
hidden like a blade

a retired assassin tries leading a regular life until one day he has a fated encounter with a younger girl at first he doesn't like her but will he warm up to her overtime?

funnyman2122 · Realistic
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7 Chs

The hell is going on

I finally arrive to the scent I find a free seat at the table and take it

"where's the food I'm starving"

I hear a woman's voice but it isn't Cindy or grace's for that matter

"no patience whatsoever i'm making yours now so calm down"

"I am perfectly calm i don't get what you mean"

"I mean shut up and sit quiet"

"or what?"

"or i'll kick you ass worse then Cindy did"

"whatever you say"

i put my feet on the table and the girl comes around the corner with a plate of food in hand

"feet off the damn table idiot"

"I'll think about it"

she puts the plate down then pushes them off and then comes out with several more plates

i tried eating what was on the plate and she grabbed my wrist after placing them down

"what now?"

"no eating till everyone comes down here"

"fine now let go"

She does surprisingly

"what's with all those plates?"

"what else you aren't the only one who gets to eat"

she clears her throat


"jesus nearly deafened me"

"I'll make sure to try harder next time"

she says in a smug tone and as soon as she does they one by one come downstairs Cindy coming down last

"oh hey there kiddo"

Cindy gets comfy in the chair next to me

"why are you always clinging to me like this"

"well actually the definition of clinging is me physically touching you"

she giggles

"how the hell would i know that"

Chris speaks up

"don't mind Cindy she's the only one that actually took an interest in you is all"

Cindy starts wiggling around

"oh no i've been exposed by Chris i just fell in love with him at first sight"

"you know full well i didn't mean it like that"

"i know but i don't care so easy to wind you boys up"

She looks over at me


"how was your first time she said smugly"

"w-what the hell did you do to me in my sleep i demand a new roommate"

"oh wow big boy demand is a pretty big word for you isn't it"

"f-fuck off"

she burst out laughing

"Don't worry your virginity is still intact"

"good that's how it should be"

Cindy looks over at Grace who was filling her face

"hey grace how's that game series treating you?"

"not this early in the morning i beg"

"what's wrong it's a simple question"

the girl who was making the food speaks up

"the lot of you shut up and eat the damn food I made before it get's cold"

The old man nods

"yes what malt said"

"i just wanna make sure this is real"

"it is kid i promise you it is"

"well in that case don't mind if i do"

I start filling my face full of food too i'm sure to the others I looked like a wild dog but i couldn't care less i was starving

"hey you damn bra-"

the old man stopped her

"let him eat he hasn't had it easy"

"well neither have we so why should i"

"do it for me please?"

"fine but it's only because it's you"

she sits down and everyone begins eating their food, Grace got up and got everyone drinks they all thanked her which doesn't make sense why thank someone for something so simple i grab it off her and drink it in one go i start to feel the effect of eating too fast and drinking too fast

"i feel so ill"

"yea that's what happens when you rush also karma for not thanking me or malt"


"whatever i'll endure this if everytime"



"call me what you want i've heard it all"

"alright alright everyone"

The old man stands up and claps getting everyone's attention

"do you all remember what i said yesterday"

they all nod and sigh but i'm confused

"what do you mean old man"

"well it's about your schedule"

"i forgot about that"

he rummages through his pocket and pulls out a piece of paper

"here we are"

he hands me it

"uh old man"

"yea what"

"you know i don't know how to read right?"

"yea i thought that through just incase"

he hands me a different one with drawings instead of writing

"let's see first day i have what's this?"

"language classes to help you read and write you'll have me for that"


"second day is stealth class which you get Grace for, third self defence classes taught by Chris, fourth day is malt who will teach you how to cook and fifth you've got Cindy who'll help you out with socialising and manners and what not we'll keep these going until we feel you're ready the last two days will also be rest days"

"seeing as i don't have a choice in the matter fine whatever just make it somewhat entertaining"

I irritated them all except the old man and Cindy with that comment

"to make it easier kid"


"what's your name?"

"ya know it's a funny thing, i don't know myself"

"huh, i see guessing you were never given one right?"

"yea pretty much"

"then i've got it"

"got what?"

"i'll give you one now"

"i'd rather have no name"

"I would honour that wish but we're going to have to call you something"

"fine just make it something simple"

"then your name shall be"

we all look over at him


he smiles

"i'm proud of this one"

"the hell that names too long"

they all laugh at my comment

"what's funny i was just saying what i thought"

"nothing nothing"

he clears his throat and smiles

"i'll name you Zael"


they all clap

"good one pops" -malt

"it's an interesting choice to be fair"- Chris

"i like it i feel like it'll be fitting soon enough" - Cindy

"i don't agree with Cindy but i like the sound of it" - Grace

"well guess i'll take the name when do my lessons start"

"tomorrow so make the most of today do something. do what you like find something new i don't know just make sure to keep it in the local area kid the place is huge and we're not even meant to be here so you'll be in trouble, keep that in mind"

"alright i will"

everyone stands up and goes their separate ways i go back upstairs to the room and lay on the bed not trying to sleep just lay down on my own but of course being on my own couldn't last long in this house