
Highschool DxD: Magic? Who Needs It When I Have Muscles!?

A young adult is reborn in an anime world he's all too familiar with: Highschool DxD. But Ban isn't born with some world breaking cheat and neither is he born into a powerful family that can protect him. Instead, he's born as an unusual but otherwise normal human and abandoned at a Japanese Martial Arts Dojo full of Monks. How will Ban survive as a human? How will he fare against the other supernatural races he'll no doubt meet? Well, whatever happens, Ban is determined to live a better life. The people trying to stop him by saying he's only human, be damned.

Ser_Zachary · Anime & Comics
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The Siege, The Beginning of The Fight and A Real Challenge

Gramps looked to me and leveled a gaze that looked like it could destroy mountains, "Get back to your room and stay away from the fighting," he said before flashing away. Standing up, I brushed off the dust on myself and looked in the direction where the fighting was coming from...

'...Sorry gramps but I can't miss this chance to get some actual fighting experience,' I apologized in advance before flashing forward myself, empowering my steps with Ki so as to not destroy the surroundings by trying to achieve this speed with brute force. 'My use of brute force could use a little tempering, sure, but it's remarkably good considering that my use of it used to break my bones,' I thought this as I vaulted over walls and buildings, breaking the sound barrier as I moved.

Before long, I arrived at the northern wall where the gate to the compound was.

I suppressed my presence with Ki - the action itself wasn't too hard seeing as my mana output was abysmally low anyway and Ki can't be senses unless someone's actively looking for you. Though there are monsters like my gramps who can sense Ki no matter what he's doing. He could be sleeping and he'd still be able to sense the Ki of a bird a few dozen miles away.

...Old monsters, man. Gets even more frightening when I remember beings like Sun Wukong exist. If gramps is a monster, then Sun Wukong is something else entirely. Though I guess it's to be expected of the Monkey King to be a cut above the rest, right? Man, I wonder if I could get him to train me? That'd definitely be a big help~

Anyway, with my Ki and presence suppressed, I stood on the far side of the northern wall, watching the black-winged individuals currently pelting the wall and gate with light spears.

Fallen Angels.

The monks of the compound weren't without reaction either and we're returning fire with Senjutsu blasts. Some were even fighting Fallen Angels who were trying to get up onto the wall for a foothold for the siege they seemed to be trying on us.

Then gramps appeared in between the latest volley of the light spears and the walls the light spears were aimed at. But I really wasn't worried about him.

A burst of Ki spread out of his body, followed by a shockwave like an explosion had just happened, and the light spears heading for the walls were blocked before the dispersed. But the burst of Ki didn't stop there. Instead, it carried on and slammed into the Fallen Angels closest to him. They flew back, flapping their wings as they tried to kill off the momentum the Ki had given them.

The old monk took a few steps forward and straightened himself to his full height of about 212cm tall. Or just under 7'0" tall. His tall, wide and imposing frame instantly caused a seed of fear to appear in the eyes of the Fallen Angles. I considered myself somewhat tall at 6'1" and even I was towered over by the old man by nearly a whole foot.

Well, before foolish racial pride and perceived superiority flooded into their eyes.

One in particular, an average sized Fallen Angel with handsome features stepped forth, his gesturing instantly making him look like some sort of pompous noble.

"I believe you're the leader of this outpost, Human? If you give us what we need--" he didn't get any further because he was blasted back into the crowd by a fist-shaped Ki projectile. The origin being from gramps, obviously.

The old man took a step forward and stood rooted to the spot, "I don't wanna talk to some normal crow...Who's in command here? Come here and we'll have a chat," he gruffly said, reminding me that whenever he wasn't speaking to me or his friends...he was actually a bit of a tough bastard to deal with.

Silence prevailed over the small groups, even the fighting on the wall having stopped as the Fallen Angels retreated back to the main group after seeing an Ultimate-Class Being appear.

The silence continued until gramps got annoyed and realized the leader had no motivation to come and negotiate with him. Though he probably also realized that them pelting our palls with Light Spears wasn't exactly an invitation to have a chat and some tear. That normal Fallen Angel earlier was just getting too big for his boots and was trying to secure an easy win by fooling what he saw was an old and foolish human.

If gramps was stupid enough to give them what they want, they'd have just taken it and tried to kill us all anyway. Kinda the status quo in these types of situations.

Monks of sufficient strength began jumping off of the wall and onto the ground below gramps. All of them were tall and had broad shoulder, their frames covered in muscle brought on through years upon years of training. They were a group of superhumans and they gave an intimidating sight, especially when they started to throttle their Ki and exude it into the surroundings, making themselves look like they were covered in flames of all sorts of different colors.

The Fallen Angels didn't back up in the slightest and the front line began to prepare light spears.

The tension was building and building and building until it felt like the air had gone thick like jelly. The feelings building between the two sides--the bloodlust and anger--felt almost suffocating even from where I was. Then the tension all broke loose and both sides began attacking.

As per with most of the monks, they pushed to get closer to the Fallen Angels because close combat was their preferred fighting distance. And they made it.

Every one of these monks was a strong individual. Not so much physically as Fallen Angels had humans quite outmatched in that sense, but their technique and control over their Ki more than made up for the physical gap. And with a shield of Ki pushed in front of them, they moved forward like a phalanx, weathering all the light spears that came their way.

Hence why it wasn't too long until the fight became one of hand-to-hand. Or rather the monks using Ki empowered hands and the Fallen Angels using their light spears like actual spears. Some, however, morphed their light spears into other weapons like swords, axes, hammers, etc, and began attacking back with all they could.

Yet the fighting was pretty even between the two sides. The monks had lower numbers but each of them was individually stronger than the Fallen Angels were. While the Fallen Angels obviously had the higher numbers and the better weapons. Those light weapons looked like they stung even through the Ki coating.

Seeing all of this, I decided it was time to get involved just as I saw gramps meet a particularly strong-looking Fallen Angel in the sky way above the two groups fighting, sending shockwaves through the air.

It'd be a lie to say I didn't feel at least somewhat nervous about having to fight and kill my first living being...but at the same time, the thought really didn't stick in my mind.

I guess you could say the last 16 years alive in this life, I'd had more than enough time to think about what I'd have to do. How I'd have to fight and kill living beings with thoughts and emotions and all that shit. I wasn't okay with it, in fact, I'd like to avoid it if possible but that wasn't exactly possible for most situations in this world. It'd be naïve to think like that. So, I was prepared to do what I had to do.

Some of the monks recognized me as I charged into the small battlefield but they couldn't stop me as they had to worry about themselves before they could worry about me. And thus, with no one stopping me, I collided with one of the Fallen Angels as his light spear came right for my chest.

I empowered my muscles with Ki and slipped the thrust by twisting my torso. Barely dodging the attack, on purpose, I brought my torso back and clamped the spear in between my arm and torso so the Fallen Angel couldn't pull it back or escape out of range.

Seeing the chance in front of me, I gave a strong tug on the spear with my body, bringing the holder to me as I threw a punch right at his face.

I held nothing back, having learnt my lesson against gramps earlier.

Don't get arrogant. Don't hold back in a real fight. Go all out and crush your opponent before they can trying and turn the tables on you.

Yet, as I was shown as my fist hit the Angel's face, I could've maybe showed a small amount of restraint. Why? Because my fist turned his head into a bloody mist. The kinetic energy of my hit just turned his head and upper body into mush.

'...Huh. He must've been a Middle-Class Fallen Angel,' I figured before I leaned back and watched as a light sword that look quite a bit like a claymore swiped through the air just where my torso had been. Thoughts on the bloody gore I'd just caused aside, I looked to the side to see an older-looking Fallen Angel with black hair that was dark blue in some areas. He had muttonchops and he gave off the air of a noble gentleman. There was also the air of a murderous Fallen Angel, however, and that ruined the whole image of 'noble gentleman'.

Jokes and more useless thoughts pushed aside, I pulled myself back up with my freakish muscle power and sent a punch right at the man's torso.

Having seen what happened to his comrade moments before, the muttonchops Fallen Angel brought his light sword in front of his chest, the wide black covering a decent portion of it with the thickness of the blade making it act like a genuine shield.

Yet it wasn't enough.

The light sword burnt to touch but it didn't burn and blister my skin. It was just like touching hot bath water - it was uncomfortable...but it didn't cause any actual damage. In fact, the force of the punch caused the light sword to burst apart in a load of fanfare as the titanic amount of force was simply too much for a Middle-Class Fallen Angel's light sword to handle.

I was an average member of my generation in the supernatural world for mostly everything. Technique? I was very well-trained but I still had a lot more to learn. Energy? My Ki was robust because of my unique physiology but there were also many other races out there with bigger Ki Pools than me. I don't think I even need to tell you how useless my leftover mana pool is either. But if there's one thing that makes me an utter monster...it's my physical prowess. Strength, durability, stamina, healing ability, reflexes, explosive speed--I truly tower over most people in these attributes.

I figure it'd take an actual Dragon to physically overpower me. Even then, that's me as I am now. What about the me in a few months time? A year's time? How physically strong will I be then? It made me excited thinking about it.

As I was thinking all of this, my fist carried on through the broken light sword and into the man's chest. The leftover force was enough to cave in his chest and blow the back out of his torso. His organs were mushed as the shockwave of my hit traveled through the man and he was dead almost instantly.

And I didn't stop there. I moved onto the next Fallen Angel and then the next.

I took hits from the light weapons but they barely made it past the suit of armor I was wearing. What suit of armor, you ask? My muscles. The attacks cut my skin, sure, but they couldn't put a dent in my muscles and bones.

I walked through the battlefield like a juggernaut. Then I met someone who was like me:

He didn't get to High-Class through Energy or Magic...he got there through Physical Prowess. He was a few inches taller than me and he wore a ripped robe that was covered in blood. It wasn't his.

He stepped toward me with a sneer as he saw me finish off another Fallen Angel by snapping their neck. Though he didn't seem to be sneering at me.

"Weaklings," he huffed before stepping toward me and throwing a punch at me with his hand covered in a gauntlet of light. I turned to him and in my battle lust, I decided to meet his punch with a punch of my own.

All the other fights had been ended in one or a few attacks. This one, however...I could enjoy this one. I could feel it in my bones as our fists collided with a tumultuous bang that shook the surroundings. Like two wild beasts fighting for territory, the two of us only used physical strength and our energies were used to empower that physical strength to absurd heights.

A depression began to be formed below us as we pushed against one another, neither one giving a single inch to the other. Then the ground began to split as we pushed even harder.

The Fallen Angel looked at me with disbelief clear in his purple eyes...and I met him with unabashed excitement. I hadn't been able to go all-out with my physical strength. Ever. Not in a brawl that focused on physical strength.

Fighting with gramps was unsatisfying in that aspect.

Where I wanted a brawl that focused on brute force, gramps always used wily techniques to make my brute force useless. Mainly to get me to train technique, which I thank him for because technique truly is important...but there's nothing else like the visceral excitement I feel when I get to let loose and just go all-out in a brawl where only physical strength matters!

And this guy was like me. He could take the full-powered hits with nothing but his body and the empowering Holy Energy inside his body.

He even seemed to be on the cusp of breaking through into Ultimate-Class.

'...Man, this is gonna be fun!'