
Heroine Support System

Leonard was another normal boy till a game pop up show in his sight. His role is simply to Support the heroes of other worlds and be of help to them. Nothing more. Excited by the possibilities the boy ignored the messages only to find out that there are more than one heroine on his surroundings. There's a part where they fall in love with him and this is where he is no helpful at all. -------------------------------------------------------- I do not own any of the images. The cover is a photoshop composition of: - Florescence by Karmen Loh. - Status Windows of Solo Leveling. - Black Tassel from Genshin Impact. - A red scarf.

ESH · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
37 Chs

This isn't a game

"Accendere.", the tree ignited and started to burn and then all the monsters were drawn to it against their will. Burned to death. All the goblins and wolves. "This is hard than I thought.", he used a lot of Magic to be able to handle that. "I need to rest but here will be too hard.", he used the scarf to go down and walked a little away from the cave.

<Goblins killed 5/25>

<*Hidden quest* Dire Wolves killed 2/5>

"Hidden quests now?", he laughed but that's okay. The problem was the Magic exhaustion. Minor Healing would tell his position.

The night was starting and probably was the guard change because he heard another howls coming from the cave location. After while he was feeling better but steps were began to sound near by. He looked at his clothes. They were stained in blood.

"No.", he complained with himself.

Without much time to process the information and quatity of his enemies he guessed the same as there was before. The tassel was stained as well. Glad to be made to fight slimes the liquid wasn't deteriorating it.

He threw the pebble a little to his right and ran toward the first wolf but this was deformed. So his thoughts made him hesitate and the worg evaded his attack.

"Not today.", the spear slide through his hand and the blade found the creatures neck. So he slashed the creatures life after it.

He guessed wrong. There was a lot more goblins than before. What Olivia didn't tell him was that this race was nocturnal. So they weren't changing guard. They were leaving the nest. He still had one worg, two wolves, seven goblins and a bugbear to kill.

"Lets end one race before this. Accendere.", he ignited the worg. The goblin on its back jumped to the ground.

<Worg killed 2/2>

He started to run using the trees as cover. He could hear some arrows being fired against him. He took the scarf entangled on his hand and wrapped on a tree. The momentum wasn't enough to what he thought. So he improvised.

"Ripristinare.", he was on mid air. "Ripristinare.", he returned to swing backwards with his spear killing a wolf but stucking his weapon. So he pulled the scarf breaking the brach and for his luck falling on two goblins killing them but stucking him with the weight. "I didn't want to do this.", he left the scarf behind and started to run.

<Dire Wolves killed 3/5>

<Goblins killed 7/25>

"I'm using too much Magic.", he thought a little and stopped.

He took more pebbles from the Dimensional Bag and threw with all his strength on the goblins. The impact made their heads explode. The wolf was too fast to be hit and the Bugbear was like a tank being shoot by a pistol.

<Goblins killed 12/25>

Bugbears were much different from their cousins goblins. They had fur and were taller than the average human being taller than two meters most of them. The yellow brownish fur with leather armor were common among them. Their favorite weapon was a immense club with spikes.

"So it must be this way.", Leo threw one pebble great than the others on the air near him. So when it stopped while on the air. "Ripristinare.", it flew straight as a missile against the wolf. The beast started to evade but its body was deadly injured by the projectile size.

<Dire Wolves killed 4/5>

"I need time. Accendere.", he ignited the monster but this didn't stop it. "Accendere.", this made the monster slow a little bit. "Accendere.", the step were began to feel heavy. "Accendere.", it stopped. "Accendere.", finally the monster fell on the ground but Leo saw by its chest moving that was still breathing and the pop up didn't show up.

Leonard went to the wolf with his weapon and the branch with his scarf to return them. The message didn't arrived yet. He stored the scarf and with weapon in hand he went to the monster on the floor.

"You're a pain.", he stabbed on the monster on the neck finishing with a side slash.

<Bugbears 1/4>

"I don't care anymore.", he used Minor Healing repeatedly on himself. "I need to rest.", he climbed a tree very away from the monster's body and the cave entrance. So he slept.

He woke up and was starving. So he took some food of his inventory. The battle was a mess. He took the first batch without a problem. But the second was much greater and luck was on his side. He seriously thought that maybe keeping the Summon for later could be a waste. Even with this thought he didn't use it.

"Level up is hard. The monsters don't give too much experience.", he thought a little. "I'm glad they aren't immune to fire at least."

So on he remembered the Bugbear's resistance. That was terrifying. Even after being burned alive the monster was still breathing like he knew soon he was be able to kill Leo. There were at least more three of them and they could be together.

"I need to see his body.", he thought and finishing the food started to return to the battle location. "It's possible that the pebbles weren't enough to damage him?", he put a little thought. "The greater pebble took out the wolf. If their fur has any similarity I could need bigger stones to throw."

While approaching he heard some unknown language and howls. He went up on a tree and started to look around.

"Is that a Shaman?", he saw a goblin dressed with feathers on the head and cloth on the body instead of the wolf pelt. "What is it doing with the Bugbear's body?"

As the boy was looking. A semi transparent thing started to fly out of the bodies on the floor. It was a little blue and white and started to follow the flow of the Shaman's staff. So the creature stabbed the staff's end on the Bugbear's chest and all that mist cloudy thing entered the body.

"Is he reviving it?"

The Bugbear's fur became grayish to black. It's eyes bright red. His weapon emitted a little black fire.

<*New* Dark Knight Bugbear killed 0/1>