
hidden like a blade

a retired assassin tries leading a regular life until one day he has a fated encounter with a younger girl at first he doesn't like her but will he warm up to her overtime?

funnyman2122 · Realistic
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7 Chs

a word from the author

hello everyone Jinko here i just want to say thank you for reading my story don't worry i have no intentions to drop it nor will it be a short one it will go on for as long as i can keep it going without dragging it on or making it too boring or repetitive i am new to the whole writing thing as i mentioned previously but i am trying my best to entertain my readers who take time out of their day to read my story. oh and i should probably mention that my plan to update a chapter every Thursday didn't work out all too well it was much too stressful as Thursday is a very busy day in my life as is so my new day is Saturday since it is the day i am most free to update and bring out new chapters

anyway the main point of this is to say i am going to be taking a short break for a while due to stress, my own mental health not being the best and to think a bit more of the overall story as to how to execute things more effectively i admit that my mental health may very well effect the story negatively if i leave it be and i wouldn't want that for the viewers/readers of my story sorry for repeating myself but i just want to give you the best form of my work and the best of my abilities to produce this story and bring out it's full potential. as for how long my break may be i don't want to make you all wait too long so i'll probably take 1-3 weeks but if i need to take longer i will announce so. i am really sorry for taking a break so early in to my story but i hope you understand when i come back i will start writing longer chapters and be more consistent with my work

thank you for taking the time to read this
