
Heroes Tale

Connect with the power of heroes into an epic journey! This is the story of a young man who is able to use all fictional characters in his epic journey through fantastically animated worlds. ※ This story features elements of Complete Gender-Bender due to the power of the protagonist, you have been warned. ※ The main character will have major personality changes due to his power. ※ Worlds in which the story will unfold: ‣Tokyo Ghoul (here) ‣My Hero Academia ‣??? ‣??? ‣??? ‣??? ‣??? ‣??? ‣??? ‣??? ◆ I have no rights whatsoever in the stories reported inside; every right belongs to its original creator. ◆ I have no rights to the image used in the cover, in case there is a need to remove it, please let me know, I will be more than happy to do so. ◆ English is not my main language, so please, in case there are any mistakes I would ask you not to criticize unnecessarily or in an unfriendly way. Instead, I would ask you if you want to help me improve in case there are these errors, it would be really helpful.

Bymo · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

Chapter 10 «Kishou Arima (1)»

The ghoul immediately lowered his head with a surprised expression, what he found before his eyes were two emotionless red eyes.

"You will hurt me if you say these things!" the ghoul exclaimed in a 'wounded' tone to Ken.

"Joking ~."

Ken can't understand his humour; it's not funny at all. But Ken thinks he understands the reason for their 'enthusiasm' after all these ghouls are part of the Clowns, it's normal for them to laugh, right?

But Ken wants to see who will laugh last. It will be a lot of fun; he is sure of that.

Ken, did not let the ghoul perceive the next thing. He immediately applied the vector to his right arm and hit the weak stomach of the ghoul.

The ghoul didn't even see what hit him; it was too fast for his eyes to see.

Immediately the ghoul was thrown a few meters ahead. Blood was dripping from the inside of the mask, drop by drop falling to the ground.

The ghoul looked in amazement at the hand he had just used to clean himself, seeing it all red and covered with a substance he knew too well, he froze, he would not have imagined seeing it on himself.

Then, showing a smile, he looked at Ken motionless in the same spot with his two red eyes.

No one would have expected this change of scene, the ghoul who until recently was the dominant part has become the lamb chased by the wolf who in this case, is Ken. It's funny how those roles have reversed.

Immediately, the ghoul, without saying anything, through the walls of the alley, came near the companions who were busy dealing with the other investigators.

"You're in bad shape!" one of the ghouls who were struggling with Kishou Arima exclaimed in a derisive tone, not directed towards Arima but his colleague.

"It's not my fault, I didn't expect someone with this strange power to enter the scene, you wouldn't have expected it either, right?" he said back to the ghoul who just 'teased' him with a voice full of surprise and laughter.

While the ghouls were 'busy' joking with each other, the CCG members were impressed with this unfolding of things. They never expected this. Especially the detective who warned Ken to run away before, he could have never imagined this situation. His gaze was hard to see, his eyes were trembling with shock, but immediately after they calmed down, a stormy mood can cause trouble on a mission.

Ken after attacking the ghoul remained in that spot. He didn't take a single step. This is because, even if he doesn't show it in the face, he is quite impressed that the ghoul he just hit hasn't fainted directly but is still standing there joking. This indicates that in the future, attacking high-ranking ghouls will not be easy and effective. From what he has just understood, the stronger a ghoul is, the more ineffective his fist becomes.

I'll have to rethink my calculations, thought Ken as he watched the scene unfolding in front of him.

Immediately after, he decided to leave. Now that Kishou Arima has seen him, it is impossible to use Accelerator again to deal with enemies.

But just as he was about to step forward to leave, a clear voice appeared in Ken's ears, no, not only him, everyone on the battlefield could hear that voice even though they were in a battlefield where clashes of weapons sounded every second.

Ken turned back so he could see who was speaking. What he saw was Kishou Arima looking in his direction with his two indifferent grey eyes.

"I want to talk to you" Kishou Arima opened his mouth, looking straight into Ken's red eyes. At first, he was amazed by that boy's eye colouring, but he removed the idea that he was a ghoul.

What intrigues him is the way he attacks, that body looks like a piece of glass, so fragile that it could break at any moment yet that body managed to punch an A+ class ghoul without the use of other tools. No, that's not it, he saw it clearly, suddenly it's like the punch has accelerated from zero to a hundred in a few milliseconds.

Ken wouldn't have expected to hear this from Kishou Arima, but he immediately put an indifferent expression on his face.

"I have no desire to speak to the 'One-Eyed'," Ken replied indifferently to Arima.

Kishou Arima immediately removed his apathetic gaze, what he replaced it with was a surprised expression, the fact that he is the 'One-Eyed King' is something that only he and Eto Yoshimura know. Still, now, suddenly someone appeared who knows this secret, the same secret that only the two of them should have known. This is not a good sign for their plan.

Kishou Arima put on a severe expression as soon as he finished thinking. Without a second delay, he put one leg behind and pushed himself towards Ken's direction with absurd speed.

Ken's pupils narrowed as he saw Arima rushing towards him.

Ken did not expect this situation to unfold in this way. The reason he said it is because he wanted to get in touch with Kishou Arima and Eto so he could discuss some things, mostly to get close to Arima and collect the petal as soon as Arima died while at the same time having a good time in this world. But now the situation has completely changed without Ken expecting it.

Internally Ken cursed Arima's way of thinking, it shouldn't have gone this way, but to that action of Arima, he too responded with an attack.

Ken threw a punch in Arima's direction. The latter seeing this immediately placed the tip of the spear in the direction of the fist.

What Arima did not expect, however, is that Ken did not dodge this blow in the least, the punch immediately landed against the tip of the spear.

Suddenly there was a loud noise in the air. Arima didn't change expression even though he was next to the origin of it, while Ken was showing a grin. Instead, the other investigators immediately tangled their foreheads.

Arima walked away from Ken by kicking the ground while Ken slowly retracted his fist.

The others are not aware of it, but as soon as Arima attacked Ken, he asked him in a whisper how did he know about this.

Ken didn't answer; he feels like he has to crush the person in front of him for daring to attack him.

His eyes showed a glint, immediately after placing a vector behind, Ken catapulted himself as Arima did before.

Arima lowered himself just as Ken lifted his foot, his instincts screamed at him to lower himself, or he would be badly injured.

"Shit!" seeing that his attack was dodged, Ken openly cursed, because what his eyes saw was a lowered Arima looking at him calmly.

Arima immediately in that split second, took his spear and attacked Ken.

Seeing that spear coming, Ken didn't have time to take any action since he was in the air and couldn't control his body.

Arima's spear arrived a few millimetres from Ken's stomach and then stopped utterly unable to continue further.

Arima's expression condensed, seeing this happen for the second time. The others don't know it, but when he has previously attacked the boy, it is as if a force field surrounded the fist.

Ken's gaze, on the other hand, has become difficult. Two attacks by Arima have consumed a lot of his physical strength, and at this rate, if he continues to suffer such attacks, it's over for him.

At this moment, Ken started yelling at himself internally for not taking advantage of this period to improve his physical strength since he did nothing from morning to night.

Arima hasn't commented on this strange power; his gaze has always remained with a severe expression on the figure of Ken. What Arima is expecting is an answer, he wants to know why he knows a secret that should be kept from everyone.

While Ken and Arima were fighting, the ghouls Arima was facing moved on to other targets, they noticed earlier how Kishou Arima was going light on them, and they certainly don't want to seek death.

What they were going to do was vital, but they could never have imagined that they would come face to face with a CCG team ready to wait for them there, but that does not mean they can fail. If it had been just a CCG team, it would have been fine anyway, but that team's leading figure was someone he never wanted to see, at least yet.

The expression of the leader of the ghoul group is serious. He, after all, is one of the ghouls who were facing Arima before.

If they fail to complete the mission, he doesn't want to imagine the consequences, let alone the fact that they are also here to cause chaos and destruction.

The leader feels that if they were to try to leave the area, Arima himself would not hesitate to cut them as he has previously done with all the ghouls he has faced in his life.

For this reason, his expression is serious; he cannot decide what to do. In the beginning, everything should have gone smoothly, but he would not have imagined that there would be the CCG.

"Hey Boss, what's up?" a ghoul answered in a cheerful tone of voice as he shot crystal darts through the Kagune while jumping from place to place.

The detective facing him was sweating from the effort he was making, that agility coupled with those tight attacks made his life difficult.

The boss thought about it for a few seconds in silence and then made a decision, a risky and risky decision but it is the only choice he has if he wants to try to survive.

Don't let me down kid hehe, the leader thought as he watched Ken busy fighting against Arima.

Immediately raising his voice he shouted so that all his companions could hear him, "Scatter yourselves and wreak havoc! Hahaha!"

Without waiting for the others, he jumped on the wall, and through his Koukaku, he climbed the wall.

He did not even look back. He threw himself into other avenues, unleashing what he called chaos. He began killing passers-by located alone and destroying parts of the street.

The detective who chased the leader showed a grim expression looking at what he did.

"Aren't you going to stop him?" Ken asked Arima in a curious tone.

Arima didn't answer Ken's question. He continued to look at the white-haired, red-eyed boy in front of him.

"Sorry but I'm not going in that direction!" Ken jokingly said trying to cover his body with his hands.

Arima hasn't changed his expression yet. Ken has immediately given up.

"You're not funny, have they ever told you?" Ken said, "Sir, One-Eyed Ki ..."

Ken didn't have time to finish that Arima's attack resumed with an even higher frequency than before.

Arima attacked Ken in quick succession with a series of slashes. Ken's expression has become even more difficult than before.

Was he playing before? Ken thought.

Not to blame, after all, he wouldn't have expected Arima to go light and only now heavily. And yet, even if it's only now that the real fight begins, Ken certainly will not hold back, after all, he didn't make all the effort either.

"I'll crush you!" Ken shouted with a grin and then went against Arima.

If Arima went light before, Ken went too. He didn't take full advantage of Accelerator's intelligence; he only used vector manipulation. What Accelerator is famous for aside from his skill are his intelligence and analytical skills.

Immediately in his head, he formulated hundreds of possible results based on the data placed in front of him. Without even a second pause, Ken, after using the vector to push himself, went through the continuous blows by a millimetre margin and arrived with a flat fist in front of Arima.

Without thinking about a solution, as if by instinct, Arima pressed a button on the handle of his weapon. His spear immediately transformed into a shield parrying Ken's hit.

Arima immediately retreated several meters, rubbing his shoes with the ground.