
His Imaginary Muse

NK (Known as the Father of Divine Paintings) is a well-known artist who searches for women all around the world, women who are the most beautiful and makes portrait of them. But after making those portraits, his muses are nowhere to be seen. Police and Detective agencies are suspicious of him and since there are no evidence against him, it is really difficult to prove that he is a criminal. Murad, a well-known investigator who never fails in any cases is assigned to solve the case and to find out NK's dark mysteries. However, things get more complicated and mysterious when Wife of the Master Investigator gets involved in this case. Will Murad be able to solve the case?

AHRIMAN · Realistic
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Missing Cases

Location : NK Art Gallery

Paris, France.

Time : 12:00 am.

The entire art museum is currently dark. Nobody is present. However, piano music can be heard from somewhere in this gallery. Despite the fact that no one is present.

Three individuals wearing masks entered the gallery and proceeded to the counters' seat. A microphone was placed on the counters' table. When one of the men pulled the microphone, the wall behind the counters' seat instantly opened wide. This was the entrance to the secret corridor, which led to a dark secret room, and the piano music was coming from inside.

The three men in masks entered the secret passage and the door was closed again automatically. They started walking.

A dark passage. Only there are some candles burning but it was not enough. They walked and walked until they reached a large hall room. That room was dark too. There was no bulb lights left on, that could enlighten the room. Instead, there were a lot of candles in the room. Most part of the room could not be seen. And in one corner of the room, there was a big bubble drop chandelier- hanging on the ceiling, radiating golden light. And just under the chandelier, the floor having a lot of steps just like stairs and on it, there was a large piano being set. Sitting on the piano bench, a young man wearing navy blue full sleeve shirt that was folded up to his elbows. He was playing the piano back facing the three men. The overall atmosphere in the room was peaceful but terrifying. And the sound of the piano was quite frightening. This young man is playing this music at this time because he is writing a song. The song was also frightening, especially the tune. Perhaps this is why they get goosebumps every time they hear piano music.

They could not see his face. They were looking at each other, thinking whether it was the right time to disturb the man or not. And after thinking for a few seconds, they decided not to disturb him and that they would come here later when the young man would be done with playing piano. So, they turned around and before they could start walking, they heard the music of piano was already being stopped. A deep husky voice was heard instead.

-Is the work done?

A very sharp question and the answer must be given in between Yes or No. Or else...

All three of them replied to his question in chorus.

-Yes, sir.

The young man nodded his head.

-Well done.

He looked up to see the chandelier. Then, he closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

-Tonight is very special for me. It's a beautiful night tonight. I only want to write songs and want to compose it too.

Then he opened his eyes.

-I hope no one will disturb me.

He said this while looking over his shoulder at the three men. Even though he did not look them in the eyes, there was something about his glare that made them uneasy. Their throats were drying up, and they were sweating profusely. Even they are baffled as to why.

They gulped hard in terror and nodded their heads after a few seconds.

-Of course not, sir. We'll now take your leave, sir.

The young man smirked.

-Thank you for that.

Saying that he again started playing the piano. He started playing the same music he was playing before.

The three men hurriedly started walking towards the secret passage. Through the secret passage, they reached the counters' seat again. And then setting everything in its position, they stepped out of the art gallery as soon as possible and went somewhere else.

And inside the secret passage, the young man was playing the piano closing his eyes. He opened his mouth. And started singing,

" I've been asking myself

For quite a long time.

Why do you love me

Knowing everything?

Why hurting yourself

Knowing everything?

Just wanted to bring you

In reality, beyond my imagination

I just wanna paint you

And make you God's best creation

But still you want

My love, hmmm... ohh no...

Even if I hurt you

You may not be able to leave me

I'm that red wine

That You can't resist .

I'm that love

You may never get

Yet you'll love me

Till your death

Ohh... my love

Yet you'll love me till your death.

Ohh... till your death. "

He continued on playing the piano, closing his eyes. And when he was done singing the song, he opened his eyes. And a smirk formed on his crimson red lips.


Then he slipped his right hand into the right pocket of his black jeans trousers and brought out a piece of paper. It was a photograph of a beautiful lady. He stared at the photograph for quite a long time. The lady was wearing beautiful sky blue sleeveless blouse with floral skirt. She was not wearing any kind of jewellery and her dress was simple too, she did not apply any makeup on her face either. But because of her natural beauty, she was looking so stunning. She has this beautiful dark and long black hair, beautiful brown eyes and soft pink lips. While staring at the photograph, he smirked.


Then he started singing again.

" Just wanted to bring you

In reality, beyond my imagination

I just wanna paint you

And make you God's best creation."

Then he smirked again.

-My beautiful encounter.

He chuckled deeply.

-Ohh... can't forget the memories we had with each other, my love. Indeed, beautiful they were... How I wish you were here with me, Miss...

He paused in the middle of his statement.

-Hmm... What was the name again?

He looked up at the ceiling and then glanced at the photograph again.

-Right... Miss Anna...

Then he started playing the piano again and with that he sang this part:

"Even if I hurt you

You may not be able to leave me

I'm that red wine

That You can't resist .

I'm that love

You may never get

Yet you'll love me

Till your death

Ohh... my love

Yet you'll love me till your death.

Ohh... till your death. "


Place : Strasbourg, France

At around 12:00 am.

A red car entered the garage of a beautiful house. Pink color added the cuteness in the house that made it look more like a doll house.

A man quickly got out of the car. He was probably in his mid 50s, but has a strong built body. He has got beautiful sea green eyes but there were tiredness in them. It seemed he had not slept for almost 5 days.

He quickly headed towards the main door of his home and was about to knock the door but suddenly the door opened, revealing a beautiful lady. She has grown older but still she is beautiful and attractive. No wonder she was like a fairy when she was in her early years. But her eyes were swollen and nose was all red due to crying for a long time. The man was staring at her, hopelessly. The lady glared at him and checked if there was someone else with him or not but found no one behind him. She furrowed her eyebrows and sent a death glare to the man.

-Why are you alone? Where is my daughter?

She asked the man who sighed deeply and looked at the floor. The lady grabbed the collar of his shirt tightly and exclaimed in anger.

-Where is she? Why did you come back all alone?

This time too, the man was silent as if he did not know how to speak. The lady could not take it anymore.

- Your silence is killing me.

-Martha... I...

She did not let him complete and interrupted in between his words.

-Answer me! Why are you silent?

The man placed his right hand on her cheek gently.

-Let me get inside, please. Then we can talk about this.

-No! First, answer me.

- I couldn't find her anywhere...

The lady released his collars and rolled her eyes. But soon, her eyes started to get teary again.

-My Anna...

The lady covered her face using her hands.

- Calm down, please. I've filed a missing report to the police. They gonna find her very soon.

The man was trying to comfort her. Although he was worried, he tried to act normal in front of his wife.

- My daughter is missing since 5 days. And you're telling me to calm down?!

And all of a sudden, she started crying. The man hurriedly pulled her into his embrace.

- Calm down, please...

The lady, Martha is sick most of the time. It's been a few days, she had started to take Chemotherapy. Doctor had strictly forbidden her to take any stress. And now, she was going through all these...

Her only daughter was missing, did not even know or sure of the fact if she was alive or not. How could she stay calm in this situation?

The lady was sobbing in his embrace. The man's eyes were teary too. He was in military service but never had he ever gone through this type of situation. And he never cried after he entered the military service and his life was filled with happiness after he married Martha. Everything was going smoothly. And his only daughter is his everything.

With teary eyes, he glanced at the photograph of his daughter that was hanging on the wall.

A 23 years old beautiful and attractive lady. She has beautiful dark and long black hair. A pair of beautiful brown eyes that look like two drops of coffee on a cloud of milk. Her greek nose and pink lips somehow made her look attractive but at the same time, cute too.

She was so gentle and kind that she did not have any enemy. It is true that she gained fame at an early age. She was financially stable too. But she never had any enemy. Then what happened? Why is she missing?

The man started sobbing while thinking of his daughter. There was not any night when he went to sleep without seeing his daughter's face. And he never scolded his daughter in his entire life. His daughter used to share everything with him. Even at times, his daughter came to him and said that she wanted to have a boyfriend. That was when she was only 6. The man laughed so much hearing his daughter's innocent statement. And now..., his daughter is missing. He did not know how she was, whether she ate something or not. Every single moment was killing Anna's Parents. They had last seen her before she went to the Art museum. Since then, she has been missing.

Anna has attraction towards Drawing, collecting art works and attending art exhibitions. Even she herself was really good in Arts and Crafts. She fell in love with an Artist. No one ever seen him but still he was very famous not only in France, but also in the whole world.

Anna was mesmerized by his art works and that was why she wanted to meet him and request him to make a portrait of her. Her parents know this but accept that, they do not know anything about that artist or do not know anything about what happened after that.

-Come back home, sweetie...

Anna's father could not hold back his emotions anymore even though he tried his best not to cry and not to be weak in front of his sick and depressed wife. Not only hopelessness but also wailing was expressed through his statement. The wailing of a father who did not have any idea of his only daughter's whereabouts. He did not know that her daughter will never return to him even though he cries his soul out. Nobody knows what happens next to those girls who went missing. She will never return to him because she has now gone to a place from where she could never return.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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