

Gabrielle Lane, a very colourful and joyous woman with a big heart. She was never one to judge, spread rumours, or stay mad at someone for over a day. Closing up her shop one night she was bombarded by four men. Elijah Knight, a cold and dangerous man who never cared for anyone except his crew. A job gone wrong have him meet the caring and sweet Gabrielle. He instantly disliked the young girl, hating everything about her. But when his hate turns into something more... something deeper, will he be able to control the obsession he soon has over her. Read to find out... Warning: This is a dark novel and will have a lot of mature scenes. It will have also a lot of disturbing scenes such as violence, abuse, and other sensitive topics. This is not for people with soft hearts.

Kanika_Manocha · Urban
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21 Chs

Chapter 5

"Hello?" There was no answer, only the sound of someone breathing on the other line. "Hello, is anyone there?" No answer. I hanged up the phone and began to make my way to my room. I jumped when the loud ring echoed out the house again. I answered waiting for someone to respond but I only got the sound of someone breathing heavily. "Hello? Who is this?" Again no answer. I hung up feeling a sudden fear overtake my body.

"Who was that?" I jumped at the sound of Elijah's voice.

"Goodness gracious, you need to send some kind of warning when sneaking up on someone." Elijah raised a brow not moving from his spot against the wall.

He nodded to the phone. "Who was it?"

I shrugged. "I'm not sure. No one answered. There was only breathing, maybe it was a prank call." Elijah hummed in response. I cleared my throat awkwardly. "Um... good night." Quickly going into my room I shut my door and got into bed. I wasn't surprised when I heard Elijah enter. He got into bed and wrapped his arm around my waist pulling me into him. I looked up at him with my brows furrowed.

"You are a very confusing man." He closed his eyes ignoring me. "Do you hear me Elijah Knight?"

"Gabrielle, shhhh... stop talking."

"Why won't you call me Gabby?" I mumbled to myself not expecting an answer from him.

"Because your name is Gabrielle."

"Yeah, but I don't like that name." He didn't comment or even look at me. "My mother name was Gabrielle. Gran named me after she had ran away... said she missed her daughter and I was the closest thing to her." Gran always told me how much my mother loved me but I never understood how could someone not want something they love.

"Everyone calls me Gabby except for Gran. She refused to listen and continued to call me Gabrielle. I hated whenever she would use my full name... it reminded me of my mother." Elijah hasn't moved, his eyes were still closed as he laid on his back. He looked very much asleep. I put my head on his chest wanting comfort. Talking about Gran and my mother dampened my mood.

"It hurts knowing you're all alone." I whispered to myself feeling tears prick my eyes. My mother didn't want me and Gran also left me. I closed my eyes wanting to forget. I was glad when sleep finally came helping me escape even if it was only a little while.

The days continued like every other day. Elijah kept a distance away from me and spent more time with Ruth but lately I could see something was beginning to irritate him. One night as I was getting ready for dinner Elijah announced that he would be leaving soon. I didn't know how to feel about it so I just nodded.

The next day I was up before anyone. I slid out of bed and got ready for a beautiful day. As I was about to go prepare breakfast I noticed that there was a large bouquet of roses. I furrowed my brows in confusion as I read the small card attached to it.

You Will Be Mine

"What's this?" I jumped swirling around to see Elijah and Ruth enter the living room. Ruth had on a simple see threw night gown and Elijah only had on pajama pants that sat low on his waist. I was beginning to wonder if he owned any night shirts.

"Oh, that was delivered here last night. I'm guessing you have a admirer." Ruth answered. Elijah walked to me and took the card from. His eyes darkened as he read over it.

"I don't know who it's from." I quickly explained myself. "I... I think I have a stalker."

Ruth scoffed. "Yeah? How flattering of you." She said sarcastically.

"I've been getting these strange phone calls. No one answers... I just hear harsh breathing. At first I thought someone was prank calling but then it been happening more frequently."

"If so why the fuck you haven't told me this?"

"I didn't think much of it." I mumbled.

"Of course you didn't. Having a stalker is nothing to worry about yes?" He mocked.

"I didn't know." Elijah shook his head and walked out the room.

"What game are you playing?" My eyes widened at Ruth's accusing voice.


"Enough with this innocent bullshit. You trying to steal Elijah away from me." What?

"No, I-"

"Let this be your only warning. Elijah is mine, stay away from him." I frowned but nodded anyway.

Things didn't get better after that. If anything everything worsened. The 'stalker' continued to send teddy bears and roses but after the second week of that I started receiving threats. I would find slashed up teddy bears and dead roses. Whoever this stalker was, he was getting tired of waiting. The threats and promises were beginning to frighten me.

He would send me cards saying he's watching me and how he couldn't wait to finally have me. It was disgusting. Elijah ignored me when I tried to explain to him about the never ending threats. He would read the cards but not say anything of it. He acted as if he couldn't care.

"I'm heading off tomorrow." Elijah stated as soon as I walked into my room. I had just put on my night wear and was ready for bed. Not knowing what to say I nodded wordlessly. On the inside I was panicking. What if the stalker decided to attack? I doubt I would be able to fight him. "I will be gone before you wake." I nodded again and got into bed.

I was surprised when Elijah also got into bed. For the pass few weeks he'd stayed away from me at every given opportunity. He spent all his time with Ruth.

I didn't comment when he wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me into him. He snuggled his head in the crook of my neck and inhaled deeply.

"Elijah?" He hummed. "What if the stalker comes while you're gone?" I felt him tense. When he stayed quiet I decided to continue. "How am I suppose to fight him?"

"I'll leave you a gun."

"What? No! I'm not shooting anyone." I softly fisted his smooth, sleek hair and gently pulled his head from the crook of my neck so he could see how serious I was. "I don't want your... pistol."

"How do you suppose you will protect yourself then?"

"I'm not shooting anyone." I repeated. Elijah stared at me with angry eyes.

"Fucking idiot... I swear you have no brain in there." He sat up. "What the fuck is wrong with you? I can't do shit if I'm not here." I didn't respond. "You're forcing my hand Gabrielle. I'm trying... I really am trying for your sake. Accept the gun and let me be on my way." I stared at him in confusion. What was he going on about?

There was a long silent. "I'm scared," Elijah cursed. I flinched when he stood and left the room, slamming the door behind him. I fell asleep that night with my cheeks stained with tears.

"No... no... I'm not bringing her... fuck off Noah." I awoke to the sound of Elijah's voice. He was on the phone and by how dark his eyes were I knew he wasn't in the mood. "Yeah... I don't give a fuck... Is it done? Alright, we'll discuss it later. I'll be there soon." He ended the call. "Fuck!" He cursed loudly earning a whimper from me. His head snapped in the direction I was sitting. He stared at me darkly.

"Come here," I felt my legs shake in fear of his retaliation. I crawled out of bed and walked until I was directly in front of him. He grabbed my jaw and placed his forehead on mine.

Closing his eyes he drew in a breath trying to calm himself down. I knew he was having a mental argument with himself. His eyes opened and the unique blue orbs bore into mine, I thought my heart would stop beating. "Pack your things." Without giving me time to process his words he let go of me and left the room.

After a lot of arguing and threats I was forced to return with Elijah to his home. I knew nothing good was going to come out of his decision. Elijah was sure to get angry with me and snap sooner or later. Yes, I wanted him to stay, but I was afraid of this stalker. At Elijah's home I would be at his mercy, back at the bakery I partially felt as if I had a say, but now it would be completely different.

On the road Elijah didn't say a word, he kept his eyes trained straight ahead not even bothering to spare me a passing glance. Ruth had attempted multiple times to gain his attention but Elijah simply ignored her. She finally gave up but not before sending me a death glare.

After driving for almost five hours, Elijah eventually pulled over at a small diner. He didn't say a word as he ordered our food and took a seat at a booth. Ruth quickly sat beside him leaving me to sit across from them. The waiter placed our food in front of us and I sent him a polite smile.

I felt Elijah glaring at me, I ate my food hoping to distract myself from his hard gaze. Immediately after we finished our meal we were back on the road. I was exhausted and was desperate for somewhere to sleep but I didn't dare speak this to Elijah.

"Elijah, honey, lets pull over and find somewhere we can stay the night. I'm tired and want to sleep." I couldn't help but agree with Ruth. Elijah ignored her as if she wasn't there.

Feeling myself ready to doze off I grabbed Elijah's hoodie using it as a blanket. I used my arm as a pillow and laid down on the back seats. It wasn't long before I fell asleep.

I awoke to someone shaking me. Opening my eyes I was met with the beautiful blue orbs. Elijah gestured for me to follow him which I did without question. It was still dark and I wanted nothing more then to go back to sleep.

I rubbed a fist against my eyes as I took in the site in front of me that I was certain is Elijah's home. My eyes widened as I stared at everything in awe. It was huge...

When Elijah saw that I wasn't going to move, too busy gawking at the mansion, he grabbed my hand and pulled me along. Ruth didn't wait for Elijah and I to accompany her, she walked ahead of us and into the mansion leaving me to believe she'd been here before. Elijah led me up the stairs and into a room. It was extremely big and for some reason I was sure this was his room. Not waiting I got into bed and fell asleep almost instantly.

The next morning when I awoke it took me a minute to remember where I was. I looked around the huge room taking everything in. My eyes landed on my packed suit case. Grabbing a pair of jeans and a simple shirt I went into the ensuite and got ready.

Once I was done I thew my hair up into a ponytail and patiently sat on the bed. After sitting there for almost thirty minutes someone knocked on the door. I hesitantly went to answer and was greeted with Ruth. She was dressed in a very tight skirt and a spaghetti strap shirt.

"He wants you down stairs." Was all she said before turning on her heel and walking away. I quickly followed her down the hall and down the stairs. I stopped dead in my track when I saw Elijah sitting on out on the patio with Noah and David.

Not waiting another minute I ran up and hugged Noah tightly. Noah stood tensely for a second before stiffly wrapping his arm around me. I was sure I caught him off guard. I said a good morning to both Elijah and David and went to take a seat next to Noah ignoring Elijah's glare.

"Over here Gabrielle," I eyed Elijah out in confusion. He didn't look very happy. Deciding it was best to just do as he say I went and took a seat beside him. Both Noah and David looked confused by Elijah's behavior.

"So..." Noah started, trying to ease the tension. "How you been Gabby? I hope Elijah haven't given you a tough time."

"Fuck off Noah." Was Elijah's mature response.

"I'm doing very well Noah and as for Elijah, it's nothing I can't handle." I said smiling brightly.

"Everything's in order then?" Elijah asked ignoring me.

"All good. The shipment is ready to go... just waiting for Garrett." David responded coolly.

Elijah leaned back in his seat taking out a smoke. He inhaled the deadly substance. "Garrett? That piece of shit have yet to do his part?"

"Promised to have it finished soon... said he merely needed some time." Elijah took in the information, thinking it over. I tuned them out after that. Instead I admired the mansion, taking in everything around me. The garden was just beautiful.

"You have a beautiful home. If you don't mind me asking, why is it you chose to buy such a big place when it's only you?" I asked Elijah out of the blue.

He didn't even look at me when he answered. "I liked it, I bought it." Um...

"But... does it not get lonely? Being in a spacious house all alone I mean."

"If I get lonely I'll find a woman to bring here until I get bored of her and tell her to fuck off." I knitted my brows at his words. How cold was this man? I didn't try to make conversation after that. I was grateful when an older woman came out with lunch. I haven't ate breakfast this morning and was starved.

Without waiting to be invited I grabbed a sandwich and devoured it within minutes. I looked at the last sandwich then at the boys. I wanted seconds but I was unsure if the men wanted more. I didn't want to be selfish and eat it all from them.

My eyes widened when Elijah grabbed the last sandwich and placed it on my plate. I sent him a thankful smile after I snapped out of my shock. Ruth, who was sitting across from me, were glaring daggers into my head. Once lunch was over the men continued to discuss something that I was sure was important.

After sitting there doing nothing I could no longer help myself, I stood wanting to walk the garden. Before I could even take a step Elijah was on me. He grabbed my wrist pulling me back into my seat, not bothering to explain his reasoning.

"I... I want to walk the garden."

"Do you now?"

I nodded although I knew he was mocking me. "Yes, now if you would excuse me." I went to stand again but Elijah's hold on my wrist tightened painfully. I was sure he would break it. Only when I sat down did he loosen his grip. Taking the opportunity I removed my hand from him and rubbed my now sore wrist.

"Why must I sit here? It's not like I'm going to try to run away." Elijah ignored me.

The silence was deafening. The men were no longer discussing whatever it was they were talking about. The only sound was the light breeze that cocooned around us.

Maybe Elijah liked the silence. Nonetheless, boredom was taking a toll on me. I began fiddling with my fingers and tapping my foot, all while humming a soft tune. This seemed to irritate Elijah.

"What the fuck is it?"

I bit my lip nervously. "I'm bored,"

"Fuck me dead." He cursed.

I shook my head. "Your mouth needs a good washing. I remember there was this one time when I was a little girl, I had said the F word after hearing someone use it, and Gran was so angry... she had told me if she ever heard that kind of language come out my mouth again she would give me some soap and-"

"For fucks sake, turn it off." Elijah snapped rubbing his temple.

I frowned. "How rude," I mumbled.

"Gabrielle, one more word and I swear..."

"Sorry," I murmured. Elijah cursed before standing and going inside. Ruth quickly followed him. "Was it something I said?" I mumbled to myself in confusion.

Noah burst out laughing. I saw the corner of David mouth twitch up. "You are a fucking head doer. I don't know how he lasted three months without killing you." I knitted my brows together at David's word.

That night, I had just got out the shower and finished unpacking when Elijah walked into the room. Without saying a word to me he went into the bathroom. I stood there not knowing what to do. Once back in the room he didn't even glance my way. He got into his bed, making himself comfortable.

"Get into bed Gabrielle." Elijah spoke into the pillow when I did nothing but stand there. Very slowly I got into the big bed staying to my end. Elijah wasn't having that. His hand reached out and grabbed me pulling me against his body.

"Why do you do that? This is a big bed... you can stay on your end while I stay on mine."

"Shhhh stop talking," He nuzzled into my neck and inhaled deeply. "You smell so good... so fucking good." I felt my heart accelerate.

"Um... Elijah can you please move. You're making me uncomfortable." He removed his head from my neck and stared at me intensely. I felt nervous under his dark penetrating gaze.

"Kiss me," What? I shook my head slowly. "You sure you want to do this? We both know how this is going to end." I pushed at his chest wanting to put as much space between us as I could.

"No, go kiss Ruth... I don't want your kiss." I don't know why I said it, it was something about Ruth and Elijah that didn't sit well with me. Elijah's eyes darkened immensely at my words. In one swift movement I was on my back with Elijah hovering above me.

"You don't want my kiss babe? Was that what you said?" My eyes widened as fear drenched my body. He smiled tracing my lips so softly. At this point I was afraid to move. "Who is it you wished to kiss you?"

"No one," I whispered.

"Is it Noah?" My brows drew together. "You wish it was Noah here kissing you?"


"Oh but you missed him so much. Tell me Gabrielle, did you like being in his arms?" Oh god. I was sure my heart was going to pound out of my chest. My tears were falling fast now.

"Elijah, I... I didn't see him in a while and was surprised." Elijah hummed, seeming satisfied with my answer. He stopped tracing my lips, but he didn't remove his finger. His gaze moved down to my lips and I didn't dare breath.

"Let me have you Gabrielle." My eyes widened. "I'm dying... I can't get you out of my fucking head... you're killing me." I gasped when he thrust his knees between my legs. I felt his very hard erection and began to panic. "Gabrielle-"

"Elijah, please stop... you're scaring me." I cried. He paused. I whimpered, resisting the scream that was ready to tear threw my throat when Elijah punched to pillow beside my head. He placed his head on mine staring lustfully into my teary eyes. After calming himself down he got off me and left the room, making sure to slam the door. I cried myself to sleep that night.

For the next week Elijah did everything to keep away from me, as I did the same with him. The only times I would see him is during meals, any other time from that he would spend with Ruth. David and Noah were still around but they didn't have time to convert with me.

The boredom began to eat at me, I had no one to talk to or take my mind off things. Noah tried to get me to watch popular shows and movies on television but that would only hold my interest for a few minutes. It wasn't something I could do all day.

By the second week I refused to sit around and do nothing. I had been in my room for most of the day and decided to get out and head down stairs. The men were seated in the big living area. I said a quick good afternoon and continued to make my way pass them.

"Gabrielle," I stopped dead in my track at the sound of Elijah's voice. He haven't said a word to me in two weeks. I couldn't stop the cold shiver down my spine. "Over here,"

Hesitantly I walked over and took a seat beside him when he indicated for me to sit. He proceeded his conversation with David and Noah. I didn't understand why I had to sit here. Was it because he thought I was up to trouble?

I let out a breath crossing my arm over my chest and falling back into my seat. Elijah raised a brow but didn't say a word.

"Where was it you were going Gabby?" Noah asked when there was nothing but silence.

"Um... I was heading to the kitchen." He looked confused.

"What for? If you are hungry you could just order a maid."

I gasped. "I will do no such thing. God gifted me with two legs and two arms. I will not have anyone wait upon me when I am more then capable to see to myself." Noah looked like he didn't know what to say. Elijah shook his head taking out a cigarette.

"What was it you were going to the kitchen for Gabrielle?" Elijah asked sounding exasperated.

"I wanted to bake." I stated proudly.

"Yeah, no kitchen for you then."

"Why not? I have done nothing wrong? I'm bored here and need a distraction." Elijah took a puff of his smoke and blew it in my face. I coughed swiping at the cloud of smoke around me.

"Tough luck,"

"You... you..." I was not one to throw insults. It was hard for me to come up with something harsh to say.

Elijah tilted his head, staring at me in amusement. "Me what?"

"You... you cold, mean man." Elijah only raised a brow.

"Wow babe, I'm actually hurt." He mocked. I glared at him giving him a shut up look. Ruth didn't look slightly amused. She wanted Elijah's attention.

"Hun I was thinking about getting this dress? Wanna see?" Elijah turned to her, eyeing her out.

"The fuck would I want to see for?"

Ruth looked lost. "I-I just thought-"

"If you want the dress then get it." Her face dropped. She looked so hurt by Elijah's nonchalant attitude, I kind of felt bad her.

Later on the day I was finally able to get to the main kitchen. The maids were horrified when they saw me, they tried to assure me that they could cook whatever it is I wanted. I sent them a sweet smile and told them it was fine. They were very tense but let me do my thing anyways.

I ended up only making my special cheesecake. I wanted to make more but felt bad for causing the cooks discomfort. I thanked them and asked if they could help me with the plates. A young woman, who's name I learned was Lexi, was more then grateful to help. When the boys saw us they said nothing, only stared with unreadable expressions.

I placed the cheesecake down and grabbed the plates from Lexi saying a small thank you. As I ate I noticed no one even reached to try my cheesecake, I felt a little hurt and rejected. Noah, seeing my expression, grabbed a slice. My eyes lit up as he took a bite of the cake, I was anxious to see his expression.

He groaned, dramatically rolling his eyes to the back of his head. "This is so good Gabby. Your sweets are literally to die for." I knew he was only teasing, trying to brighten my mood. His kind gestures warmed my heart.

I beamed at him with a huge smile. "Oh it's nothing." I decided to play along.

"Nothing? You are like the dessert goddess." I laughed at that.

"Well thank you, my good man." I mocked trying to contain my laughter. My eyes met Elijah's and I felt myself freeze, all traces of amusement leaving my body. His eyes were deadly, he looked ready to attack. I flinched when stood not able to contain the whimper that left my lips. He grabbed Ruth's hand and pulled her along up the stairs.

"What the fuck?" I looked at Noah who seemed very concerned. His eyes were filled with pity as he stared at me. David only shook his head not saying a word.