
Heroine Support System

Leonard was another normal boy till a game pop up show in his sight. His role is simply to Support the heroes of other worlds and be of help to them. Nothing more. Excited by the possibilities the boy ignored the messages only to find out that there are more than one heroine on his surroundings. There's a part where they fall in love with him and this is where he is no helpful at all. -------------------------------------------------------- I do not own any of the images. The cover is a photoshop composition of: - Florescence by Karmen Loh. - Status Windows of Solo Leveling. - Black Tassel from Genshin Impact. - A red scarf.

ESH · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
37 Chs

The system don't help at all

"I need to talk with miss Olivia.", surprisingly he went to school before Caroline even showed up.

"Hey, Leo. Are you alright?", was Nate one of his friends on the footbal team.

"Why I wouldn't be?", he questioned himself and his friend.

"You woke too early.", his friend pointed. "You have fever?", he went to his forehead. "Looks normal."

"Because I AM. I just need some pointings on miss Olivia's class."

"You're not fine. That's for sure. Waking up early and being worries about school. Who are you and what you did to my friend?", he faked a gun with his fingers and Leo raised his arms.

"It's me. Don't shoot.", he replied and Nate dropped the act.

"It's you. I still don't believe that is happening. I'm so proud of you."

"Stop it with the scene and can we move?", he needed the time.

"Okay.", Nate looked again to his friend. "Why don't you join the team again?"

"I'd think about it but I just want to make use of the gym equipments.", Leo told him.

"So you want to get buffed?", the boy started doing bodybuilder poses.

"Not like this.", they laughed.

"Ralph told me that you are dating Carol, is that true?"

"Yeah but why is that moron opening his mouth to others? No offense."

"Looked like a lot of people liked her if you don't know. Hear this. Some of our team even looked after the Shaman for advices.", he started laughing while Leo remembered the bathroom situation. "You are pale like paper. What happened?"

"I was on one booth at that time.", he smiled of nervousness.

"Now this is more fun.", Nate laughed even more. "I'll tell him that you listened."

"Please, don't. He really don't deserve this.", Leo realized that this face of him was why his Wisdom was so high and smiled a little.

"Okay, okay.", the laugh ended. "The school leaves the use of the gym equipments free if you realize any extra activity."

"There's any club that is before the classes?"

"Student Counsil?", Nate raised his shoulders.

"So maybe asking Carol."

"Maybe.", they ways would part now. "See you around. So don't vanish to other world."

"You can leave to me.", he laughed while breaking out in a cold sweat. "Now, miss Olivia hunt.", saying that he went to the teacher's room.

"Hey, Leonard.", a voice called him. He turned and saw Helen. "What are you doing so early in the school?"

"Why are you targeting me?", he really felt a little about this situation. Looked like the gods didn't like him.

"For nothing. Just checking unusual behaviour and you come always on time. Nowadays you are getting here early.", she said calmly.

"I need help at my lessons with miss Olivia.", he said.

"How about I help you?", a chance of approach appeared to him but he needed to resolve the tomorrow situation too. "I need to exchange a few words. Where can I meet with you?"

"I'll be on the Student Counsil room in ten minutes then.", she smiled and he did so too but for another reasons.

The things are becoming more and more entangled on his neck. Looked like Caroline, Olivia and Helen were one huge problem all together. He digged himself on that situation. So was his time to bear with it.

"I need Olivia's help I can't do this anymore.", he talked as he entered the building.

"What you need my help too?", she was guarding her umbrella on the locker.

"We need to talk a little bit too much."

"Okay. Follow me.", she went upstairs and he followed her to a room. "Silenzio. What's happening?"

"I have multiple heroines to help.", he was afraid of the system showing any flaw and cease his powers but didn't happen.

"As far as I know there is only me on Azuria."

"But there is a whole lot of other worlds with a whole lot of other heroines."

"Okay. I understand a little. What is the problem on all of this?", she was serious.

"I'm dating Caroline and another heroine is Helen that looks like is someone from the Student Counsil as well."

"I don't see any problem.", as far as he explained there wasn't.

"The system will make the heroines fall for me. So they can become stronger and I think is already affecting Helen."

"So you want to cheat on both of them?", then she noticed. "Is that why I've been more aware of you the last couple of days?", he opened the arms and nodded his head on a yes while opening teh eyes very wide. "Oh my god.", her hand went to her head.

"I know.", he did the same himself.

"What is about to happen?", she said after a while.

"I said to Helen that I needed your help with something and she offered help. So I accepted as a way to start knowing her and then be her support but I didn't know she was part of the Student Counsil."

"Okay. Give your notebook.", she started to write some exercises. "You must go there and do these. You must tell that you started to dating Caroline as well. Just do that. She might even know that you're Caroline's boyfriend already. After this we need to talk very much about all of this."

"Yeah. Oh before I forget. I won't be able to go tomorrow. My parents arranged a date with Carol's parents."

"Don't worry about it and don't mess this up. Now go."

"Thanks, teacher.", he left.

"What am I supposed to do with all this info now?", she said to herself.

He went downstairs to the next floor and walked to the Student Counsil room. Looking through the window he could see the football team training and between them Ralph and Nate. He was part of the team but then became a massacre every game and so he lost his passion for it. The same happened with the band.

"Where did you go?", she was on the door as he approached.

"I was going to left my backpack on the class but it's locked.", he was lying too much after receiving the system.

"I'll let someone check after. Come on enter."

"Thanks.", he passed her and entered.

"Have a seat and I'll help you after taking a pencil."

"Okay.", he was cold on his feet. Something was really, really off. He took his notebook and opened where Olivia wrote.

"Lets begin.", she looked. "You did nothing at all. It's okay I'll help you."

"Which class are you, Helen?", the uniform was the same for everyone.

"I'm on my third year, class A.", she said and he noticed that she was a year older.

"I've never being here even...

"... if you are dating Carol?", she completed his phrase. "I know about it and this is what make me notice you more and more.", he froze all his body and his mind stopped working. "What do you say about cheating her with me?"

All of his plan went downwards and to complete the scene the door was knocked.