
Highschool AxL: Holy lion

Meet Daniele Berti, a reincarnated person,At least he learned that when he turned 5 But unfortunately the world he is in is more dangerous than he thinks.

Goksumr · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

demon no: 2


We finally reached Rome, where the Vatican is located. Of course, we did not come here as soon as we got off the plane.

As soon as they got off the plane they gave Dulio a mission, apparently a stray fallen angel was spotted near Vatican's headquarters and they asked Dulio to *take him down*

I admit a little excited to see Dulio fight. As for the outcome.... It's terrifying.

[I admit, Such strength at this age is seriously not bad]

The fallen angel attacked dulio as soon as he arrived and here I was expecting a villain speech , Damn, Dulio sent a tornado that ripped his body to pieces along with the spears he sent, the fight didn't even last 5 minutes, this is for you, the "strongest exorcist" of the future (he is still young too, So it hasn't reached that level yet)

After the destruction of the stray (fallen angel), we headed towards the church this time, and I took the opportunity to ask about things like the content of the lessons or the training to be given.

According to Dulio's explanation, there are many areas such as various physical training, reflex training, equipment training, holy water making or magic (for those who want it). A person may become particularly proficient in certain areas or try to become knowledgeable in all areas, but the first is usually more common.

Sacred Gear users either receive training from experienced individuals who have previously trained with the same or similar sacred gear, if these don't exist , Receive training from those who specialize in abilities similar to sacred gear.For example, healing training or a person skilled in healing magic training the user of healing-type sacred equipment.

He also went into detail about his magic training at my request, and it's basically the same as Canon, math is required for human magic ......It haunts me even in another world

Finally, we entered a church with Dulio.

"Hmmm,Have you finally returned?"

When I heard a mature feminine voice, I looked towards the voice.

It was basically a very beautiful woman dressed in a nun outfit with short blonde hair and blue eyes who looked to be somewhere between her early to mid 20s . At the same time, next to the woman was a cute brown-eyed girl with shoulder-length blue hair.

"I'm back, Griselda" Dulio, who directly confirmed the my doubt that came to my mind when I saw the woman and especially the little girl, answered the woman.

The woman then turned her eyes to me "And you"

"I'm Daniele Berti, ma'am, You can call me Daniele or Dany"When I greeted her politely with the etiquette I learned from my family, the woman looked at me with a small smile. "After all, Mr. Berti is my father." Yes, there were light jokes along with the education, a simple classic, I saw her lips turn up a little bit, even if just a little bit.

"I am Griselda Quarta and this young girl is my ward. Her name is Xenovia Quarta"

She raised one eyebrow and looked at Dulio as if asking for an answer.

"A boy I met while hunting this stray in Torino had a very "special" sacred gear, and I offered to be his exorcist, and he accepted. "While Dulio was explaining the incident to Griselda, I noticed that he did not mention my family, so I made a note in my mind to ask about it later.

"Okay then Daniele can you show me your Sacred Gear?"

"Okay" I made Regulus Nemea appear in my hand, it's surprisingly easy to reveal after the first summon

When she saw the object that appeared in my hand, Griselda's eyes widened in surprise,Yes, there's no doubt you know the axe. while Xenovia's eyes were shining for some reason.

[ Of course she will recognize it, how many other golden ax with lion pattern sacred gear do you think there are? ]

Hmm, are you finally back? You've been quiet for a while [it's not my fault, lion cub, your energy reserves are low right now and your body is so weak, I can only communicate occasionally].I told you to stop calling me that [ Then grow stronger and become someone worth partnering with] Aren't you seriously a little rude? [You are now in the supernatural world, kid, you need to hurry up and get stronger, otherwise, as a longinus user, there is a high probability that you will be hunted] I couldn't say anything when he said this, he was right after all.

"Why do you want to be an exorcist?" When Griselda asked me this, I couldn't help but think, then my mind turned to my family, My mother who always spoils me with a bright smile , My father, who has a small smile on his face and can talk to me about topics that interest me. That comforting feeling I felt when we finally sat down to eat together .

"To protect the people I care about" there was no doubt in my voice

Griselda looked at me a little more carefully and finally her slight smile turned into a real smile, she brought one of her hands to my head and caressed it softly "Then welcome."




How did it get like this, seriously why am I in this situation right now?

Right now, Xenovia was holding a wooden sword in front of me, accompanied by Dulio and Griselda, who were watching in the corner, and I had one in my hand too. "Well, first, let's see how it is."

......she kicked my ass, look no, not figuratively, I mean like that, but not completely. "Was that last kick really necessary?" I asked the blue haired girl who was standing in front of me while I was rubbing my ass, she shrugged "I was told to fight seriously "

"Okay, I have an idea in general," Griselda finally intervened, "Daniele, physically you are a little stronger than normal, but it's probably the effect of the awakening of the Sacred Gear.Other than that,you has terrible reflexes, combat sense, and swordsmanship. "

I felt like an arrow was stuck in my chest with every word she said "But at the same time, throughout the match, you were able to quickly grasp the fight and make a few counter attacks, which means your potential is high, so as not to waste this potential, I will train you *carefully* "She said this with a sweet smile on her face but why are you sweating cold xenovia and dulio why are you praying by looking at me from behind?

....Is it too late to give up?

"I'll win again next time" Xenovia said as she went behind Griselda, I looked at her in surprise then I looked at her with a similar grin "We'll see about that"


after 2 years

Currently, two people were fighting with wooden swords in the area. If a stranger saw it, he would be very surprised, In the end, these were two children who looked like they were 10 years old!!!!!but even if the people here saw it, they did not care. Some interested people also watched the fight.

One of them was Xenovia, whose hair had grown longer and was now down to her waist, and Daniele, whose own hair was a little longer than before but was tied behind his back.

Xenovia swung her sword at Daniele with a force not expected from a 10-year-old. However, Daniele dodged the attack by moving slightly to the side and he swung his sword upwards harshly to hit the underside of the Sword that was swinging in vain.

The end of the fight was already clear when Xenovia's wooden sword flew from her hand Even though "75-69 is my loss, I'm about to catch up Via "(Xenovia nickname, often used when the two of them are talking)

I extended my hand towards xenovia and she took my hand and pulled herself up, grunting slightly "Anyway, I'll still make the difference before you catch up with me. " Xenovia, still slightly pouting, said this and I couldn't help but giggle.

When we headed towards the corner of the field, there was a huge golden lion waiting for us.Well, finally, after a year or so, I managed to get Regulus Nemea into his independent avatar form. Well, it's not my fault it took so long (at least for me), I may or may not have *accidentally* destroyed part of the training area while training Regulus Nemea. (ax form)

And as for Griselda's scolding on this matter *shiver* I swear that woman is even scarier than that stray , So my SG usage was minimized until I reached a certain level .But the good thing is that I can train as much as I want in the independent avatar type, I am restricted to using only the ax form. Griselda said she would find a great teacher for me, I wonder who it is?

As for education, I basically took additional classes like creating holy water, swordsmanship, and a little weapon training. As for physical training, it was basically organized by that demo--- sorry Griselda, in a way that would challenge your physique from slow to difficult but would not harm my body.

As for magic, I worked hard and managed to learn some magic formulas.

These are:

language translation spell, reinforcement spell,

Apart from that, I worked hard and managed to recreate a very powerful technique. This technique was used to torture the divine beast in another world

When I asked Xenovia to help with testing and she agreed



When Xenovia attacks with the wooden sword in her hand I didn't hesitate to use it


As soon as I said the name of the spell Xenovia with a circle of light appearing below her slipped and fell face down on the ground..... yes the pride I feel is immeasurable


Flashback ending

Xenovia took one of the towels wiped her sweat and she drank deep water from her canteen, she was currently wearing a short-sleeved dark blue T-shirt with short sleeves extending from the collar to the sides, and short shorts with the same color scheme. My outfit was similar, except my shorts were a little longer than her and its had a hoodie hat made of a t-shirt. buried herself in the mane of Regulus lying on the ground. Now you may think that the golden lion's mane is a very harsh . Answer that question ..... no it is not, in fact it gives a very comfortable and cool feeling to Regulus when I ask this [The mane is a male lion's source of pride, of course you can adjust its hardness, after all it should always remain in its most magnificent state],Fucking gold plated kitty

So I dried myself with a towel and laid down next to Xenovia, gently on Regulus' mane. This has become a routine after every workout because the slight coolness really feels great. I noticed xenovia getting a little closer to me as I laid down next to her and she curled up. damn golden kitty had a grin like expression when he looked at me

I would punch him if I didn't know I would hurt my hand

<What's wrong> I asked with mental link [nothing, looks like you've started collecting your own females] , < we's only 10 years old you damn cat stop talking nonsense Also, what does *womens* mean? > ,[In the supernatural world, getting engaged at your age isn't that unusual. In fact, these devils are also quite normal. Also, harem is not just for devils and dragons. ]

"How do you know about the devil society? " [One of my previous host had a relationship with them.He was basically a mercenary or something] "Was he a good use------[IT SUCKED!!!! That damn wolf hybrid didn't even know how to use me, he ended up killing himself with his own strength, *grunt* heh, after all, he was no different than a stupid dog ]

Ahh yes, another thing about Regulus is that he doesn't really like supernatural dogs, well, he seems to be able to tolerate at least some of them, but he definitely doesn't like werewolves. I wonder why

"regulus about your other hosts" [We'll figure this out later, Griselda is coming]

I turned my head to the entrance of the training field and saw Griselda there. He turned towards me and Xenovia. When I wanted to tell Xenovia, I saw that she was already leaning on Regulus's mane and sleeping lightly. Griselda's facial expression was not at all when she saw her. He reached out with his cursed fingers and took a large pinch from her cheek.

"OWWW oww oww w-wait, stop Dany help " Xenovia screamed for help revealing light tears from the corners of her eyes, I'm sorry via but you're on your own , I silently prayed for her

"Do not sleep on the training field, you will get sick."

"I thought idiots weren't sic—oww" Even though I mumbled quietly, she apparently heard me, but she really elbowed me hard.

Griselda ignored our little argument and turned towards me "Dany (after 6 months she finally started calling me by my nickname) the trainer I told you about has finally arrived"

That's when my interest peaked. After all, Regulus Nemea is basically the SG version of Durandal, but it also has the effect of protecting the user. I seriously wonder who will teach me

Griselda told us to follow her and walked in front with Xenovia and me behind us with Regulus (he likes to be outside)When we came to the praying part, there was a giant sitting there, yes a giant, every cell of my mind strongly rejected the possibility of the thing in front of it being a pure human.

Of course, I couldn't tell him that, it would be too rude.

"Are you half-oni?" XENOVIAAAAA Also why oni . it doesn't even have horns

The giant in front of him didn't seem to be offended at all, he just chuckled, "Unfortunately, I'm a pure human.(LIES!!!!), little lady."

We looked at the man in front of me. He had white hair and a face full of wrinkles. Normally you would call such a man a weak old man. Yes, you might not say the same thing when you see that body.

Damn, the guy was two meters tall, pure muscle, with a physique that even the most experienced athletes, even weightlifters, couldn't even think of having.

This was my first encounter with Vasco Strada, the violence of heaven or as I call him, demon no:2