't think I tried to stop. I can't fucking stop. I tried everything... I can't fucking stay away from you. I told you to take the gun and let me fuck off out of your life, I fucking told you. But your innocence wouldn't allow you." My heart almost pounded out of my chest when he put his forehead on mine.


"I'm going to fuck you." I froze upon hearing his words. Using all my strength I pushed him away from me taking him by surprise. I backed away from him, wanting to keep as much distance between him and I.

"No, I won't allow you." Elijah smiled walking towards me. Without thinking I made a run for the door. Elijah was on me within seconds. He had me slammed against the wall before I could think. I pushed at his chest, struggling to get out of his hold. "Let go of me."

"No," My eyes widened when he kissed me. It was so soft and gently, I almost forgot where I was. It was only when he thrust his knees between my legs did I began to panic. Once he pulled away I didn't think, I slapped him across the face. His eyes were so dark.

"Don't do that again." He spoke deadly.

"Please... don't..."

"Nevertheless I am going to fuck you. I need to get you the fuck out of my system."

"How can you sleep at night? You are a monster... a cold blooded monster." I glared at him.

"No matter what you call me it's not going to change the fact that I am going to fuck you."

"Why are you doing this to me? Are you that selfish that you would take away from me for your own personal needs?" He didn't answer right away and I felt a glimmer of hope.

"Yeah," I looked at him in disbelief. He was cruel. This man had no heart.

"You really are heartless." Elijah smiled before capturing my lips with his. Without hesitation I slapped him again. He cursed before smashing me right back sending me to the floor. It felt as if my face shattered from the impact.

"You want to fight me? C'mon fight." He nudged me with his foot. I didn't dare move. Elijah saw that I wasn't going to stand and grabbed my arm pulling me from the floor.

Again he kissed me, but this time it was fierce, he used his tongue and all, everything about the kiss was cold.

"I hope you burn in Hell for this. Such evil belongs there." I said so passionately once he pulled away.

"I see you're not done fighting me"

"I will fight you every step of the way. You're wrong if you think I'm just going to let you do what you want with me."

"You mean fuck you?" He mocked. I glared at you.

"I never hated anyone before, not even my mother who left me when I was just a baby. But I swear, I will hate you if you do this to me. I will never forgive you." Elijah's eyes darkened looking almost black. I gasped when his hand wrapped around my neck, pulling me until I was flush against him.

"Then you will hate me." My eyes widened and I felt them burn with tears.

"Elijah... please-" He kissed me, cutting me off. I struggled to push him away but stopped instantly once his hand tightened around my neck. Thankfully he loosened his grip and I gasped in a breath. My tears were falling faster then ever.

Elijah slammed me against the wall all while his hand roamed my body shamelessly. I gasped, feeling my heart ready to stop, when he grabbed the hem of my shirt pulling it over my head and tossing it to the other side of the room.

He roughly turned me around so that I was facing the wall and quickly unstrapped my bra. Pulling down my pants he forced me to step out of them. I didn't even have time to cover myself or to get over my shock as he quickly tossed me onto the bed.

He tore off my last piece of clothing leaving me bare in front of him. Elijah hissed in a breath, his cold gaze taking in my naked body. I tried to cover myself the best I could from his wandering eyes.

"No," He grabbed my hands pinning them above my head onto the bed. "No you don't get to hide your body. Your body is fucking stunning." I closed my eyes sobbing. I wanted to run and hide my humiliation. "Open your eyes Gabrielle." Elijah said softly.

I flinched when I felt his hand dangerously close to my intimate area. I looked into his blue orbs with wide eyes. "Shhhh... relax," He kissed me softly, adding pressure as his fingers continued his work at hand. I whimpered into his mouth feeling an odd sensation. Elijah moved down my body, until his face was aligned with my sex.

"Fuck," He growled out. I started moving away feeling extremely embarrassed, but I immediately stopped all movement at the first stroke of his tongue. I cried out feeling my legs shake from the pleasure I was feeling. I didn't understand what was happening to me, I just needed it to end.


"Please what?" I didn't know what it was I wanted or what it was I was begging for. The feeling of Elijah's tongue had me in some kind of frenzy. I never felt this way before... this need to get something. The feeling was foreign to me. It felt extremely... extremely good.

"Please... oh god... please..." I moaned feeling the pleasure explode within my body. Elijah continued to lick me causing my body to reflexively jerk away from him. Not understanding what just happened I closed my eyes and cried. I was so disgusted with myself.

"Look at me Gabrielle." Reluctantly I looked into the amazing blue orbs. Elijah climbed back onto me. I felt something bigger placed at my sex and my heart skipped a beat. "You're going to have to relax otherwise it's going to be painful." I let out a breath and braced myself.

He pushed into me very slowly. I bit my lip and fisted the sheets to stop myself from crying out. Elijah paused staring into my eyes lustfully. He kissed both my tear stained cheeks so softly, I couldn't help but lean into him.

Nothing could have prepare for when Elijah thrust fully into me tearing through every restraint in the process. I cried out then, the pain... oh god the pain. I could tell he was trying to be gentle but it hurt nonetheless.

"Fuck Gabrielle," He groaned. Not giving me anytime Elijah began thrusting remorselessly into me. I cried out with every brutal thrust. I was sure I was going to tear.

Elijah, lost in the moment, continued to take me relentlessly. His neck was tense, and he looked pained. I was confused as to how anyone could enjoy such pain. I choked on a sob wanting nothing more for this torture to end.

"Fuck!" Elijah pulled out of me and spilled his seed onto my flat stomach. He threw his head back letting out curses and groans. I stared at his semen mixed with a few droplets of blood and felt myself becoming nauseous. I couldn't believe what just occurred. My head began spinning and for a second I thought I would lose conscious.