
Hidden Academy The lost Charm

Almaya_Celeste · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Chapter 6

Monday, now is the start of my real training. I am also nervous because now I will also know the result of the exam we did on Friday. I just really hope I can pass.

I'm also a little used to what other students think of me every time Cally and I walk. I have been here for a week but their views still do not change. Sometimes I wonder what they can think of me other than I am new here?

When we arrived at the classroom, their quiet faces immediately appeared to us. It was far, far away from the noise of class last week. They are obviously nervous about the outcome of the exam.

I smiled as Asher waved at me so I walked towards him. "Amber, do you think we can pass?" He asked as I sat next to him.

"Maybe?" Hesitant to answer. "Why are you nervous about the result?" Laughing when asked him. He looks nervous.

"Yes I'm nervous because I only sleep at the whole class this past few days" he replied shyly. I really feel sorry for him because he combines study and supervision at the Academy.

"Of course, we can pass," I said and patted his shoulder. I would like to tell Asher what I saw in the hallway but I do not want to add to his worries.

Later on, Prof. Drive arrived with test papers. His smile was wide with all of us which made me even more nervous.

"Y'all look nervous" he said laughing. While unloading his belongings on the table. "I have good news" he said and faced us all. "All of you have passed," he said then the whole class suddenly screamed for joy.

There was almost a sigh of relief. Asher and I breathed a sigh of relief and at the same time high five because of the result. "I told you we will pass," I said to him. He smiled at me and messed up my hair.

"But there are two who stand out from all of you" we were all stunned when Prof. Stive said it.

"Sir, we already know that is Zack, last year he also got the highest score in the exam," said one of my female classmates.

"But who is that one?" Another male classmate asked. The whole class began to murmur. "Maybe it's Heather, she reviewed with Zack at the same time," said Devina who was sitting comfortably. Yes, but Asher is next to me. Even though he was asleep, I knew he was still doing everything not to get caught up in the lessons.

Heather smiled very broadly because our classmates were already praising her. Does anyone say they are really a perfect couple?

"The exam is easy," Heather said. I secretly winced when she said that. What is easy? The exam was so difficult.

"One got 97 out 100 and the other one had a perfect score" suddenly everyone was owed because of what Prof. Stive. said. Even I can't believe it. Zack is really amazing. I'm sure he's the perfect one.

"No doubt, Zack is really smart," Asher said while listening seriously. I looked behind me for a moment and saw Zack as if he did not know what was happening. He looked at me so I immediately looked away and just turned my attention back to the front.

"The student who got an almost perfect score is" we are all very focused on the name mentioned. No one is yelling at us. I was also nervous about who was with Zack who got a high score.

"Mr. Zack Clinton" smiling announcement by Prof. Stive but we all seem deaf. What? Didn't Zack get the perfect score? Almost all of us were stunned and seemed incredulous.

"I know you are all expecting Zack to be perfect but we are also not expecting to who got the perfect exam," said Prof. Stive.

"The student who got a perfect score is" I and those with me here are very nervous. It's just amazing that Zack lost.

"Congratulations to Ms. Amber Adams," said Prof. Stive who shocked my classmates and stopped my whole system.

No one spoke even though I did not have a voice. It was as if I was deaf because of what I found out. I feel mixed emotions, nervous, scared, and happy because I perfect the exam.

I just realized when Asher suddenly hugged me and was happy to greet me. I also heard the greeting of others, some could not believe it, some even stared and Heather, she thought badly of me.

"Come here to the front," said our Prof happily. I slowly stood up still unable to believe it. I could barely step on my feet because of disbelief. We went in front of Zack to get our test papers. I smiled shyly at them as they began to applaud. There are still whistles and that is Tyler and Connor. A moment if I glanced at Zack and I could see his serious face. He was obviously not happy with the result.

"I can't believe Amber, you're really good" I don't know how many times Devina, Cally, Connor and Tyler told me that. We are here now in the cafeteria and that is our topic. I was a little embarrassed because of their noise.

"Next time I will stay in the library for a week so that I can pass the perfect score" we laughed when Phoenix said that. Atlas and Asher are constantly being shaken by their antics.

"Hey Amber, I think you always got a perfect score at your old school?" Tyler asked me while eating a burger.

"I haven't been perfect yet but I'm at the top somehow" I replied.

"Did you see Heather's reaction, it looks like she had diarrhea I didn't know before HAHAHA" Tyler said but Devina punched him immediately.

"Are you crazy, Zack will hear you later and maybe he'll miss you in no time" Devina scolded.

"Zack is in the training room, cooling down," Atlas said suddenly.

"Why?" No one said anything so they all looked at me.

"Zack always gets a high exam, that's probably anger because another transferee beat him," Atlas replied.

"Don't worry, he vents his anger by releasing his power" Connor said. I just nodded forcefully. But deep inside I was very nervous. What if Zack is planning to toast me?

When we finished lunch we decided to go back to the dorm first to change clothes. Cally and Asher would have joined me but I refused because it was embarrassing for them.

I was walking down the hallway when I met three women. They are taller than me and you can also notice the thickness of the makeup on their face.

"Bitch" said the woman in the middle and hit me causing me to fall. I heard them laugh because I fell to the floor. I thought there was only bullying in the normal world. There are also here.

"Excuse me, the hallway is too big why do you have to hit me?" I said irritatedly while fixing my uniform.

"What did you say?" One of them asked and approached me.

"I said- ouch " they grabbed my hair when she touched it. Shit, the pain ah!

"Who are you to scold us huh?" She asked annoyed. What is their problem?

"Okay sorry," I said but she tightened her grip on my hair even more so I closed my eyes in pain.

"It's all fine before you come here not until you flirt to the HPS!" She said angrily. So, it looks like these three are freaking obsessed with the HPS.

"Just a correction, I'm not flirting with them. They are my friends" I said while trying to remove her hand from my hair.

"Sis, Zack is here" their eyes suddenly widened and nothing happened they just pushed me causing me to sink to the floor again. I looked at them badly but they were in a hurry to walk away. Thank you very much and I do not have the powers yet. I really do.

I was about to get up but I was stunned when someone suddenly spoke in front of me.

"I don't like the weak at all," he said without emotion. I looked up and saw Zack stopping in front of me. He did not look at me and just passed by while I was still on the floor. Wait what is he doing here in the girl's dormitory?

When I got to the training room I caught up with Cally who was rehearsing. I immediately went to their place to join.

"This is for you Amber" Cally handed me a sword. This is the first time that I will be holding a sword like this so I was careful because I might be able to harm myself.

Cally first taught me how to hold properly so I wouldn't get hurt. Next is how to use it. I can easily get what she teaches so my first day of training became easier.

This is a good start for me. I suddenly remembered what had happened in the hallway. I couldn't help but get exhausted because of my weakness especially in front of Zack.

I spent a month as a student at a hidden academy as well as training. Cally says, every week we will study different types of weapons. Swords, katana, Archery, and guns were learned when used within a month.

My colleagues, especially Asher and Tyler, also started to wonder because I wanted to learn weapons even though we had powers. I'm just saying that I don't want to rely on my powers. Even though I really want to use it. Only Cally and Ms. Alice Only know that my powers are still not coming out.

I even tried several times to float the equipment but even the simple ballpen I could not lift.

"Next week will be an exciting week because we are going to celebrate the anniversary of our beloved school. You all know that the bloody fight in the battle arena is part of the celebration, this will be your test for your powers and this will be half of your grades so we have no classes all week and all you have to do is train. The bloody fight is two days so practice well "said Prof. Stive with us. I was suddenly nervous. How can I survive if I do not know how to use my charm?

"Hey, are you alright?" I went back to reality and looked at Asher.


"I said are you okay? You're pale" he replied. I grabbed my cheek.

"I'm just nervous" I replied to him.

"In a bloody fight?" He asked again so I just nodded in response. "Don't worry, we still have 1 week to train" he replied.

You don't understand Ash eh when I fight there they will know I really don't have powers and if I don't join, my grades will be affected.

"Cally, I'm really nervous, what if they beat me up and then everyone in the academy is still watching" I was worried when I told Cally. We are now in the dorm and earlier I was walking back and forth in front of her.

"Amber, sit down first, I'm dizzy looking at you" I immediately sat down next to her while nuzzling my senses.

"Do you still not really feel strange in your body, as if someone wants to release some energy?" She asked me a worried question but I just shook my head.

"That's a problem" that's all she said and fell down on the bed. "I'll talk to Ms. Alice, let's say that there is still no progress in your ability so that you will not fight in a bloody fight"

"Cally I can't, the students will be curious if I don't fight. I just prove myself weaker"

"But Amber, the bloody fight is dangerous. You will not die but you will be injured. I do not underestimate your ability but if we have the powers, how can it be difficult?" She said worriedly. Cally is right, I could be damned.

"But I have no choice," I said and lay down on the bed. What should I do?

A/N: Hello everyone, kindly leave a comment and vote for every chapters. Thank you, it will highly appreciated.