

Disclaimer: I don't own Honkai Impact 3rd or any of its content. It belongs to Mihoyo/ Hoyoverse. This fanfic is just written for fun and experiment. There will be some spoilers to the game in this fanfic. . . . . . . . . . In the expansive and treacherous world of Honkai, where fate weaves its intricate web, a new player emerges. Meet Autumn Korosten, a mysterious individual who inexplicably finds himself transmigrated into the body of a dying patient named Shroud. Little does he know that his arrival in this realm has set in motion a series of events that will challenge the very essence of fate itself. Autumn is a man burdened by the relentless pursuit of destiny. Targeted by the enigmatic forces of fate, he loathes the constraints and boundaries fate has imposed upon him, resenting the paths it has forced him to tread. Initially, he believes that he has returned to his world after being trapped in the Abyss for countless millennia, but unsettling signs soon point to the contrary. This world is not the one he knew, but an entirely different reality where the tides of fate flow differently. Determined to reclaim his strength and find a way back to his true world, Autumn, now Shroud sets out on a perilous journey of self-discovery and empowerment. But the land of Honkai is not one to be trifled with. Filled with inscrutable beings known as the Honkai, the world is a dangerous and chaotic place. As he delves deeper into the secrets of this realm, he begins to understand that his return home may not be as straightforward as he once hoped. Guided by unlikely allies and burdened by the weight of his past, Shroud unravels the mysteries of Honkai while striving to transcend the clutches of fate that bind him. Through battles, trials, and unexpected encounters, he learns the value of forging his destiny and the true meaning of true strength. Will Shroud be able to regain the strength required to break free from the shackles of fate and return to his original world, or will he be ensnared yet again by destiny's cruel hand? What will Shroud have to face as he grapples with fate's intricate dance in the mesmerizing world of Honkai?

Sire_K · Video Games
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113 Chs

Return of the Duke


A word that encapsulates a realm of questions and mysteries. At first glance, it seems to denote the events that lie ahead, yet it carries a weight beyond its letters.

The concept of "future" isn't a mere linear projection of time; it's a nexus of possibilities and uncertainties. Despite humanity's strides in deciphering the mechanics of existence, the future remains an intricate labyrinth that eludes complete understanding.

This realm of the unknown continues to dance beyond the reach of prediction, reminding us that while knowledge empowers us, the unfathomable complexity of what lies ahead is a humbling testament to the boundless enigma of time.

Speaking about the future, contemplations of what lies ahead often dominate our thoughts. The dreams we nurture, of securing esteemed positions and retiring with comfort, paint an appealing picture. Yet, reality has an uncanny knack for diverging from our idealized visions.

In societies across the globe, certain professions like doctors or engineers command significant respect and admiration. Such careers are often upheld as markers of success, leading many parents to steer their children toward these prestigious paths. However, the journey to these revered positions is hardly the linear trajectory we imagine.

Behind the curtain of societal reverence lies a more intricate narrative. The pursuit of these esteemed roles is riddled with unexpected challenges and detours.

The sacrifices required, the hurdles to overcome, and the toll it takes on one's personal life often remain obscured by the spotlight society places on the end result. The reality is that the path to these positions is seldom as straightforward as society implies.

And as we gaze into the future, we come to realize that life's journey is far more complex and unpredictable than the well-scripted tales we envision.

In this era of relentless competition, the stark reality is that those who stumble are often left in the dust, while those who navigate the challenges stand a chance at achieving success.

Parents, driven by a profound sense of responsibility, instil the virtues of diligence and tireless effort into the hearts of their children. This guidance is rooted in noble intentions, and a genuine desire to see their offspring flourish. However, beneath this aspiration lies a poignant contradiction.

While every parent dreams of their child shining brightly and setting themselves apart, one must ponder: Would a parent ever consign their own flesh and blood to a path riddled with excruciating hardships solely because fate dictated it?

This was a predicament I found myself entangled in...

"Son, I believe you are destined to be a Duke," my mother declared one day during my middle school years.

Her random statement caught me off guard. Taken aback and assuming she was joking, I retorted, "Excuse me, what?"

Curiosity piqued, I probed for an explanation, my question hanging in the air. But my inquiry was met with an unyielding silence. My mother offered no further insight, leaving me with a mere assertion: "It's fate."

'What a perplexingly irrational response,' I thought, my frustration simmering within me as my mother's nonsensical response hung in the air.

To me, the notion of fate was akin to a fairy tale, a belief veering into the realm of superstition and unworthy of serious consideration.

Fixing my gaze on my mother, a newfound determination fueled my words. "I don't want to," I asserted, fully prepared for her reaction. I anticipated anger, her eyes narrowing with disapproval as they had done in the past.

But to my surprise, her response was different—her eyes held a mixture of concern and, if I dared to speculate, a touch of pain.

This was a reaction different from her typical reactions that puzzled me. I had grown accustomed to her attempting to impose her will with narrowed eyes—a trick that once worked when I was a child.

Yet, her current expression seemed to carry a depth that eluded my understanding. In an unexpected turn, she firmly grasped my shoulders, her seriousness a stark departure from her usual demeanour.

"Listen, my child, what I'm about to say may appear nonsensical," my mother began, her voice trembling with an odd mix of conviction and vulnerability.

"But that place, it yearns for you. The divine spirits have already woven your path. There's no escaping it. I... I am powerless," her voice cracked, her grip on me tightening as tears flowed freely down her visage.

Her embrace carried the weight of her emotions, her sobs a mournful accompaniment. "Sob, sob... I am sorry, I am sorry," her apologies echoed, leaving me bewildered in her arms.

As I tried to process this unexpected confession, questions spun in my mind. Why was she apologizing? And, more pressingly, what was she privy to that I was not?

Adolescence's tumultuous journey often spurred a reluctance within me, particularly when it came to the lessons befitting a future Duke.

Despite my initial reservations, under her influence, I begrudgingly engaged in etiquette lessons and delved into the intricacies of weaponry and the art of war. These burdensome pursuits, however, served only to deepen my resentment toward her.

But then, in an unforeseen twist.


I found myself ensnared in an accident, an event that would usher in my untimely end.


"Your Grace, please reconsider," the words quivered in the air, a blend of panic and reluctance. The voice carried a respectful tone, indicative of someone addressing a figure of higher rank with the utmost deference.


Yet, silence lingered. Trinity, the night watcher, stood in attendance, his gaze trained upon the master before him. His expression bore the weight of sorrow, a testament to the profound respect he held for the individual who commanded his attention.

Despite his origins within the formidable demonic owl clans, Trinity's demeanour conveyed reverence for the figure standing before him.

Observing Trinity's emotions, the master who stood before him met his servant's gaze with an impassive expression. Over the years, he had become detached from his own emotions. Yet, he understood the turmoil his servant felt at this moment.

"Trinity," his voice broke the silence at last.

"Yes, Your Grace," Trinity responded, inclining his head in a respectful bow.

"I have decided to depart," the figure declared.

Hearing the figure's words, the lingering hope for reconsideration dissipated entirely. Trinity's gaze lowered his expression a mixture of deference and resignation. Bowing deeply, he pivoted to leave the room.

As Trinity departed, the figure's presence fully revealed itself.

A man stood there, his long hair flowing past his waist like a cascade of shadows. His eyes, deep and vacant, seemed to mirror the hollowness of a skull. Unhealthy pallor clung to his skin, amplifying the stark contrast between his jet-black hair and the white hue at its ends.

While not traditionally handsome, an aura enveloped him, an enigmatic charm that defied conventional aesthetics and set him apart.

Adorned in regal garments that radiated authority, he held court upon a throne reminiscent of a grand tree. The trunk, a pristine white, branched out with limbs adorned in leaves of vibrant red.

Rising from his seat, he loomed like a colossal figure. His stature conveyed the presence of a seasoned warrior, one who had confronted uncountable battles.

Yet, this strength didn't manifest in a hulking, tank-like frame; instead, it was a blend of grace and power. Muttering an incantation, a luminous brilliance enveloped him, and in an instant, he vanished into the ether.

Within a chamber bedecked with enigmatic jewels and iridescent orbs, the towering figure reemerged, his naked form a stark contrast against the mystical backdrop.

He continued with his murmurs which sparked a reaction from the glistening gems and effulgent orbs, their responses attuned to his incantations.

As his invocation unfolded, the room's luminosity intensified in a steady crescendo. The brilliance intensified, casting its radiance until the very ground quaked beneath it. The precious gems, as if compelled by his words, began to fracture, each crack resonating with the power he channelled.


One by one, the jewels splintered into a multitude of fragments, like stars being scattered across the night sky. As the final gem shattered, the encompassing light blinked out, and with it, the man vanished into the void.


In a distant corner of the universe, on a blue planet light-years away from the centre, an otherworldly entity arrived.

Within the confines of a hospital room on a blue planet, the delicate balance between life and death teetered. A frail boy clung to the precipice of existence, his vitality hanging by a fragile thread.

The once-bright light in his eyes dimmed as if a distant star fading into the cosmic abyss. Darkness closed in, an embrace that seemed to envelop him in its unfathomable depths. The boy's life seemed to slip away... or did it?

Contrary to the expected flatline, the life support machine painted a picture of vitality. A perfectly normal heartbeat pulsed on its display.

The boy attempted to move his body, assessing his physical condition. After a moment, satisfied with his findings, he murmured, "I am back."

To be continued...


A/N: Hope you enjoy the chapter and feel free to comment. Your thoughts and criticism are valuable in helping me improve and stay motivated to write more.