
Hidden Academy The lost Charm

Almaya_Celeste · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Chapter 7

Chapter 7

I am here today in the office of Ms. Alice with Cally. We have no one else to approach but her. A few minutes passed before our long-awaited teacher arrived.

"Have you been here for long time?" She asked while arranging the things she brought to the table.

"5 minutes ago Ms. Alice" Cally replied. When she finished arranging her belongings, she sat down and then faced us.

"So what brings the two of you here?" Ms. Alice asked with a smile. Cally and I looked at each other before answering. Cally spoke first.

"We have a problem, there is still no progress in Amber's powers and the bloody fight is near" Cally said worriedly. Suddenly, Ms. Alice face lit up nodded.

"I see" she said while thinking of what to say. "I have an idea" a smile flashed on Ms. Alice when she said that.

Cally and I looked at each other because of what Ms. Alice said. I don't feel good about her plan.

"All you have to do is injure one of the HPS" she frowned when she looked at us. Is dhe serious? It is very impossible for me to injure one of the HPS.

"We will announce that challenge to you. That you have to hurt your opponent without using power. That way, they will not notice that you do not really know what powers you have" I got what Ms. Alice wanted to convey but how do I do that if they have powers? And who else?

"But who is it?" Cally asked in surprise.

"Mr. Zack Clinton" Ms. Alice winked when she finished saying that. What? I don't want to die yet!

"But Ms. Alice, Zack is too dangerous for Amber" Cally said worriedly. She was right, Zack was too dangerous. What is the trip of Ms. Alice? I don't want to be a toasted pig in front of a lot of people?

"Don't worry, I'll talk to Stive for Amber's upcoming training" even though I did not fully agree with Ms. Alice Cally and I have done nothing. When that conversation was over we decided to leave.

"I don't know why that's what Ms. Alice thought, do you think Amber Ms. Alice has a different plan so she did that?"

I was stunned and stop eating the fries when Cally suddenly asked that. We are currently eating here in the cafeteria.

"I don't know, but I really have a bad feeling" I replied to her and continued to eat. When we finished eating we parted the way to training room. I'm in the other training room with Prof.Stive.

"That's a good attack" said Prof.Stive while we are currently fighting the katana.

"Cally taught me" I replied while defending myself to his attacks.

"Then let's study how you can avoid Zack's hits on you" I suddenly changed my mind. I felt nervous when he mentioned Zack's name. We didn't last long either and we stopped.

"Use it" I looked at Prof. Stive when he handed me a round-shaped shield. "It's called the Targe of Recochet. It's not just a shield because it can block any elemental powers especially fire" He made a serious promise. I took it as a shield. It also has a bit of a burden. "All you have to do is get close to Zack and get him hurt." I follow Prof. Stive as he seriously walks in front of me.

"This training room is not just a training room. This is where HPSs train when they need to strengthen their powers. I brought you here because I want you to try to fight the elemental powers" I was a little confused by what he said but not I just spoke.

"Are you ready?" I nodded in response. Suddenly, a clone of Zack appeared in the room.

"Even if it's just a clone, you can still bet on it so be careful" reminded prof. Stive before sitting on the bleachers. My grip on the shield and sword tightened as the fireball clone gradually formed. He immediately released it in my direction so I supported it with my shield. The clone released the fireball again but it was more so I had a hard time blocking them all.

I fell to the floor when my other arm fell off. Annoyingly Libran - always rational, easily hurt emotionally, very passionate and maybe a little too intense. Even if it's just a clone of Zack, it can be said if it's hard for him to approach. Just the first day, I can do it.

"Just eat slowly, you might choke" Cally and I are here in the dorm and she has been reprimanding me. I can almost get 5 rice because I am very tired and hungry. I had a lot of burns in training earlier but was treated immediately at the clinic.

"Are you really sure that you will agree with Ms. Alice's plan? Look at that earlier, you were completely burnt because of the training" I did not look back at Cally who had been talking and just continued eating.

"Do I have a choice" I told her while her mouth was still full. There is no other way for me to pass the bloody fight than to fight Zack. Just take care, no one said that you can kill there so I am still safe somehow.

A few days of my training passed. I have learned a lot and I can also avoid the fires that the clone Zack releases but I still can't destroy it. When I get close he builds a fire wall so I have a hard time.

On Saturday, Prof.Stive and I just finished training. It was almost night so there were only a few students walking in the hallway of the training rooms. I was walking down the hallway when suddenly someone pulled me and covered my mouth. I struggled when he let me into an empty room and leaned against the wall. I was about to kick him but my eyes widened in shock at knowing who pulled me.


He closed the door first before removing his hand that covered my mouth. I looked at him curiously but he just looked at me seriously.

"Why did you bring me here?" I asked him in surprise. I also felt nervous because of his serious look. What is his problem?

"You are charmless" I was completely engulfed in nervousness when he said that. Call, Ms.Alice and I just kept it a secret, how did he know?

"How-" I didn't finish what I was about to say when he suddenly punched the wall next to me so I closed my eyes in shock and fear.

"I heard everything, your secret and your fucking show!" I can't look at Zack now. Anger was obvious in his voice.

"B-but I'm not the one with the plan now, it's ... I-it's ... Ms. Alice" I cried. It was as if at any moment Zack would break my face with just one punch.

"I know, but you agree with it. Why? Because you don't want to disappoint them. That you are charmless, useless, and weak-" I did not finish what Zack said. I slapped him unintentionally out of extreme anger. The pain of what he said to me, I know he is right but he does not have to face it to me anymore.

"You have no right to tell me that! You are not the weak, you are not the charmless, you are not the worthless so you do not feel how difficult I am in my situation! You do not know how difficult it is for me to adapt myself to your world! That one day when I woke up I was here, as if no one knew at all! As if a child was lost in the middle of the forest! You don't know that so if you think that I'm using you to cover up my problems, I'm sorry!" After saying my best actress dialogue, I pushed him and left that place.

I was running down the hallway while wiping away the tears that had been flowing. The pain hurts my heart, I feel so heavy. I never thought I would hear that from Zack. From now on I will consider you an enemy. I will prove to you that I am not as useless as you think.

I did nothing else when I arrived at the dorm but to lie down on the bed. I pretended to be asleep so that Cally would not wake me up. I also have no appetite because Zack and I argued earlier.

The next day, the last day of my training because the bloody fight will start tomorrow. I went to the training room early even though Prof.Stive is not yet there. I just trained hard while waiting for him.

"Did you arrived earlier?" I stopped what I was doing when I heard the voice of Prof.Stive. He just arrived.

"Yes, I just mastered the techniques you taught me" I replied to him.

"We only have half a day today so you can rest your body for tomorrow" he said. I just nodded as an answer.

I was fixing myself when Zack's clone suddenly appeared. I suddenly felt annoyed because I remembered what happened yesterday. That Zack, did he think that I will backout that easily?

The clone started throwing fire balls and one by one i corrected my behavior. I immediately avoided it until I could get closer to him. The clone did many other techniques but I avoided all of them until I was only a meter closer to him. I backed away when he suddenly made a fire wall. I have not missed it for several days. It's my last day of training and I can't miss it anymore. I backed away slightly to jump, I used all my strength to run and when I finally hit the wall, I immediately jumped and blocked the shield to get inside. The clone looked surprised so I quickly removed his head. Of course that won't happen tomorrow, because I'm annoyed with Zack so he just piled all my anger on his clone hehe.

Gradually the firewall and the heat of the surroundings disappeared. Even the clone is gone.

"Bravo" I looked behind me when I heard the applause of Prof.Stive. His smile was wide as he approached me. "Goodluck for tomorrow. I wonder if Zack can do anything" he said and patted my shoulder. I just nodded. I know that. I know Zack is strong but I have a stronger determination to show him that I am not weak.

As discussed, my training is only half a day. When the training was over, I went straight to the cafeteria to eat. I caught up with Asher and the other HPS but someone caught my attention. Zack, with Heather.

We looked at each other for a while but I immediately avoided and went straight to the counter to get some food. I only eat in the dorm, it makes me lose my appetite. I was about to leave the cafeteria but I heard my name called by Tyler. Son of, why really now!

"Amber, join us here!" He was still shouting. I took a deep breath before facing them and forced a smile.

"No, I will eat in the dorm-" I didn't finish what I was about to say when suddenly someone pulled me and took me to the empty seat next to Asher.

I immediately looked at Connor badly because of what he did to me. He and Tyler high five. There is really nothing sensible these two can do.

"How's the training?" Asher suddenly asked me. I was stunned for a moment. It seems awkward for me to say that my training was right in front of Zack. Why is he here?

"It's fine" I answered sparingly and smile at them. They nodded so I could breathe easily.

"Don't get too tired. Cally told me that you get some burned every time you train" I was suddenly embarrassed because of what Asher said. His companions also gave him crazy looks by others.

"Very concern bro?"

"Feeling boyfriend?"

I was even more embarrassed when they started teasing us. My face is very hot now and so is Asher.

"Look, Amber is blushing oh" Heather said and pointed at me.

"Huh? Not at all" I said and covered my cheek.

"You're cute" asher said.

"You two are good together" the awkwardness grew bigger because of what Heather said. They are all teasing us except for Zack who has a serious face. Maybe fun is not in his vocabulary.

"Guys, stop it" Asher scolded them. "Amber do you want me to take you to your dorm?" He asked me. I nodded because I didn't want to stay there long. I am ashamed of their teasing.

"By the way, I was sorry earlier. They were just abnormal" Asher said when we got to the dorm. "It's okay" I replied and said goodbye to him.