
High School of the Dead: Zombie World with a Gacha

High School of the Dead x Prototype. Harem, Action, Romance. *** *** Brand Mercer had it all. Women, money, properties and most importantly luck. Many attributed his riches to his unprecedented shrewdness, hustling to survive after being abandoned by his father, there seemed to have been only a single thing he inherited from him that was useful, his luck. As such there was no casino that Brand hadn't cleaned with his luck, alas... the day came for him to pay. The goons of the most prominent casino in Las Vegas believed him to be a cheater; with no more options and surrounded by gangsters at a filthy corner filled with piss stench and rats. Mercer knew this was the end of his luck, or so he believed. As such, with nothing else to do Brand did the only thing that could have brought him satisfaction at that very moment, just as he had done for his whole life. He kicked the leader in the balls and awaited to be battered and possibly killed. Little did he know his luck wasn't finished, in the afterlife he met the Goddess of Luck and Causality, Sonasha; who -much to his surprise- found out that he had certainly inherited something that the goddess had left for his father. A lifelong blessing of Luck. [Tags: weaktostrong, harem, romance, action, adventure] Hello here from Author-Photosphere, new fanfic for the new year with new objectives. This time the story is based on many worlds with the theme of Zombies, there is no multiverse travel; there is world travel. If there is such a thing as multiverse travel, it shall be considered in the future. First World: High School of the Dead + Prototype. Second World: My Girlfriend is a Zombie??? Male Lead: Brand Mercer (OC) Harem Confirmed: Busujima Saeko, Shizuka Marikawa, Rika Minami. Original Cover by Lee Inhyuk *** *** https://discord.gg/68Entk7Zs7 Feel free to join my discord server to have novel discussions with your peers, get illustrations and participate in polls! Get up to 30 advanced chapters in my pa-tre-on: pa-tre-on.com/photosphere The schedule is one chapter a day, with no chapter during the weekend except extra chapters. Extra chapters: 300 stones - 1chap. 600 stones - 2chaps. 900 stones - 3chaps. 1200 stones - 4chaps. 1500 stones - 5chaps.

Photosphere · Anime & Comics
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131 Chs

Mother & Daughter Talk

[Yuriko's POV]

The scenario that I least desired came to be, I actually can't stop laughing, calling for attention of those two that I least desired to see my laughter.



I didn't answer to Saya and instead kept my gaze fixed in the mirror along the passing city. Coming back from work earlier than anticipated just to catch up your partner cheating on you… a tactic that I planned to use on him, but due my responsibilities in the Takagi Clan, I couldn't be bothered… what I did once was get to the hotel where he was staying in Europe… but I didn't catch anything fishy back then. My suspinctions only arose again when I found a panty in one of his jacket pockets… I mean, is there any worse way to shoot your foot?

Even after all that, he was the one that actually caught me cheating! How indignant can this be… FOR ME!?

There are so many curses I want to yell at him but not in front of Saya, this is not her fault and Souchirou is a great father, this is between us, not her.

Saya's concerned gaze regarded me at all times and I wanted nothing more than to hug her and ask for forgiveness.

When were reached home my fierce glance clashed with the driver's he better not hope to keep this job.

"Come, Saya… let's talk".

I hurriedly took Saya to her room. Before exchanging any word with Souichirou, I have to talk to her.

We entered her room and I closed the door, she was standing behind me tapping on her elbow.

"Start explaining, Okaa-sama…"

I exhaled the heaviest one I have done in my life. If I don't say my words properly then Brand and I can't be together… I made this very clear to him, for me, Saya's happiness takes priority, over my love and over my lust and over everything.

"I know otou-sama is cheating…"


What did she say!?

"But I don't have proof… I also knew that there was something weird going on between you and Brand… you two were too… close".

"Saya, I…"

"I need you to explain to me how otou-sama cheating translates to you getting on with my boyfriend, okaa-sama".

She's dominating her conversation and rightfully so… although I want to touch upon the matter of her father's cheating, right now I could only stand in front of her awkwardly as if the tables had turned, usually it is me scolding her; while right now I can do nothing but stand straight as she questions me.

I bit my lips and fidgeted, "There is no excuse, dear… there is no excuse I can possibly give you that would do anything more than wasting our time. I had hundreds of choices, but I choose him. The boyfriend of my daughter and also my nephew".


"I want you to know that I'm sorry… for not reigning in my own feelings and going with the flow. He is a wonderful lover and that's what I desired. If you want me to end things with him, I'll do it… we spoke this already. I just hope this won't break your relationship with him. I want you to be with him, Saya…"

During this catastrophe I want my daughter by his side, at least that way I can be at ease.

"And what do you want deep inside?"

"… I like him, I'd like to be with him together with you and the girls during this catastrophe"

I said my feelings honestly, hoping to convey them and make her understand… for me this relationship is important too, although right now I can only see Brand as a lover… he's quickly scaling up with his performance and display of responsibility.

"I will think about it. But you better compensate me with something, Okaa-sama!"

"I'll dear… I'll. Now, let me sort out things with your father".

"Are you going to divorce?"

"Yes, dear… I'm sorry but he and I can't be together anymore, regardless of whether I'm with Brand or not… I tolerated it enough. If you don't mind me asking… how did you know?"

"I'm a genius, mother… looking at the two of you daily, I can tell…"

I sighed, I thought it would be anything more conclusive. I don't have proof of Souichirou's tryst but he has proof of mine, this is bad.

I kissed my daughter and headed back to another battlefield.



Souchirou was standing on the main counter of our appendix in the Takagi Clan. He was gouging out of a big bottle of rum.

"I want a divorce…"

"You will get it, but Saya stays with me".

I immediately grit my teeth, this is what I feared he'd say.

"You cheated on me first, Souichirou!"

"Do you have proof? You have nothing Yuriko, just mindless accusations".

"Bastard! There were a female's panties in your jacket pocket! Lipstick on your neck, I have seen it all!"

"Does that qualify as proof in front of a jury? You're not winning this case, Yuriko".

She threw something at me, a picture of me leaning on Brand's shoulder in the car… quite chummy and intimate. My heart stopped.

This can't be possible, I can't lose my daughter.

When he saw my panicked self, he smiled wickedly and it was then that I received a message on my phone… I ignored it at first but then received a call.

I answered with irritation and heard Lucy's voice on the other side.

"Look at the messages, Yuriko".

She hung up the call right after. I checked the messages she sent me and they were pictures… rivers of pictures of him with a blonde woman, there was even a video of them kissing in an elevator!

The message finished with a text alongside a shared phone number, of a lawyer buffet's directory.

'XXXX-XXXXX… You're welcome, Yuriko~'

I just love this girl, when we get back I'm letting her sleep between me and Shizuka's breasts… the naughty brat can sleep in the sofa for a week.

Though… I'm sure he ordered Lucy to do this.

I couldn't help but smile broadly and throw Souichirou the most wicked of gazes that he didn't understand.

"See you in court, Souchirou".

That was all I said, I wouldn't allow him to prepare for the onslaught that's coming his way… when his attorneys meet this barrage of proof, I want to see what they're going to do.

Me and my daughter will be happy and survive this catastrophe, I'll make sure of that.

You can find up to 30 advanced chapters on my Pa-tre-on: [pa-tre-on.com/photosphere]

Novel King Tier - 10 chapters.

Novel Emperor Tier - 30 chapters.

Subscribe and find advanced chapters for my fanfics: [A Vampire in My Wife is a Beautiful CEO] , [High School of the Dead: Zombie World with a Gacha] & [DxD: Golden Peerage]

Look at the novel's synopsis or my profile to find the discord link, also hit the heart button while you're at it <3 all the illustrations will be there from now on.


The schedule is one chapter daily, with no chapter during the weekend except extra chapters.

600 stones - 1chaps.

900 stones - 2chaps.

1200 stones - 3chaps.

1500 stones - 4chaps.

2000 stones - 5chaps.

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