
chapter 2

Kayden's p.o.v

I felt hot.


I gasped waking up drenched in sweat, sighing I flipped the covers off of me. This happened a lot though I mostly ignored it, I had this feeling as if someone was watching me I quickly turned around seeing nothing unusual.

Tonight was chilly as the soft fall breeze hit me, making some dead leaves travel across the ground, I usually wasn't able to sleep much, walking to the park I sat down on one of the small swings. Looking around to see a couple of teenagers probably hitting a joint, you know things teenagers do. My eyes widened once I saw a familiar face stuck in the group, the strange boy.

As I kept staring at me he seemed emotionless almost as he was probably dragged there by some punk friends, noticing he was also looking at me. I felt my cheeks burn up in embarrassment.

Why am I embarrassed? well maybe because I was caught staring. duh.

Quickly I turned my head away, maybe he thinks I'm weird.

sorry a short chapter honestly I have no idea where I'm coming with this story.