
Hide Your Identities Or Inherit Millions

Joven, an AI that transmigrated here from the stars became a daughter of a rich family, lost in a rural village but finally returning home for a certain purpose. Everyone thought that she would be unrefined and lack culture given her poor upbringing... until the eldest Lu brother realized that his youngest sister was the one who casually agreed to the contract he just signed. Second Lu Brother: What? My younger sister invested in the movie I was leading? Mama Lu: The unlabeled products my daughter gave me are from a state-of-art research center? Papa Lu: The cheap stuff my daughter gave me is actually worth millions?! Big shots of various industries: Would you like to be an instructor? The type who earns over hundreds of millions? A certain conglomerate: Had enough fun yet? Now get back here and inherit your billion-dollar estate. Scumbags: Weren't we promised a pathetic wimp to bully? *** The day Li Hanzhou learned that Qiao Wen equaled him in net worth, he made inventory and put everything before her. "You can have all of these—plus one husband! Please sign here." Qiao Wen: "You're the one who insisted on no puppy-love. It's important to keep your promises." Mr. Li: #Urgent! How do I go back in time to slap my past self? I'll make it up to you with all the tenderness in the world.

Chord Knows Elegance · Urban
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100 Chs

Chapter 38: Isn't This an Insult to the Intelligence of Ordinary People?

Translator: Inschain Editor: Inschain

"He's dumb," Elizabeth said.

Her expression was earnest, without a hint of jest.

Peter was speechless.

He was somewhat embarrassed. If Alexander was dumb, what did that make him?

Elizabeth continued, "Don't worry. He's dumb; he won't figure me out. Plus, he helps clean my house, so I've decided to be forgiving."

In his mind, Peter was incredulous. Professor Lawrence, you're still a child! Stop acting like you're so mature.

"He is also..."

Elizabeth was carefully choosing her words, her eyes brightening.

"He's also my arranged husband."

Peter felt confused.

"What the heck is an arranged husband?"

Perhaps Peter was so shocked that Elizabeth patiently explained, "I saw his butt, so now I have to take responsibility for him. Isn't that how it works in TV dramas?"

Peter couldn't help but scoff, You must have watched some twisted TV shows.

"Good grief, you're worse than an animal," Peter muttered under his breath.

What the fuck!

She was too good for him, but she actually agreed with the idea.

Was this because Elizabeth didn't understand social norms or had emotional issues?

"But I'm not yet 25, so I can't date," Elizabeth said, her beautiful face devoid of emotion, "So, we can only be friends."

Peter let out a sigh of relief.

The outside world was indeed a dangerous place.

Peter earnestly suggested, "Come back with me; the outside world is not for you."

Elizabeth thought for a moment and rejected him, "I still have to go to school."

"School?" Peter was stunned. "You're becoming a teacher?"

"No," Elizabeth blinked her clear eyes, "I'm becoming a student."

"A student! Boss, are you going there to level up by defeating monsters? You could better spend that time earning money and doing research."

Peter's handsome face immediately twisted.

Elizabeth was firm in her stance, "Normal people have to go to school."

Peter looked at the unyielding Elizabeth, feeling as if he was about to go bald from worry.

"I thought you came back to Metro City to take charge, but you're mingling with ordinary people. Isn't that an insult to their intelligence?"

Elizabeth glanced at Peter and compromised, "Fine, if you have any problems you can't solve, message me."

Resigned, Peter said, "Alright, it's up to you."

He felt like he was becoming a drama queen.

"By the way!"

Peter added with a placating smile, "I think there might be something wrong with my hands. When can you adjust them for me?"

"In a few days."

Elizabeth Lawrence glanced at Peter's hands, hidden within the sleeves of his suit. They were highly sophisticated mechanical hands.

Incredibly strong and agile.

So, repeating a task three thousand times was really nothing for him.

Peter had been abandoned by his parents because he had no hands. After Elizabeth found him, she provided him with these prosthetic hands.

She had advanced knowledge of the cosmos and could easily build intelligent robots.

However, she chose not to; she didn't want any more robots to suffer like she had.

Peter made a quiet request, "Why not take this opportunity to upgrade me with rocket launchers? Make them transformable."

He had recently become fascinated with sci-fi movies and greatly admired those cool and high-tech mechanical hands.

Elizabeth flatly stated, "Carrying weapons is illegal."

Peter grumbled but remained silent.

You're certainly a law-abiding citizen, aren't you?

Elizabeth didn't spend much time with Peter. After reminding him again not to disturb her life, she sent him on his way.

Peter, having seen Elizabeth and confirmed her determination to live her own life, reluctantly left.

Upon returning to the hall, he took his leave of Sir and Lady Wilson.

Sir and Lady Williams were a bit regretful. They had hoped to take this opportunity to glean some information about Mr. Lawrence from Peter.

Very few people knew that the big man behind the Fortune Law Group was Mr. Lawrence.

But information about Mr. Lawrence was scarce.

Lady Williams frowned deeply. If they couldn't find Mr. Lawrence, Alexander...


Elizabeth returned to the hall after a while. Linda and Lily, accompanied by some wealthy young men, came up to block their way.