
Heroes Tale

Connect with the power of heroes into an epic journey! This is the story of a young man who is able to use all fictional characters in his epic journey through fantastically animated worlds. ※ This story features elements of Complete Gender-Bender due to the power of the protagonist, you have been warned. ※ The main character will have major personality changes due to his power. ※ Worlds in which the story will unfold: ‣Tokyo Ghoul (here) ‣My Hero Academia ‣??? ‣??? ‣??? ‣??? ‣??? ‣??? ‣??? ‣??? ◆ I have no rights whatsoever in the stories reported inside; every right belongs to its original creator. ◆ I have no rights to the image used in the cover, in case there is a need to remove it, please let me know, I will be more than happy to do so. ◆ English is not my main language, so please, in case there are any mistakes I would ask you not to criticize unnecessarily or in an unfriendly way. Instead, I would ask you if you want to help me improve in case there are these errors, it would be really helpful.

Bymo · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

Chapter 11 «Kishou Arima (2)»

Ken, without giving Arima time to breathe, immediately rushed in the direction of the shield raised by the investigator.

Without waiting for the investigator to react, he threw a punch at the shield again.

Just as the fist was about to collide with the shield, Arima retransformed his Quinque from the second form to the first, basically the spear form. Lowering his body slightly, he immediately lunged at Ken.

Arima does not believe that this ability has an infinite duration; after all, nothing in the world is invincible; there is always a little weakness in each of them. Even though he is considered the strongest person by both the ghouls and the CCG, that doesn't mean he doesn't have weaknesses. He also has flaws.

For this reason, Arima believes that this kind of ability has a finite duration.

Ken seems to be unaware of the investigator's thoughts. And, even if he were, he would not care at all. Not because he is arrogant, but because he has the strength to escape when the situation becomes critical.

This is also why Ken was putting his all into this battle.

Ken, seeing that spear come at him at high speed, immediately kicked the ground, that little contact catapulted him behind the investigator's back, thus dodging the attack that otherwise would have taken away a nice chunk of physical strength.

But without Ken being able to breathe, Arima pressed the third button on his Quinque, his spear transformed again, this time it wasn't the shield, but it was five powerful Rinkaku who rushed into Ken as soon as Arima released them.

Ken started to dodge left and right leaving only a few millimetres between him and the 'tentacles' that were attacking him relentlessly.

Ken quickly noticed that there was no room for manoeuvre if he had to go head-on against Kishou Arima. The Rinkaku controlled by Arima, as soon as he gets too close, they would close his way and then attack him on repeat. This thing, Ken wants to avoid it absolutely.

The speed and pressure he felt during these constant attacks made him realise the force they would exert on his body should they ever reach him. For this reason, he decided to dodge them and not take them in full.

The Quinque currently used by Kishou Arima will only be of S+ grade, but this does not mean that it is weak. On the contrary, it is strong.

Perhaps, this third form will not have the most significant attack strength compared to the first form. But it is undoubtedly the most complex to deal with because at that point it becomes a war of attrition.

The difference between this form and the first is that Arima controls this form without moving, he does not consume physical strength, and even if he did, it is very little compared to what anyone else would consume.

This is not good! Ken thought as he watched those constant attacks come upon him, one after the other.

Meanwhile, Kishou Arima stood still and continued to observe the movements of the boy in front of him. He needs to figure out who he might be. But even then, he did not find anyone that could have been similar to the person in front of him—this confused him.

In the alley now there were only Kishou Arima and Ken. All the other investigators went after the scattered ghouls who were wreaking havoc all over the place.

"Now, can you tell me?" Arima said in an unhurried tone of voice, "I'm curious how you know about it."

"Defeat me, and maybe I'll tell you!" Ken replied in a derisive tone of voice imitating those anime characters.

Arima does not seem to have noticed the tone of the voice Ken used to address him. And even if he had heard it, in his life he has heard too many people address him in such a tone, which is why he did not care about it.

"As you wish ..." Arima replied, lowering his head slightly so that the position he assumed obscured his eyes.

Arima immediately rushed towards Ken without changing the shape of the weapon.

This stunned Ken. He can't understand why Arima rushed in his direction with a ranged weapon. Immediately an idea seems to have entered Ken's head.

His mouth showed a smile as he realised what Arima wants to do. But, even if he has understood it, he wants to see it for himself.

Arima, who in the meantime has arrived a few meters from Ken, pressed the button to transform the weapon back into the first form.

Ken flashed a grin as he launched himself in Arima's direction.

Seeing the boy coming towards him, Arima did not change his gaze, he remained impassive, and moving the finger that was previously on the first button on the third, he pressed it.

The weapon that was closing in on itself has now reopened in all its magnificence. Every single Rinkaku has transformed its head into a kind of spear, immediately all five have flung themselves against Ken.

Ken showed a surprised look. The five Rinkaku were now just inches from his face. Ken has realised that he has no room to dodge this attack directed at him, it's too late, so he kept going against it with a severe gaze.

In a split second, the two sides met. Ken went against the Rinkaku while the Rinkaku against Ken. The difference between the two is that Ken got out unscathed while two Rinkaku of the five broke apart.

Arima showed no expression at Ken's show of strength. Also, he doesn't care if the Rinkaku are broken, after all, they are made from Rc Cells, and for this reason, in case they are damaged as in this case, they can be repaired easily.

Without Ken being able to react, he saw a shadow the size of his entire body come in his direction, so, lifting his head, he watched the big shield raised by Arima coming closer towards him.

Ken's gaze condensed. That attack by the Rinkaku ripped a large amount of physical strength from his body, and at this rate, if this battle continues as it is now taking place, his physical strength will completely vanish in less than 10 minutes.

For this reason, looking at Arima, Ken decided to put everything into play, also use skills through [Vector Manipulation] that he didn't dare use because of their consumption.

What he wants to do is end this fight, now he doesn't care at all if he manages to kill Arima, not that he had so many hopes of succeeding from the start, but still, to finish this fight and leave as soon as possible. Should the other investigators return, the situation would become even more complicated, and this Ken does not want to see it.

Arima seems to have noticed what Ken was thinking, which is why he intensified the attacks even more.

Transforming the weapon back into the first form, Arima immediately threw swipes after swipes and lunges after lunges leaving no room for Ken to escape.

Ken's expression went dark seeing this, which is why he immediately did something that amazed Arima. After all, from what he has observed so far of the boy in front of him and his unusual ability is that he tried to dodge all the attacks that would damage him except for those he could not avoid.

Ken threw himself in the direction of Arima without dodging. The confrontation between the two is imminent. Arima did not expect the boy to decide to go to meet him when he previously tried to avoid every blow, but that does not mean that he has not reacted.

By transforming the spear into the shield in a split second, Arima fully defended himself from Ken's attack.