
High Human in Crossed Worlds - A HP x DxD Fic

Man dies. His last act in the previous life generates him an absurd amount of karma. He meets a god, and it reborns him in a crossworld of Harry Potter and DxD. He gets a gift, one that can only be fully explored with the knowledge that he learned in his previous profession in the previous world. The keeping of knowledge is also a gift. And with that, his karma is spent. Thrown in the world with a 'good luck' and a slap in the back, he fights to survive until the start of canons. The time until that, 1000 years. ------------- Yeah… Now read about some of his adventures in this crossed over world, beginning already in HP canon. ------------- English is not my main language, so you will find some strange stuff, like the mix of North American and the Queen’s English. ------------- Disclaimer: All characters that you recognize from the franchise of Harry Potter and DxD are propriety of its respective creators and I only wish that they were mine. But they are not. I only own the MC, the OCs, and the ideas that generated the non canon plot.

DonnutHermit · Book&Literature
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194 Chs

Chapter 152: First Cleansing Job

Kuoh, Japan

September 1st, 2005 (2.5 years before DxD's first episode)

That same night, just an hour before the clock hit midnight, Erik was standing high in the sky while flying. His vision and senses were focused on something that was happening on the ground level, under him.


An explosive sound was heard and a cloud of smoke rose into the air from one of the abandoned warehouses at the border of the city. From his position, Erik could see lights going on inside the houses all around the local of the explosion, making Erik sigh at it.

On the ground, a proud-looking red-haired teenager was feeling proud of herself. Her attack had completely obliterated the stray Devil that was hiding inside the building. Behind her, her Queen and friend, a beautiful black-haired girl, was looking at the destroyed building with a gaped mouth. Besides her, a blonde and handsome boy was looking at the scene with an equally open mouth while keeping a hand over the sword's pommel on his waist. They were, of course, Rias Gremory, the King, Akeno Himejima, the Queen, and Yuuto Kiba, the Knight.

"Rias! I told you to wait for me to cast the bounding field!"

Akeno said in a reprimanding tone. Together with Sona and Tsubaki, both of them had decided to follow Erik's suggestion and start with the cleansing of the city first, starting on that same night before the news got out that the city had new Governors, making the 'bad elements' go into hiding. To facilitate the work, and since they were two different peerages, the Kings decided to a divide and conquer tactics, with each one tackling half of the city. This was their first 'cleansing job' and things had already gone bad. But the 'King' was not thinking like that.

"Don't worry about that, Akeno. Everything went in accord with the plan."

Rias said while raising her nose high in the air in a proud manner. But, as if to prove her wrong, a delicate-looking teenager with blond-white short hair appeared from the shadows of a tree that was near the group followed by a cute blonde girl. Both were wearing matching dresses and had a somewhat gothic look to them.

"Rias! It's bad!"

The first one said in a rather masculine voice for such a delicate and feminine-looking figure. Rias, Akeno, and Kiba turned to look at the newcomer.

"What is it, Gasper? Had I not asked you and Valerie to keep an eye around?"

Rias asked her Bishops. Gasper Vlad and Valerie Tepes were a couple of Dhampirs that got rescued from an abusive home by Alice, Bethanny, and Cadmus, the first three Dhampirs to reside in The Nexus. The husband and wives wanted to help people like them and had joined The Nexus security team after finishing their studies. Now, they were part of the team responsible for keeping a close eye on the vampire community in Romania. They had discovered Gasper and Valerie imprisoned in a room by Valerie's own family while receiving daily doses of abuse. Both kids were promptly rescued while having their deaths forged in a hate crime act against half-bloods. Safe inside The Nexus, the two kids quickly adapted to the new life, becoming inseparable in freedom just like they were in captivity. Later, it was discovered during a magic class that both of them possessed powerful Sacred Gears, which turned into the focus of their training. During one of their fun times in a park near their residence, the duo met Rias Gremory, who was playing and having a fun time with her new friend, Akeno Himejima. The two princesses, Rias and Valerie, were a hit the moment they met, discussing how cute Gasper looked while wearing feminine clothes. Weeks later, Rias and Valerie struck a deal between them, resulting in Gasper and Valerie joining Rias as the redhead's Bishops. What the deal was, nobody aside from the two girls knew.

"And we were doing exactly that until we heard a big explosion coming from here."

Valerie said in a bothered manner. Her nice night stroll with Gasper had been interrupted and she was angry about it now. Gasper, unknow of his more-than-friend mood, nodded his head in agreement.

"Yes. And then, the humans around started to wake up and look through the windows. I even heard some of them calling the police and the firefighters to report the explosion."

Gasper reported honestly to Rias. And, as if so no one could call him a liar, sirens could be heard in the distance coming from the rescue and police cars that were moving to the place where they were. It was just them that Rias seemed to realize the gravity of what she had done. The red-head King's face paled at the implication that her 'eagerness' could have. Fortunately for her, Akeno came to her rescue.

"We have to hide our participation before they arrive. Quick, Gasper, Valerie, help me with the powering up of this confounding spell."

Akeno said while starting to cast the spell. Just above the ground, a big red magic circle appeared with her in the center of it. Acknowledging the request, Gasper and Valerie nodded their heads and run to where Akeno was, putting a hand on each of her's shoulders. As soon as they did that, the red magic circle above the ground grew exponentially in size, covering a good part of the city. Luckily for them, the nature of the confounding spell that they were casting was 'discrete' in nature, making it so that the magic circle would only be seen by those that were part of the supernatural world. Twenty seconds later, the hastily cast confounding spell went off, affecting every normal people's perception of the explosion, including the soon-to-be in the place policeman and firefighters. Tomorrow morning, only the news of an old gas tank exploding at the edge of the town would be reported. As soon as the red magic circle faded and disappeared, the three people who powered it swayed on their feet. Yuuto Kiba noticed that and in a burst of speed appeared by Akeno's side, holding the older girl so she would not fall. Gasper, still disoriented by the sudden huge expenditure of magic energy, managed to move while staggering to where Valerie was having difficulties staying afoot by herself. His hand quickly grabbed the girl by the waist while he passed her hand behind his neck and over his shoulder, securing both of their standing positions with the move. It was then that the group heard a slow clapping sound.

*Clap, clap, clap.*

The crisp sound of clapping seemed to wake Rias out of her stupor. The red-headed girl looked at the source of the sound just to pale at the identity of the person. The other four too turned to look at it and some relief passed through their faces after recognizing the person, but it soon changed to some concern due to the look that was shown on the person's face. The person was Erik. He, who had watched the whole 'show', was not amused by it, and that was exactly the expression that was shown on his face.

"Lord Ravenclaw, wha-"

Rias started to say but was interrupted in the middle of her talking by one of Erik's hands raising.

"No words for now. Let's get out of here first."

Erik said and snapped his fingers.


A blue magic circle quickly appeared above the ground, encompassing everyone. Five Seconds later, when the first people of the response teams started to arrive on the scene, no other people could be seen.

In a lounge room, inside a big house located near the Kuoh High School, a group of people appeared in the middle of motes of blue light. The teenagers quickly looked around to orient themselves to the new place that they were suddenly transported to and visibly relaxed when recognized the place as being their home in the city. Akeno, Gasper, and Valerie quickly dropped into one of the sofas. The three of them were visibly tired.

"Nice work on almost exposing the supernatural world on your first day as a Governor, Rias."

Erik's voice came out laced with sarcasm, making the Devil King lower her head in shame of her actions.


Rias said in a low voice. She had already noticed what she had almost done during an impulsive moment and was truly sorry for it. Erik could hear it in her voice.

"Sarcasm aside, nice quick thinking there, Akeno."

Erik said while giving the girl a small smile. Akeno smiled hearing that too. One thing that had been drilled into her during her magic classes in The Nexus was the need to make quick decisions under pressure. That could save one's life during a battle. Erik then looked back at Rias, who continued to have her down in shame.

"I hope that you had learned from your mistake, Rias."

Erik said to the girl, who nodded her head weakly.

"Good. Now, I will be going back home."

Erik said to the group and a blue magic circle appeared under him.

"Don't forget to send a report from the happenings of the night."

Erik said, making Rias let out a whimper as a sign of defeat.

"By the way, you don't need to tell the complete truth of what happened in your report."

Erik said again, giving back some hope to the young girl.

"But that doesn't mean that you will not receive a call from your home. After all, I am sure that they were watching your first day at work."

Erik said again, throwing a bucket of cold water over the girl's head. As he activated the magic circle to teleport him home, he thought of how fun it was to toy with Rias and hoped that the girl had learned her lesson today. For her own good.

One year quickly passed by, and Rias Gremory seemed to have learned her lesson. As commented by Erik, her brother, Sirzechs Lucifer, was watching her first day at work through the use of a special divination spell and saw how she had almost exposed the supernatural world with her bad decision. Unfortunately for Rias, it was not him that had made the call on the next day. When the redhead answered the call it was to see the serious face of her sister-in-law, Grayfia Lucifuge. The strongest Queen had decided to make the call herself because she knew that her husband, Sirzechs Lucifer, would not have in his heart the will to reprimand his little sister. With the call finished, the girl started to think before acting from that point onwards.

As it was combined, during the 'club's week' at the school, Rias Gremory had come to Erik with all the formularies filled for the creation of her club and it was no surprise to him when he read the name of the club: Occult Research Club. After checking that everything was all right, Erik accepted the invitation to be the club's councilor and forwarded the papers to the Student's Council. Due to Rias' contacts inside the board of the school, also known as an elder brother, her new club was quickly accepted with them being given the building of the old school to use as a base.

Sona had followed Erik's idea and managed to naga good position inside the Student's Council as the one responsible for taking care of the budget for all the clubs and school's activities. That would make her a well-known person to all students. Now, if it would be good or bad for her reputation, only time and her work would say.

As the four original Devil students entered their second year of High-School, the school changed its rules to allow male students to attend. With that, Yuuto Kiba joined the school as a first-year student together with some random other males. The school's change had been a quiet one and because of that, it didn't have attracted a lot of people. Between the male newcomers was one Issey Hyodou, together with his two perverted friends, Matsuda and Motohama, and Sona's future pawn, Saji Genshirou.

Funny enough, even without Odin's influence when young, Issei Hyodou had become a pervert. To Erik, that was the foolhardy proof that some stuff was fated to happen, and it seemed that the birth of the Heavenly Boob Dragon was one of those things.


a/n: A shotout to my new financial supporters: Tarlock, CZK30, and Mickjay67.

Thanks a lot for your support!

Become a financial supporter: bit.ly/donnuthermit

Chapter #152 is done!

This chapter has 2105 words.

Chapter #153 is incoming in one, max two days.

Stay 'tuned'!

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