
Heroes Tale

Connect with the power of heroes into an epic journey! This is the story of a young man who is able to use all fictional characters in his epic journey through fantastically animated worlds. ※ This story features elements of Complete Gender-Bender due to the power of the protagonist, you have been warned. ※ The main character will have major personality changes due to his power. ※ Worlds in which the story will unfold: ‣Tokyo Ghoul (here) ‣My Hero Academia ‣??? ‣??? ‣??? ‣??? ‣??? ‣??? ‣??? ‣??? ◆ I have no rights whatsoever in the stories reported inside; every right belongs to its original creator. ◆ I have no rights to the image used in the cover, in case there is a need to remove it, please let me know, I will be more than happy to do so. ◆ English is not my main language, so please, in case there are any mistakes I would ask you not to criticize unnecessarily or in an unfriendly way. Instead, I would ask you if you want to help me improve in case there are these errors, it would be really helpful.

Bymo · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

Chapter 16 «Despair»

"Ohya, a ghoul in this place?"

A very young, almost childish voice entered a ghoul's ears while he was feeding.

"Who the fuck spoke! Eh ?!"

The ghoul seems to have gotten angry as soon as he heard that voice enter his ears. After all, he finally managed to get something to eat. He hadn't eaten for too long, almost a month. For this reason, he responded to that young voice in an irascible tone.

Raising his head, he began to look around with his mouth still full of blood. His mouth had a kind of 'smile', but at the same time, it was something different.

"You, you're funny, you know?" the same voice that interrupted him entered the ghoul's ears again, the latter seems to have noticed the direction from which the voice came, therefore, raising his head he looked in that direction.

The two eyes of the ghoul opened, if before they were two eyes full of cruelness, full of anger, in a few seconds, they turned into many variations, amazement, disbelief, but the feeling that was now present in those two eyes, was only pure 'lust,' lust against that figure under the moonlight.

The ghoul swallowed at that vision so ethereal, he must admit, he has never seen anyone with that beauty, it is something he never imagined seeing before, it seems that that person has come out of a story.

Inside him, something was shaken; it was not hunger; it was not anger; it was just pure desire to possess, to 'devour' that figure, to make that figure his.

"What an interesting look, no one has ever looked at me with that gaze, you know?" that childish female voice continued to speak without any hurry.

Unlike the ghoul, if that figure was in no hurry in this situation, then, the ghoul's desire only increased after hearing that voice carefully.

"But ... I'm very upset, a 'poor ghoul' who has that frenzied desire on my person is someone who will have a bad end—I hope you know this, okay?"

Now, that voice seemed to have a weird, playful tone inside as if it were watching a clown do a show.

The ghoul seems not to have noticed the situation in which he found himself. It is as if a strange tension had instantaneously accumulated in the air, and the origin of this 'tension' seems to be the one who possesses that female voice which captivated the ghoul.

Although that phrase uttered by the figure under the moonlight seemed to have been spoken in a playful tone of voice, underneath, there seemed to be a bloodthirsty tone of voice, hidden, waiting for the moment to strike fear.

In that dark space, two red eyes full of fun with a vertical pupil inside them lit up in a crimson red. Two eyes that seemed to watch a clown make a show, with the sole purpose of 'delighting' the person who was watching him.

Only now did the ghoul look carefully at the face of the person hidden in the shadows.

The ghoul was 'lost' in those clothes that covered the whole body of the person; for this reason, he did not look at the face from the beginning. After all, that long dress of a burgundy colour almost a black colour seemed to invite the ghoul to explore 'hidden' lands.

"Did you see enough? Fufu ~."

Only at that moment, the ghoul seems to have understood that what was happening was not normal. He cannot imagine that he, an A-grade ghoul, could lose himself in the beauty of a girl, no ... a 'little girl'. After all, that body so thin and so fragile seems to belong to that of a 'little girl' even if the beauty is something that has not seen in any other person.

The ghoul's back seems to have immediately stiffened, he started to sweat, he can't believe he didn't even notice that someone was close to him, only when that little girl spoke to him did he notice her presence.

If before the ghoul's heart was full of feelings like possession and lust, now those desires have 'deflated' like when a balloon is pierced with a needle. Instead, now in their place, there was fear, a very great fear of what just happened.

The ghoul clearly knows that if such a person had wanted him dead, he would not have even noticed the moment and how he died. This is the difference in the strengths of both sides; this is what the ghoul feels in that little body.

"Ah, what a surprise to see that you have recovered, unfortunately, that look is something that I cannot forgive it easily, so, what would you say to die for me?" said that figure in the shadows, with her two eyes glowing an even deeper red.

The ghoul seems to have noticed that the only thing he can do is to fight, even if his hope is minimal, the ghoul knows that it is the only choice he has, his instinct was telling him not to give up easily, or what follows will be something worse than anything he has ever suffered in life.

From under the shoulder blade, a kagune has appeared, a sturdy kagune of a bluish colour with some veins inside of a bright red, its shape has formed a kind of hammer.

"A Koukaku, and it looks like you're not that weak, I hope you can entertain me enough, uhu!" unhurried, that figure continued to speak in the direction of the ghoul who, after summoning his kagune, remained still waiting for something.

"Uh? Don't you start your meagre attacks? I'm sure you're not the kind of person who has great patience..."

The ghoul ignored the 'taunt,' he simply raised his arm in the direction of the figure as if to indicate something.

"Ohya? Do you want me to show my 'kagune'? If you can get me to take a step, maybe I'll give you the honour of seeing it, what do you think ~?"

Without waiting for a second, the ghoul attacked that figure positioned a few meters away from him.

The differences in stature between the two are large; the figure is a little girl while the ghoul is a mighty man with muscles. Yet, as soon as the ghoul attacked, the difference between the two appears to have reversed.

The little girl who previously seemed harmless has now started to emanate an eerie aura, along with a majesty that this ghoul could not comprehend, just like a higher being looking at a lower being.

"Clang ~."

The ghoul cannot believe it; he is incredulous at what has appeared in front of him. The ghoul kagune with a hammer shape, so mighty, was blocked by the figure with a simple ... finger ... no, not even a finger, a fingernail.

"Imp-Impossible!" the ghoul screamed watching that scene so surreal, he can't believe it, he absolutely can't believe that his attack was blocked so simply, not that way, and from the figure's gaze, it seems that it was the simplest thing in the world.

Not reconciled with this, the ghoul immediately attacked the figure several times within seconds, yet every single attack was blocked the same way as his first strike.

"Clang ~ Clang ~ Clang ~."

"A-An SSS grade ghoul ?!" yelled the ghoul.

"An SSS grade ghoul? Oh, don't compare a firefly to the sun."

"Shit!" without waiting for anything else, the ghoul turned around, and then immediately ran away with all his might. His forehead was dripping with sweat that slowly fell on his eyes.

Shit, shit, shit, shit! Why the fuck is this happening, who the fuck is this little girl! The ghoul, as he was running, started screaming in his head. His thoughts were in chaos. He could not formulate a coherent sentence, the only thing he could think of was the fear that this 'little girl' emanated, this same fear that was making him flee with all his might.

"Why are you running ~? Are you scared? How cute."

And yet, even though the ghoul started running wildly through each alley, the voice seemed to be glued to his figure, no matter where he went, the voice continued to be present with that amused tone.

"Game time is over. What do you say?"

The ghoul, without saying anything else, gave himself a push in the opposite direction of where he was going to gain speed, immediately after, he turned around. With his kagune, he attacked the figure behind him.

"Clang! ~"

This time the ghoul put his heart and soul into this attack, hoping he could do something, but as soon as he looked at the bored gaze of the opposite figure, something inside him seems to have 'broken.'

His eyes started to tremble, and then, soon after, they lost their lustre. The gaze has become apathetic, expressionless.

"Is he already broken? What a shame ~" the figure said in an 'apologetic' tone of voice.

"Maybe it would have been better if I had disabled [Despair Aura]!"