
His Imaginary Muse

NK (Known as the Father of Divine Paintings) is a well-known artist who searches for women all around the world, women who are the most beautiful and makes portrait of them. But after making those portraits, his muses are nowhere to be seen. Police and Detective agencies are suspicious of him and since there are no evidence against him, it is really difficult to prove that he is a criminal. Murad, a well-known investigator who never fails in any cases is assigned to solve the case and to find out NK's dark mysteries. However, things get more complicated and mysterious when Wife of the Master Investigator gets involved in this case. Will Murad be able to solve the case?

AHRIMAN · Realistic
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5 Chs

A New Case

Place: Istanbul, Turkey

A dark study room. There are large book shelves full of books. And in one corner of the room, there is a large study table, along with a chair. A lot of books and document papers are left opened on the table. There are many more things on the table like a pendulum, a globe, a table clock, a sky blue table lamp that was enlightening the study table and a laptop. There is a small set of sofa in another corner of the room, and with that there is a small tea-table. And those are placed by the side of the window seats. The windows were wide opened, and through the open windows, cold breeze was blowing. For that reason, even those heavy curtains were swaying.

This study room is dark at night, with only the table lamp on the study table and the laptop providing illumination. Murad was looking at the document papers that were laying on the table in front of him in this dark room. He was carefully turning the pages and reading the documents. There were numerous files in front of him, all of which were related to NK.

He was so preoccupied with his work that he did not notice when someone entered the room and approached the study table. Murad looked at the lady standing behind him when she knocked on the study table with her index finger. He then gave a sweet smile. A young attractive lady dressed in a white nightgown, her red hair wrapped in a loose ponytail style with a red ribbon, and her smile was similar to Murad's.

It was none other than his younger sister, Hiya. She was holding a tray with a little dish of dates and a glass of milk on it for Murad, as this is part of his daily ritual to eat dates and milk at roughly 23:30 at night. Eating dates with milk is good for health as it reinforces and refreshes the skin, thickens and strengthens hair texture. It helps to prevent anemia and better blood circulation, improves eyesight and eye health, prevents dementia and memory loss, also, it stimulates the nervous system.

Hiya placed the tray on the study table and moved closer to Murad. She placed her hands on his shoulders and looked over his shoulder to see what her brother was doing late at night.

-How much time do you need, bro? Aren't you gonna sleep?

Murad gave her a friendly smile. He softly took her hand in his and dragged her in front of him, motioning for her to sit on a chair next to his. She sat on the chair and took a few moments to look around the room. Murad noticed it.

-What are you looking for?

Murad asked her. Hiya glanced at him.

-How do you stay in this dark room, bro?

Murad chuckled loudly.

-Just a habit and nothing else.

-A very bad habit.

Hiya told him intently. Hearing this, Murad's face turned into a serious one.

-So, again behaving like my granny, huh?

Hiya burst out laughing. Murad grinned. He brought the dish of dates and the glass of milk close to him and began eating dates with milk. Hiya was disgustedly seeing him eat.

-I don't understand why you love such weird combination of food.

Murad chuckled loudly again.

-Ohh ho... don't you know? Okay let me tell you. This combination is full of nutrition. It has...

-I know. I know. No need to tell me. No need to give knowledge of nutrition to a nutritionist, bro.

Hiya raised one of her eyebrows, a smirk formed on her face. Murad chuckled loudly, Hiya also joined him.

-Okay, okay... I won't say anything anymore. By the way, there's something very important I've to discuss with you.

Hiya looked at him. Murad started again,

-I've to leave for France tomorrow morning. My flight is at 6 O'clock.

Hiya's eyes were glistening, both in excitement and joy.

-Another new mission?!

She exclaimed in joy. Murad just nodded his head in approval.

-Ohh wow!!! How interesting! Wish I had not studied Food and Nutrition... my life is such a boredom, just sitting on a chair, waiting for patients in the small chamber. Boring!!

Murad chuckled loudly hearing what she just said. Hiya wanted to study medical science but then before the admission test of medical college, she got a chance to study Food and Nutrition in a well-known university. That time, she was being stubborn that she will only study Food and Nutrition. And now, she is saying that it is a boring job.

Murad somehow controlled his laughter and asked her,

-Really? Then what do you like to do? Or Should I say, what do you want to do?

She smiled softly.

-To be like you is what I want to do. Like let's just say you're going on new missions too often. Isn't it exciting?

Murad smiled, amused by her innocence. Hiya speaks in an infantile manner. She would not have said it if she had known how dangerous Murad's job is. Murad could lose his life at any time during any mission; even when he is not assigned to any mission, his life is in danger. Only Murad and his coworkers understand how dangerous their profession is.

-Why are you laughing? What did I say that was funny?

She questioned him while pouting like a child. Murad laughed.

-Nothing. Anyway, it's already too late. Go and get some sleep now.

-Good night, bro.

Hiya pulled her brother into a hug. Murad was caressing her soft, shiny red hair very gently.

-You gonna miss me, right?

She glanced at him.

-Very much...

Murad gave a sweet smile. He understands that he will never be able to provide for his family. His life is like that, and it will never change. The only thing he can do is serve the country and bring about world peace. He was powerless to help his family. His sister is now the lone member of his family, and he is unable to help her. He sometimes regrets not doing anything, but there was nothing he could do about it or change his fate.


The Next Day...

Place : Istanbul Airport

The plane took off about 20 minutes ago. A young and attractive Air-Hostess was going through the middle of the passenger seats, asking passengers if they needed anything. She placed the trolley table with various foods in front of a seat and stood there, looking at the passenger, who had probably fallen asleep while reading a book that was now covering his face. The Air-Hostess gave a little smile.

-Good afternoon, sir. What would you like to have? Veg or Non-Veg?

Pure European tone in her voice. The passenger awoke from his sleep, removed the book from his face, and looked at the Air-Hostess. It was none other than the unbeatable investigator, Murad. His eyes was fixed on her. Thinking hard in his own head. She had an Asian and a European expression on her face. Murad decided to speak after a few seconds of thinking.

-If I'm not wrong, dear then I guess your mother was from Afghanistan and your father was from... umm... Italy... Am I right?

Her eyes widened hearing what he just said. Did he know her? But she did not see this man before. Then how did he know everything about her? She was completely speechless, her hands were trembling. She opened her mouth to ask but her voice cracked,

-H....ho...how? How do you even know that?

The surprised look on her face did not bother Murad at all. He responded while folding the sleeves of his shirt as if it was nothing impossible to know about a complete stranger.

-Practicing Deduction, and nothing else, dear. Anyway, I'd love to have something Veg. And also a glass of Chardonnay, please.

Saying that, Murad smiled softly. The air-hostess was still in shock as if she saw a ghost or something. Murad looked straight into her eyes and said,


-Ye... yes... yes, sir...

She hurriedly handed him the food he had ordered and walked away, as if attempting to get out of his sight. This made Murad confused.


Murad mumbled. Then he started thinking again. Now, a new mission in an old place where he had been before. A lot of memories are lying on the ground, in the gardens, parks, rivers, in the sky of the place. France. And his only work is to be successful in solving the case as soon as possible. No matter how hard it will be, he must solve the mystery behind NK's works, at any cost.

His eyesight became blurry thinking of his past. He sighed deeply, heaved a deep breath and looked down at the newspaper on the unoccupied seat next to him. When he boarded the plane, he requested for the newspaper.

The paper was flipped to the last page, which was filled with images of missing women.

Murad was sweating even when he was sitting in an air-conditioned airplane. He got goosebumps thinking of the criminal who was so clever and cunning. He was thinking if he would be able to solve it or not. He has solved so many cases before, but this one was different. This time, for the first time in his entire investigation career, he was afraid of a criminal. He was feeling restless and even fear was building in his mind as well.

To be Continued...

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