
chapter one

kaydens p.o.v

I looked at the person in front of me, a pale-skinned boy with dark circles under his eyes stress clearly showed on his face though his dark brown chocolate eyes gleamed with a sort of small determination. Kayden winter stone, yes me, still looking at myself in the mirror I smiled noticing the small smile lines come up onto my face.

My body jumped hearing the loud familiar shouting coming from outside my door, "CMON SHORTY WERE GONNA BE LATE" I frowned at the nickname, my best friend Cameron. I quickly started to get dressed and brushed my hair dashing out of the door as my best friend hit the back of my head with a book. After ending up running to our chemistry class we both sat down.

in front of me, I noticed a strange boy, well not really strange but a weird style and haircut. He almost looked sort of gothic in a way, but not to be gay or anything he was a little hot (oh yes i am indeed straight as a board) even though cleary I don't have time for relationships i got to work on my studies. I looked outside the window everything seemed so still, it was early fall the leaves somewhat looking about to change colors. It was a chilly day out as people would say 'sweater weather'. By I knew the time the class bell rang signling us that class time was over, people quietly got up and walked out, looking in front of me I noticed the strange boy was already gone, I wonder if hes someone I can talk to.

Walking to the side of the dorm with my best friend we joked and laughed having a good time, by the time we walked up to our floor, unfortunately, Cameron said: "cmon shorty don't be so stressed all the time." I sighed looking away and mumbling under will he ever stop calling me shorty? I at least have got to be average height I don't wanna even argue I'm so tired. Obviously, I walked away and nodded unlocking my door and walking inside the cramped room I stayed in, luckily for me I didn't have a roommate and hopefully, I never did. Looking at the small twin sized bed I slumped down on it taking off my shoes and turning off the light. I could study later I got all A's anyways.