
Hidden Boss: The Author Become Mob

What do you want to do If you really reincarnated in your own novel? Become a Hero? A villian? A Side Character? Let's accompany Kenn to his Adventure as a New persona in his Novel.. Let's watch him if he becomes a hero or a villain..

LuciFirst_05 · Fantasy
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62 Chs

Fatty The Valiant Warrior

A chill runs up Barnett's back as he experiences something. So he carefully turned his head around, noticed numerous wolves' eyes, and softly touched the backs of the two, whispering, "Guys....I suppose we have pals with us."

Lawrence glanced over at Barnett, "hey, don't poke your hands in my back," and remarked.

Barnett makes a goofy face and points his lips at the rear, saying "ummmhh, ummmmmh."

"What uumm, ummmmmmm," he said, imitating Barnett.

Realizing what Barnett wants to say to him. Lawrence twists his head to look behind him. He was taken aback by what he saw and returned to look at Barnett while sweating.

After seeing the wolves in the distance. The two were sweating profusely as they poked the back of Leo.

"What's the problem?" Leo said while he tilted his head perplexed by the sight of the sweaty pair.

"Look at the rear..." the pair said nervously.

Leo looked back as the duo said, astonished by what he saw, and said, "What the hell? How could a Moon Wolves occur here?"


The group came across the pack's tallest wolf. It was seven to eight feet tall, with white fur and a thin build, and it regarded Leo and his companions as prey. As it howled, it directed the pack to assault them.

"Damn, that was a Level 20 Moon Wolf commanding a pack," Leo grumbles as he orders the group to flee.

While Leo, Barnett, and Lawrence flee from the wolves.

Barnett yelled as spit poured out of his lips, "I'm going to die today."

Leo had an idea after hearing what Fatty had said. So he looked at fatty and asked, solemnly, "Do you trust me?"

Hearing what Leo stated, Barnett gets a shiver down his spine and says hesitantly, "Hey!. Whatever you're doing, please don't do it... I trust you, but I got a horrible feeling about it."

After giving Lawrence the go-ahead to stop running, Lawrence leaps to the tallest tree while Leo kicks Barnett in the stomach, causing Barnett to be surrounded by wolves. Leo then blinks at the nearest old tree.

"Damn you, Leo! You betray me!" exclaims Barnett as he faces the pack of wolves.

"Don't be too quick to respond. You know we're a mage, and we can't fight a melee war, thus you're our MVP."

Hearing what Leo expressed, Barnett got arrogant and said, "MVP. I am the MVP"

With a hilarious smirk on his face, Barnett glanced at the leader of the pack of wolves, while his right hand pointed to the leader and made an arrogant come signal.

The Wolf Leader howls loudly when he sees Barnett's foolish behavior

Awwwwwoooooo! Awwoooooooo!


A group of four people, consisting of two boys and two girls, heard the wolf scream not far from the trio. As a result, they are rushing to follow the sound..

"Lady, are we truly going where the sound is coming from?" a brunette girl inquires.

"Of course we must; I have a sense that something good will happen today that will affect my life."

When they hear what she says, the two lads only stare at each other as they follow the girl. They moved quickly, so the four of them were getting closer to where the sound came from and when they were at the precise area. The four of them were taken aback by what they witnessed.

"Come and grab me, sweetheart..." Barnett taunted the wolves while his entire body was shielded by a translucent barrier. While the wolves were attacking, he was dancing in the center.

The wolf leader became enraged when he saw Barnett mocking him. So he howled and ordered the packs to assault from all sides...

"Oh... you are becoming angry are you hahaha?" laughs Barnett with a smug face.

If the wolf's leader could speak, he would ask fatty, "Are you a millennium turtle?"

The wolf pack's leader is losing control of his wrath. As a result, he employs its unique ability to assault fatty. Moon Wolves are wolves who live in the Moon Valley, and each new born leader has a unique feature that no other moon wolves possess. In addition to directing the packs, the Leader has the ability to breathe an ice blast...

When Barnett saw the Leader of the Wolves in an odd posture, he felt something was wrong. He immediately tripled his barrier to protect himself from the wolves' impending attack. The Moon wolf alpha was in stance and All of the wolves take a step back as they realize what their leader is plotting.

Shooooooosshhhhhhh! BAmmmmmmmmm!

The Moon Wolf strikes the fatty with an ice blast. Its breath was unlike any other ice element since it possessed the power of the moon, which caused the environment to chill. Moon Power is related to the Yin Elements.

Yin Energy was associated with coldness, gloom, or humidity, and it worked in harmony with Yang Energy to create all that exists.

"Damn you Leo, my spirit will travel to your house and I will never go to rest as I will chase you!" Fatty cowers in the dirt while he complains, as layer upon layer of barrier is erected automatically without his knowledge.

-A second later-

"hmm," Fatty says as he slowly opens one of his eyes. "Thank God, I'm alive!" he said. While the Moon wolf was surprised that its greatest skill had been blocked by a low level moron.

The fact that he was still breathing in some fresh air. Fatty felt energised as he mocked and teased the Moon Wolf. He also pointed his middle finger at it, saying, "That's all you've got?... La..la lalalaa.dooo..doo roo. doo." while humming and doing the Moon Walk, a signature of a well-known individual on Earth.

When she sees Fatty and the wolf fighting, the blonde woman loses control of her emotions and laughs uncontrollably, "ppppfttt... hahahaha "

Fatty came to a halt as he heard someone laughing. Immediately fatty tracked it down and spotted the four people who were watching him from the enormous tree, as well as a blonde female who was giggling uncontrollably.

"You made my day today," she said, touching her eyes as a tear of joy rolled down her cheeks.

Hearing what the girl said made Barnett blush like a tomato, and he hid his face in shyness. As a result of his distraction, the wolves attack him straight away.

"Fatty, watch out," Lawrence said loudly as he noticed Barnett was diverted.

Immediately, Leo cast a spell in the center to protect Fatty, and then he jumped from a tall tree and appeared by Barnett's side, patted his shoulder and saying, "Superb Job! Mr. MVP"

"Fck you! Leo.. You just placed my life on the line," Barnett said into Leo's ear, not wanting anybody else to know.

"You don't want it?" Leo joked to Barnett. "You see, they look at you as a valiant warrior who can battle many foes alone."

"Really? that's what I look like?" Barnett responds while his cheeks flush.

Leo nods at Barnett before attacking the group of wolves, leaving Barnett in his own fantasy.

Leo struck the ground while yelling his magic.

"Come out the will of fire, help me defeat my opponents, The fire that encouraged fights and war, The fire that burned all livings [Ring of Fire]"

A fire erupts from the earth, encircling the pack of wolves. As a result, some of the wolves roared in agony as their bodies burned from the fire.

When the four were about to join the fight, something unexpected happened.

End of Chapter.