
Highschool DxD: Perfect Romcom Situation (DROPPED)

Crossover fanfic from Highschool Dxd x Kaguya-Sama Love Is War anime and other romcom anime. MC Ren Shinomiya meets a Goddess, who asks him to comfort the Goddess because of her boredom. So the MC is given the opportunity to reincarnate with 3 wishes, watch Ren in his romcom story in the anime world

DogLickerGods · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Kaguya Feeling

Hello, this is Ren Shinomiya.

I'm currently sitting in class, waiting for the teacher to arrive. By the way I chose the second back seat near the window, you could call it the protagonist seat.

It's not that I really want to sit there, it's just that there are only two empty seats when I enter the classroom. Since I came a bit later than the others, I didn't have much choice.

So I prefer the protagonist's seat, rather than the other empty seats in the middle of the class.

Besides me there is also another classmate who just arrived, his name is Yuuto Kiba, he is a member of Rias Gremory's nobility from chapter 2.

Looks like apart from Yuuto, the other members of the Gremory nobility are in another class how regretful.

But this class isn't bad either, for example there are beautiful demon girls like Sona Sitri and Tsubaki Shinra.

Sitting in the front chair Sona Sitri has short black hair, purple eyes, wears glasses and has a slim body. She's beautiful, even though she's still below Rias Gremory and Akeno Himejima. But honestly I prefer Sona over Rias and Akeno, because I prefer Sona's assertive personality over the other two.

Then sitting next to him was Tsubaki Shinra another glasses girl. She has long black hair, brown eyes and a slim body with D-cup breasts. I think her body at least almost rivals that of Akeno's, it's just that she exudes a strict aura of discipline rather than a seductive aura.


The sound of the classroom door opening, from there walked in a beautiful woman with long black hair. She was wearing a white lab coat, covering the black teacher uniform he was wearing.

"Alright kids, take your seats. Today we will only introduce ourselves. Since it's your first day at Kuoh High School, after the introductions are over I will guide you around the school. By the way, my name is Shizuka Hiratsuka, your Japanese teacher and homeroom teacher."


Isn't she Shizuka Hiratsuka a teacher from Anime Oregairu? Why is he in this school? I guess since this world is a crossover from various anime, maybe the plot will be mixed too?

"Alright! Now let's start the introductions from the back seat on the left."

The introductions continued until all the students in the class including myself had finished introducing themselves. After that Shizuka-sensei took us around the school, introducing what facilities are in the school. Including various school clubs and other things related to school.

Today everything went smoothly, by the way I wonder how Kaguya is doing now.


(Kaguya POV)

Today is the first day of school.

After the opening ceremony Hayasaka and I separated from my own brother Ren, to go to our respective classes. The worst thing that happened today. I couldn't see my brother, for several hours which was very frustrating for me.

My own brother Ren and I have grown up together for 15 years.

The years we spent together always made me happy, but there were also times when I was sad. It was often when Ren wasn't with me or at least I couldn't see where he was. It makes me sad and my heart feels empty, whenever Ren is not around me.

I know my relationship with Ren is often too close, even for siblings. I subconsciously began to develop romantic feelings towards my own brother. I think it started when I was 10 years old, when I just got home from school. Having a high fever that knocked me unconscious at the entrance of the house, my own brother Ren, who was usually calm and mature, panicked when he saw me unconscious.

He rushed me to my room and called the doctor to check my condition. After being told by the doctor that I just had a fever, Ren was relieved and decided to take care of me personally. Even though he could have asked the maid to look after me, but he rejected the idea and continued to stay in my room.

After I regained consciousness, Ren continued to care for me lovingly until I was completely healed. At that time I felt my heart beating really fast, every time I saw Ren's eyes that looked at me with affection. Even though I know it's affection for brother, but I can't help but feel more brotherly towards Ren.

I love him..

Not as brothers, but as men.

I fell in love with my own brother, Ren.

"Haa.. I want to see Ren."

I sighed at my thoughts, at this moment I just wanted to see or at least hear Ren's voice.

"Kaguya-sama are you feeling sick?"

Sitting next to me was Hayasaka, my maid and childhood friend asked worriedly about my condition.

"It's okay Hayasaka, I just feel like hurrying home." I said while smiling faintly at Hayasaka who was beside me.

"I see, it won't be long before school hours will be over Kaguya-sama. Since it's the first day of school, the teachers will only condition each class, while providing information about various school facilities and buildings. Today's school should be finished at noon."

Hayasaka gave me information like a secretary, who reports the schedule of activities to his master.

Yes him current attitude is like when he was in work mode, but Hayasaka is often awkward when I tell him to act like a normal friend.

"Nee Gremory-san are you a model?"

"Himejima-san do you have a boyfriend?"

"Gremory-san your hair is red is it natural color?

Ah, by the way Hayasaka and I are currently in class. Apart from the two of us there are also other classmates, such as Rias Gremory and Akeno Himejima who most prominently are being mobbed by other classmates.

Maybe it's good that Ren isn't in this class 1-B, because I don't want him to be interested in Rias Gremory and Akeno Himejima. They were both definitely the prettiest girls in the class, especially with their lewd bodies that attracted a lot of attention from the opposite sex.

Rias Gremory with red hair, green eyes and a slender body with big breasts.

Akeno Himejima with her long black hair tied in a ponytail, purple eyes and a slender body with breasts bigger than Rias Gremory's.

Ah.. Thank goodness Ren wasn't here seeing the two of them, otherwise I would have been really jealous.

Today class went smoothly and during break time, Hayasaka and I visited Ren's class for lunch together.

We eat together in the school park bench, moments like this are the times where I enjoy my life the most.

I just hope that moments like this, will continue without anyone ruining it in the future.

For example, there are bitches who might approach Ren.

I will never let them!

Not! As long as I stay by Ren's side.

But I wonder, am I still too naive?


(Rias POV)

My name is Rias Gremory, a demon noble from the Gremory family.

It's currently school break.

I gathered with my peerage members, Akeno, Koneko and Yuuto.

Currently we are planning to go to the teacher's office, to make the teacher tell that we will create our own new club.

As we walked through the park, I saw my classmates Kaguya Shinomiya and Hayasaka Ai.

They seemed to be having lunch together on a park bench, but what intrigued me was that there was a boy sitting with them eating.

The boy had short black hair, sharp navy blue eyes and a slender muscular body. Overall he does look very handsome.

But that's not the case.

It's just that when I look at Kaguya Shinomiya and Ai Hayasaka, they both look completely different in class.

I mean when they're in class, they both seem really hard to approach. Especially Kaguya Shinomiya in class, she always had a cold expression that made it difficult for other classmates to talk to her.

They are both beautiful and indeed quite attract attention in class.

It's just that compared to their attitude in class and what I'm seeing right now, it's like seeing a completely different person.

Kaguya Shinomiya now had a gentle smile on her face, while looking at the boy who was eating the bento with her.

Ai Hayasaka who was sitting on the other side of the boy also smiled while observing him.

Seeing the three of them looking happy together, I feel jealous for some reason.

"Rias, so what club are we going to make?"


Hearing Akeno's voice calling out to me, I snapped out of my thoughts and turned to her.

"Sorry, what do you want to say Akeno?"

"I asked what kind of club we are going to create? What were you looking at by the way?"

"O-oh nothing, I was just thinking about something. Speaking of clubs how about we make a club about occult research?"

I've been thinking about a name for the club we're going to create. Thinking of us demons in disguise, it's important to have a private room like the club room the school provides.

"Hmm.. I guess that's good, that name can also serve as a cover for healing our identity from humans."

"I also agree, that's a good name chairman."

"Un, that's good."

Akeno, Yuuto and Koneko seem to agree with the name I came up with. So it's been decided, we will create a club about occult research.

'By the way should I invite them to join too?'

I thought of the idea of ​​inviting Kaguya Shinomiya, Ai Hayasaka and maybe the boy I saw earlier.

'No, they're only human after all.'

I immediately shook my head rejecting the idea, it's not a good idea to invite humans to our club. Unless they have Sacretd Gear and are willing to join the ranks of my peerage..

It was decided that later Kaguya and Hayasaka would be part of the Harem of the MC.

But I'm confused as to who from Heroine DxD will show romantic interest first to the MC.

DogLickerGodscreators' thoughts