

A normal guy was randomly chosen to transmigrate to another world. He ended up in the world of Boku no Hero Academia with powers from the Warframe game for the amusement of powerful deities. -- Disclaimer: Everything from MHA, Warframe and other stuff I might use that are not mine belong to their respective owners.

Gearhawk · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs

Chapter 23

Aster: I tried to kill him. I was ready to do it. He is a vile and merciless mass murderer! The world would be better without him. It would be a service to everyone if I ended him. Most importantly, I feared what he might do to people close to me.

I said with conviction. Midnight looked surprised and was about to speak when I continued.

Aster: But...a person dear to me, stopped me. She woke me up and made me realise some things. If I had killed that guy, the Stalker, I would be no better than them, the villains. I also fear that if I had made that step, next time it would be easier. This is not who I am. It's not what I want to represent!

My back was straight and my gaze clear. I finished talking and waited for their reply. Nothing but silence. I was just feeling everyone's gaze on me. After a few seconds that felt like an eternity passed, someone spoke.

Nezu: Aster, being an educator, I have to say that it is disappointing that you tried to kill someone. But, this was akin to fortune amidst misfortune. You can take it as an unexpected test. The important thing though is not that you were about to kill him. You were at a crossroad, you chose your path and walked it and now you are standing here in front of us. If you truly believe the words you just said then I have to say that I'm proud to have a student like you at my school.

He said as he raised his paws up.

Midnight smiled ever so slightly but Eraserhead frowned.

Aizawa: At least you understand what you should do. You're not out yet since this is still no excuse for your actions but, that look in your eyes...It's good.

He surprised me.

"I know that Aizawa is strict but kind on the inside. Even so, I expected a harsher scolding."

Aster: I won't disappoint you!

The other teachers nodded and Nezu told me that I could go.

I went to the door and opened it.

Aizawa: Hey Phoenix!

I was about to leave when he called me again.

"What more could he want?"

I turned to look at him, afraid of what could follow. He wasn't even looking at me and his head was turned upwards.

His head tilted slightly at me and he spoke.

Aizawa: You and Toru are still young, don't rush.


Blushing, I was left with my mouth open. Midnight was laughing and Snipe facepalmed.

"He must be joking, right?"

Ordis: Toru and Aster sitting under a tree. K-I-S-S-

"Aster: Shut up Ordis!"

Aster: I don't-

Aizawa: It's fine, it's fine, just go or you'll miss the next class with All Might.

He said as he waived his hand, shooing me away. I quickly got out without a second thought and rushed to the classroom.

"Seriously, is that something a teacher would say? And how did he even noticed?"

Ordis: Operator, that human and you, were probably caught on camera. It's not that hard to figure it out.

I blushed hard at that and I couldn't say something back. As I was passing from the locker rooms, someone exited and called out to me.

Momo: Wait Aster!

Aster: Oh hey Momo!

She was wearing her supersuit.

Momo: We are doing some mock battles so don't go to the classroom.

Aster: Ah thanks! You changed before anyone else? Wow you're fast.

She chuckled a bit.

Momo: My suit is really easy to put on. By the way, your face is red, are you feeling ok?

She said as she came closer to me.

Aster: Y-yeah, don't worry about me!

"Damn that Eraserhead, I'm too embarrassed by what he said!"

Momo and me talked for a bit and one by one the rest of my classmates came out of the locker rooms. We gathered at the yard and All Might was already there, waiting for us.

All Might: Ok boys and girls, today we'll do some mock battles as preparation for the Sports Festival! You will be in pairs and you will fight for 5 minutes. After 5 minutes pass, you will be paired with someone else. Now, let's draw some lots!

Everyone was paired except Minoru who was out for the first fight. My first fight was with Yuga Aoyama. We went to a big arena and each got to position. 4 people would fight per round since the arena was divided to two.

Yuga: I will dazzle you with my brilliance!

I transformed to Excalibur and summoned my Exalted Blade.

"Ryūjin no ken wo kurae!"

I shouted in my mind as I did some fanciful moves with the sword.

I charged and he started firing beams at me as I weaved left and right, dodging them. When I was a few meters away from him, I slid under a beam and blinded him with a radiant flash.

He opened his eyes and my sword was at his throat.

Aster: You've been outshined!

He gasped and fell to his knees. It seems my statement hurt him more than his loss.

Ordis: Was the pun really necessary? I mean, what have I ever done to deserve this?

"Aster: You deserve more!"

Hearing Ordis' statement reminded me of all the times that he annoyed me in the game. Constantly talking and commenting about everything.

After everyone finished, it was time for the second round. The one left out this time was Izuku and my second opponent was Eijiro.

Eijiro: Oh I've been waiting for this!

He sounded really happy.

Aster: Let's do it!

I morphed to Frost as he charged at me. I shot two ice lances but he broke them with his hands. I kept jumping around dodging him and shot lance after lance. I didn't notice as I was moving, but I ended up with my back was against the wall as he walked towards me.

Aster: Stuck between a rock and a hard place.

Oridis sighed but it seemed that Eijiro didn't hear me.

I released an ice wave and he jumped back to dodge it.

Aster: Ok, time to awaken the beast!

I started transforming and my body moved on its own and I slammed my fist to the ground. This was different than the other times I transformed and I felt that something wasn't quite right.

I've been wondering if you guys would like a discord server for this. Maybe you could show your fashionframe and I could get some ideas from them. Tell me what you think and as always, thanks for reading!

Gearhawkcreators' thoughts