
Highschool dxd the god of corruption

A god sealed for eons has finally been free from his seal and seeks vengeance against his brother,but sadly upset his brother was killed by weaklings and because of his sealed prison he remains young and he starts his first action in Kuoh academy

Paint_the_creator · Anime & Comics
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32 Chs

The meeting

Sona,Serafall,sirzechs,Grayfia,azazel and the angel Michael arrive at a meeting at the school "my sister has disappeared!!!" Sirzechs slams the table in anger "it seems like we have a common enemy" azazel sighs "he's not a demon,angel nor one of my fallen that became a stray" Michael agrees "he's not even an angel that fled the path of the light" Serafall just watched as they rant on who did this and who kidnapped who in rias's and sona's territory "remember Serafall once sirzechs tries to attack me betray him" Serafall smirked inside her head waiting for her master to strike" as the finally stop ranting they begin to make a peace until a group of mages attack to interrupt it just as planned by shiro.

After that shiro secretly caught a lot of female mages for his own needs and begins to strike "I see you must be the three factions?" Sirzechs and the other look to see who's standing on the roof "and who are you?" Shiro laughs "a man who has plans for this world" he reveals rias's peerage and his army of brutes and new breeds with Yuki and the new reborn Lilly standing next to him "it was you!!!" Shiro laughs "yes it was I!" Sirzechs was about to use destructive magic until Serafall interrupts him "sister why did you do that!?" Serafall didn't answer and flys towards shiro as she transforms into her new look from her old cosplay "she's mine now" sona was shocked to see Serafall,her own sister serve an evil being "here is a little present" he snaps his fingers to teleport rias in the middle of Shiro and Sirzechs "r-rias!!!" She didn't reply "you know what's funny mr Lucifer of hell?" He looks at shiro with rage "that she was easy to break "rias darling! Show your brother my love for you!" Her aura begins to turn red filled with power of destruction as her school clothes started to changed into a dark crimson dress that revealed her chest with with a short skirt with black leggings as a collar appears with shiro's name carved on with a tattoo of a heart "she is now mine to command Sirzechs" everyone but shiro's servants were shocked to see the new fallen Gremory "rias!!!" Rias opens her eyes to see her blue eyes are now red "rias darling show your brother how it feels to have my gift merged with your soul" she dashes at Sirzechs only to have her punched away by Grayfia "we need to leave!!!" Before that the brutes jump down and begin to capture sona and her peerage "we can't help them!!!" Micheal shouted "go I'll give you time lord Michael" irina shouted as she tried to attack Shiro only to be blocked be xenovia and her corrupted sword durandal "x-xenovia!!!" She was about to strike xenovia until akeno kicks her away "enough!!!" Before azazel could strike gasper uses her sacred gear leaving azezal unable to move "master what about the faction leaders?" Koneko asks as she stares down at them with a frown "try and capture the maid,she will do nicely" koneko nods as she drops down with kiri and Isa "capture the maid" the two girls nod "we need to lea-" before Grayfia could try to tell Sirzechs to leave immediately and snap him out of his shock of his sister koneko punches her gut sending her flying into a wall "Grayfia!!!" Before Sirzechs could aid her kiri and Isa both used their sacred gears to block off his path "we need to leave" azazel managed to break out of gaspers sacred gear and used his summoning circle to escape with the other two factions "they got away" rias said in disappointment "we got what we need my crimson pet" the brutes begin to collect the leviathan that fell by being killed by azazel "master we got the maid" koneko shouts as she has Grayfia knocked out and on her shoulders "Yuki" she bows as she collects Grayfia off koneko "now let's head back" he smirks "we have works to do" they all return to base as he he calls akeno to do a job "I want info about that white dragon emperor" she nods "yes master" he smiles "good girl" he introduced himself to the factions but he must corrupt his captured guests to become his loyal slaves.