

A normal guy was randomly chosen to transmigrate to another world. He ended up in the world of Boku no Hero Academia with powers from the Warframe game for the amusement of powerful deities. -- Disclaimer: Everything from MHA, Warframe and other stuff I might use that are not mine belong to their respective owners.

Gearhawk · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs

Chapter 22

Slowly opening my eyes, I felt Toru's comfortable warmth on my chest. Judging from her rhythmic breathing, she was sleeping.

Waking up with a girl in your embrace is an extraordinary feeling that can't be put to words.

"This day just started and it's already amazing!"

I moved my hand and gently stroked her face. I moved without thinking and softly kissed her cheek. I thought she woke up as she moved a bit but she was still sleeping after she got more comfortable.

Not wanting to wake her up, I closed my eyes and try to feel any changes after I got Chroma. Or to be precise, Chroma got me. I found nothing out of the ordinary.

As I was deep in though, I felt Toru moving. She stretched and turned her body to face me. I felt her lips on my neck as she gave me a kiss. My whole body tingled from the amazing feeling.

Toru: Good morning Aster!

She said with a groggy voice and I smiled.

Aster: Morning Toru! You know what, I think we should do this more often.

She slowly got up. She then realized what was going on.

Toru: Oh right! We fell asleep watching the anime! And we...slept...together...

She sounded bashful and made me kind of embarrassed too.

Aster: Yeah but I must admit I really liked it.

"Shit! Did I say that out loud?"

Toru: R-Really? I als-

A knock and a voice was heard from the other side of door.

Aurelia: Hey you two, you should get ready for school!

I tensed up. We didn't do anything, but I feel like I was in the middle of naughty business with a girl when her dad walked in.

"Not that I know how that feels."

Toru must have figured out what I was thinking cause she let a small chuckle.

Toru: Hihihi Look at you, imagine if we were actually doing something.

Aster: I...I'll go get ready...

Not being able to retort I went to the guest room. We got ready and left for school. We talked about the anime on the way. Toru really liked the protagonist called Sinatra, who was the leader of the Deuteross. I kept feeling that the anime was familiar but couldn't put my finger on it. We arrived at school with plenty of time to spare.

Everyone in class was excited about what we went through. Toru went and joined the girls. Izuku came to greet me.

Izuku: Good morning Aster! How are you feeling? Did you rest?

Aster: Hey Izuku! I'm back to one hundred percent! What about you? How's your hand?

Izuku: It's already healed. Recovery Girl scolded me again but I'm good to go!

He said with a 'guts' pose.

Izuku: Listen, I wanted to thank you for what you said the other day.

Aster: Don't sweat it Izuku! I believe you got this.

Eijiro: Yo Aster, Izuku, Good morning!

Eijiro enthusiastically greeted me as he walked in the classroom with Katsuki.

Aster: Morning Eijiro!

I greeted the others and walked to my desk to think about what had happened so far.

"Janus said that Stalker was not the one that was supposed to come here. Still, I managed to beat him with Toru's help. Will the one that was actually supposed to be summoned, come here as well?"

Being deep in though, I heard someone call me from my right. I turned and I saw a pretty big chest, clad in skin-tight clothes, in front of my face.

I managed to unglue my eyes from the beautiful view in front of me and looked up.

Midnight: Nice of you to join us mr. Phoenix.

"Shit! I didn't notice that class has started."

Aster: I'm sorry ms. Midnight!

She ruffled my hair.

Midnight: Relax, you're too young to have such a serious look on your face.

She said and walked to the front of the class. The lesson was not an enjoyable one but I still managed to survive till the end.

"Serious look? What is she talking about?"

After class was done, Midnight came next to me.

Midnight: Come with me mr.Phoenix, I need to talk to you.

I was confused.

"Why does she want to talk to me? And for what?"

I told Toru, Kyoka, Izuku, Ochaco and Tenya to go ahead and not wait for me before I followed Midnight.

Aster: Ms.Midnight, what do you want to talk about?

Midnight: You'll see.

We walked for a bit until we reached a door and she knocked. The words 'Principal's Office' were written on the door.

???: Come in.

Principal's Nezu's voice was heard from the other side. We entered and I was surprised.

Besides Nezu, there were other people sitting inside. Eraserhead, Present Mic and even the dude with the ectoplasm quirk whose name I don't remember were there, sitting at a round table. Midnight walked to her seat and I was left standing while everyone looked at me.

Aster: Hello Principal Nezu, teachers. Is there something wrong?

Aizawa: Thanks to the quirk of a staff member, we recovered some footage from the USJ. Just take a look at this.

He said and raised a controller. He pressed a button and a projection of a video without sound was shown.

I froze, panicked and froze again. On the video was me as Frost walking to Stalker and raising the ice lance to stab him.

Aster: I...

Aizawa: This is the guy that attacked you last time, right?

His voice was emotionless. I couldn't even begin to understand what he was thinking. The others stayed silent and just kept looking at me, adding more pressure.

Aster: Yes.

That was the only thing I could say. A simple 'yes'. I was going through different scenarios in my head for the outcome of this.

Eraserhead continued talking in an apathetic voice.

Aizawa: He also challenged you in front of everyone. Correct?

Aster: Y-yes, that's correct...

Aizawa: So, you were trying to kill him here...Why?

The atmosphere was heavy.

"I don't know if what I say will make a difference but here goes nothing!"

I gathered my resolve and opened my mouth to speak.

Aster: I...

Damn, work is killing me but I didn't want to delay this even more. Now, for this chapter's question, should I introduce characters from other sources like games or other anime? They could be antagonists or even allies. Anyway, tell me your thoughts about this and as always, thanks for reading!

Gearhawkcreators' thoughts