
His Inauguration

Driven by a narcissistic desire for godlike status, Ivaim seeks to establish his dominion over the Harmonious Realm and all its inhabitants. Gathering a devoted following of individuals who are seduced by his charismatic charm and promises of eternal bliss, Ivaim forms the Unconscious Cult. He crafts a new religion around himself, proclaiming that he alone possesses the divine essence necessary to guide mortals towards enlightenment and salvation. As the cult gains prominence, Ivaim's reign of godhood raises alarm bells among the established pantheons of The Harmonious Realm. Existing deities view his actions as a direct challenge to their authority and the harmony they have maintained for eons. "His Inauguration " is an epic tale of power, faith, and the consequences of unchecked ambition. It explores the blurred boundaries between god and mortal, the nature of control, and the dangers of unchecked idolatry. In a realm where the line between worship and tyranny becomes blurred, Ivaim's journey challenges the very foundations of divinity and the limits of mortal devotion. ___ (Art is not mine, credits to the artist of "The Dark Lord's Confession". Please contact me if you request for its removal.)

WhatsADog · Fantasy
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8 Chs

New Room

The 7th entry seemed to have been the last entry. Ivaim was confused about certain things, and he still had many questions. He tried flipping the book around to see if it still had anything hidden in it.

After that, he spent a few hours looking around the strange space around him. However, not much differed aside from the book on the study table he had.

Finally, after a moment of hesitation, he decided to test out the chants that he memorized from the book. He took a deep breath, and softly mumbled the Excitare Sensus spell. Or the "Arouse the Senses" spell.

"Excitat somnus, sensus evigilant..."

As he spoke the words, a strange and faint energy gathered in the atmosphere. It was invisible, but Ivaim could feel the power thar was gathering around each and every word he uttered.

"Mundum tangimus, ad veritatem consciamur..

Excitare sensus, ad lucem progredimur."

The eerie energy gathered, and the space around him shook a bit. Then he felt something grab his soul, and his vision blurred for a moment, before finally blacking out for a few seconds.

Suddenly, there were sounds. The passing of the air from a window, and even the sound of purring from a cat on the floor. Ivaim wanted to celebrate from finally escaping that isolated space, before he realized that... The room he was in seemed to not be his.

It was a room he wasn't familiar with at all. He looked around and slowly observed the room around him.

The bedroom he was in seemed to be a modest space, characterized by simplicity and functionality rather than opulence. The room provided a sense of privacy and comfort, albeit with fewer lavish adornments and furnishings.

The walls of the bedroom were bare with no paint, and the flooring consisted of bare wooden planken.

A humble bed took center stage in the room, with a simple wooden frame with a thin mattress. The bedding was minimal, consisting of a single blanket to provide warmth during the night. Two pillows filled with cheap cotton.

The storage containers consisted of a small, basic wardrobe. And a few wooden boxes which seemed to contain personal belongings.

Lighting was limited with a single oil lamp which provided minimal heat. The windows lacked elaborate curtains, instead featuring simple, worn drapes or makeshift coverings for privacy.

The bedroom he was in resembled the aesthetics of the lower class back in the victorian era. The focus was on creating a functional and peaceful space despite limited resources.

"Another strange room.. where am I?" He thought.

He wanted to stand up in order to explore the new room he was in, however, an intense headache enveloped his head, dozens of information instantly forming inside his brain.

They were memories. Or better yet, they seemed to be the memories of the body he was in, the owner of the new strange room he was in.

The newly acquired memories slowly settled down and arranged themselves in his mind, and Ivaim slowly recalled them one by one..

The body he was occupying right now wasn't his, but instead it belonged to a boy who had the same name as Ivaim, and even looked similar to him. Although there were slight differences, not much could be differed.

The only difference from his original body and the one he is occupying, seemed to be his last name. His original full name was Ivaim Distenye, but the name for his current body had no last name. Only Ivaim.

Slowly, the intense headache he felt earlier had reduced.. and he felt the memories inside his head finally settle down. Ivaim fell into deep thought as he recalled the newly acquired memories in his head.