
Heroes Tale

Connect with the power of heroes into an epic journey! This is the story of a young man who is able to use all fictional characters in his epic journey through fantastically animated worlds. ※ This story features elements of Complete Gender-Bender due to the power of the protagonist, you have been warned. ※ The main character will have major personality changes due to his power. ※ Worlds in which the story will unfold: ‣Tokyo Ghoul (here) ‣My Hero Academia ‣??? ‣??? ‣??? ‣??? ‣??? ‣??? ‣??? ‣??? ◆ I have no rights whatsoever in the stories reported inside; every right belongs to its original creator. ◆ I have no rights to the image used in the cover, in case there is a need to remove it, please let me know, I will be more than happy to do so. ◆ English is not my main language, so please, in case there are any mistakes I would ask you not to criticize unnecessarily or in an unfriendly way. Instead, I would ask you if you want to help me improve in case there are these errors, it would be really helpful.

Bymo · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

Chapter 14 «Discussion»

At Tsuneyoshi Washuu's words, all investigators showed a serious look. The fact that Arima himself called this meeting immediately made the investigators understand what it was all about.

Furthermore, Tsuneyoshi Washuu is the most important figure in the entire CCG. His mere presence has made it clear in the head of every single investigator that the current situation is not to be laughed at. If he is present, it means that this situation can damage the entire CCG, and for this reason, he cannot go and afford it.

For this reason, he does not dare to remain absent.

During the call, Arima explicitly told him that it is an extremely urgent situation, Tsuneyoshi Washuu at first did not believe it. Still, as soon as Arima told him that an unknown person beat him during the mission in the 22nd district, his first reaction was not to believe this.

Any sane person would do the same. It is impossible that the strongest investigator that every single ghoul fears could be beaten so openly by an unknown person, but Arima's tone of voice made him realize it was no joke. His face was hard to see after all Arima is the quintessential detective.

A matter that requires the utmost urgency of the entire CCG, this motivation no investigator dares to laugh at it. For this reason, every single investigator present in this room looked at Arima, who, standing up, walked in front of a microphone.

"During my mission in the 22nd Ward, I encountered something that none of the investigators could have imagined happening."

Arima began his account with these words.

"The moment we collided with the Clowns group, what looked like a young man who happened to be on the scene by mistake appeared, yet that same young man managed to beat me."

The scene immediately boiled; Arima's words are too shocking. No one would have ever imagined that Arima himself would be beaten by someone who, from his tone of voice, seems to be an unknown person.

Arima, on the other hand, appears not to have cared about what his words would cause. He is not interested in hiding the fact that he was beaten, he wants to teach a lesson to the other investigators, at the same time to teach himself a lesson.

For this reason, the tone in which he is telling everything seems apathetic, without any trace of emotion, for Arima the fact of being beaten is like an indelible stain in his spirit, and for this, he must tell everyone.

"Please calm down ..." Arima said into the microphone towards all investigators.

Within the scene, only a few people remained calm at Arima's words. The best known of all is Tsuneyoshi Washuu himself; his gaze remained impassive even though his eyes raised slightly to show his amazement.

Even though Tsuneyoshi Washuu already knew it, hearing it in front of all these people is something different, yet internally Tsuneyoshi Washuu can only 'curse' Arima for his recklessness.

Arima did not keep in mind what other investigators may start thinking of his person, but knowing Arima's character, Tsuneyoshi Washuu resigned himself, he understood that there is nothing to be done.

Another is Kichimura Washuu. His gaze was perhaps the calmest of all. His mouth had a smile underneath which you couldn't understand what he was thinking. This person is like a mystery sometimes, according to colleagues, but his courteous and respectful demeanour has earned him an excellent reputation.

Perhaps the one with the biggest reaction was Hairu Ihei. Her gaze is even colder than before when she and Arima met on the roof.

But everyone, at Arima's words, calmed down slightly even though their spirits were still shaken.

"I'll start by describing what happened during the fight with this person. I hope you pay attention to it."

In this way, Arima began to tell everything that happened the same day.

From the beginning of the fight against the mysterious boy to the end, the whole process was told without neglecting every single detail. Such as the kind of 'force field' that covered the boy's entire body, and therefore the impossibility for Arima to hit him with his Quinque. Another example was the strange movements he made; they were like sudden accelerations in which the laws of dynamics did not exist. All the details like these two, were told to investigators still in awe about it.

Even if they were flabbergasted, they couldn't help but take notes as soon as Arima was done. They cannot afford to miss this news. It is an important thing that can decide the future of the CCG in case a team meets it.

"If you want to give your opinion or ask questions, go ahead."

Immediately an investigator stood up.

"Special Investigator Arima, in your words we can assume that this person possesses a power, or at least a scientific advance, that is not present anywhere else like the ghouls or the Quinque, right?"

"I'm not saying it's the absolute truth, but he certainly has something technically more advanced than us, but it could also be a special power, no one knows if they exist or not."

Many investigators nodded their heads, it's true, no one can rule out these two things, no one ever said that the CCG must have the most advanced scientific techniques. At the same time, no one denied the possibility of some 'superpower,' after all; there are ghouls, why shouldn't there be other powers in other parts of the world?

Just then, a hand in the middle of the investigators went up.

"Special Investigator Arima, you have not yet described the appearance of this person. For this reason, I would like to ask you to provide us with an identikit that we can use to recognize the person in question, also, what do you think of this power, I hope you can provide much more than the description of the confrontation with this person."

The one who raised his hand is Kichimura Washuu, his light tone without any kind of worry immediately made some colleagues nearby relax.

"There were few noteworthy details about his appearance since I couldn't see him in full, but, from what I saw, he had white hair with two red eyes, plus, his body was slender, with no trace of muscles."

"If I have to add my opinion, it is that this power exploits the physical strength of the target. In the course of the fight, this target has always tried to dodge my attacks, and only at the end has decided to go head down regardless of consumption. This hypothesis of mine, I think is correct, because when I could not continue because of my Quinque, he did not continue to attack, on the contrary, as soon as he heard the team that accompanied me return, he ran away."

Kichimura Washuu with a smile on his face made a slight bow towards Arima and in a light tone of voice, said, "Thank you very much for this information, Special Investigator Arima."

The other investigators at the same time, however, can not help but marvel at the details said now, in particular, the word 'red eyes', but if Arima himself said that this 'guy' is a normal person and not a ghoul, it means that it is not what they thought.

After a few seconds of silence, the same authoritarian voice that started this meeting spoke again.

"What you wanted to speak about has been done, am I right Special Investigator Arima?"

Tsuneyoshi Washuu asked Arima in a superior tone of voice.

Kishou Arima nodded, showing that what Tsuneyoshi Washuu said was correct, then, he returned to his place.

Tsuneyoshi Washuu, after confirming that everything was said, could not help but show a thoughtful look regarding this situation.

But he immediately put back his original expression. Then, standing up, he said, "Now let's move on to how to deal with this situation!"