
Heroes No More

In 2025 Humanity began to fall into despair. The reason for this is RAGNAROK. it was the first Ragnarok, some people hide under their blankets, while some construct a safe place to survive, and some people are ignorant... for this type of person surviving doesn't have any meaning. fortunately, there are still people who constantly Train to become strong. If only there is no Heroes that want to save humanity without even getting a proper meal... I wouldn't be born in this Fancy, beautiful world. #Earth-080322

Luzrav · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Living Inside A Cage

"Nero are you okay? you don't look excited... There is no need to be nervous. You'll be well-shaped after you graduate from that Academy." Says the guard while driving a car on a bridge. He tatters a piece of paper from a book in his Backpack full of his Snacks, Shetoes!! He pull out the pen from the left pocket of his shirt, as he move to write something and tried hard to make it looks pleasing, he begun dropped a sweat.

After his writing is over, he looks out of the window and sees a beautiful blue sky with the rumbling sound of the ocean. He suddenly pulls out his hand as he shows his beautiful Art. "That's..." He feels empty when he sees the word that Nero wrote. I just don't get it...Why did he write the word 'Yes' for about 30 minutes??, He thought.

I think that day really affected Nero... Ahhh I feel bad for him but at the same time I can't do much because I was just a Guard, He Thought. 1 hour later, a shadow of fingers approaches his shoulders, " Woah? Nero Stop jiggling me the car is jiggling too... what is it? what happens there?" He pulls his hands with a book that says "We Arrived".

Hufft...Yes, we are almost there but come to think of it. Why didn't I notice it earlier? maybe because that thing isn't activated yet... or maybe im not focused, I need to stay focused... more on that later, Nero safety is my priority, The Guard thought.

Finally, we've arrived after a long-lasting journey with a one-way boring road or should I say Bridge? and a roar that brings back the past. "Your identity card please?" He drew the id card from my pocket. "Here Sir.", "are you the Cadet?" The military guy asks. "No sir, the guy on the behind is the Student.", "oh, I see judging by your looks, I think you can't survive living in here. are you sure you wanna come in? because there is no other chance. you better decide now." The Military guy said with a confident voice. Nero Pull out his book and write a note that says "Yes. I Need To Learn In This Academy To Become Stronger." his Shabby eyes and his hands grabbed the books without shivering.

Those eyes... he even doesn't blink while looking at me... what an interesting guy "Alright you can enter now... but I'm sorry your Guard will leave you here because he can't come in with you." says the guy. "It's okay I already knew the rules. Nero, I just want to say that... it's okay to fail the test, you just need to learn from the failure and try hard okay? I know you might think...that this was just a bullsh*t that has empty meaning. But this was me who raise you and was always there with you as your guard at least. Just try to trust at least one person. That's just it...in the name of Aeris, may your journey blessed." The Guard says while putting his hand on Nero's head, patting his head like a proud father who sees his children able to ride a bicycle. "I don't even know... how much time... you would spend there... don't ever think about giving up okay? promise me?" Says him while his tears dripped out.

As he said, people around me always pretend to like me... like I was a walking charity. That's why im ignorant about positive things that people say. Anyway, I don't care okay? I'm...not a bad person or anything, I just have some trust issues with people...ugh how did I even learn this kind of thing from? but maybe...saying thanks to him is not a big deal? isn't it ?, He Thought. He pulled out his pen and scratched his bag for the book. he starts to move his hand to write something.

Ohh he wants to write something? maybe an apology card Hehehe, he has done so much back then...maybe now he moved by my words? The Guard Thought. He began to lift his hands... and it's says..."Thank You...?" The Guard read in confusing ways.

I just can imagine he answer our promise in a simple way possible, what a true descendant of sloth he is, He thought. "You're welcome, Nero please stay safe and be a good boy... althought there is no such rule like that but... just make a friend even if it's just 1 or 2. Goodbye Nero, I will be waiting for you... at that place." says him with a hopeless voice.

He just straight up says that 'i will not leave you even...if I 'die' what a weird guy indeed. then at least I need to make our last meet spicier then, He thought. even though he's like that he is still 13 years old kid who is desperate for love, without him even knowing. *SFX, Grabb, Gritt a sound of a jacket grabbed. hehehe he will never forget this moment, He thought. Whatt? what with this sudden hug? He thought. "Umm, Nero? do you want a hug...then I will be hugging you until your final breath, hahaha*Evil Laugh."

This feeling... is already blurry in my memory... a cozy hug, from a huge figure, that 2x your body length and weight, with a warm feeling warmer than the brightest stars. that brighten my dark places. The way my feelings move and my body respond, I just can't tell am I feeling happy or uncomfortable, He Thought.

"Ahem...Ahem, how much time do you want to spend on this place? because you are the last Cadet that arrived..." Says the Military guy with his wrinkly face. ahh yes Nero should go now or he can't enter, He thought. "Nero you better go there ASAP. Bye, I will see you again soonish, don't forget our promise okay?" Says the Guard. *Nero nods to the Guard. Hahaha, he ran like a kangaroo who carried her baby, The Guard Thought.

Wait I need to say something more heartbreaking, hehe, I'll write that thing, He Thought. Nero suddenly stops his run and takes out his book to start writing something. Wait why did he stop out of nowhere? eh, is he taking his book? is he want to say goodbye or something? oh, he finally gonna show the thing... let's see what he says for me... "Thank You, Vincent..." What a guy, he still even not trusting himself... at least he wanted to write my name, Vincent Thought. After that, they waved their hands at each other, leaving an unforgetful moment of goodbye.

And from now on the Journey of Nero... trying to Leave that living hell... will begin...