
Heroes No More

In 2025 Humanity began to fall into despair. The reason for this is RAGNAROK. it was the first Ragnarok, some people hide under their blankets, while some construct a safe place to survive, and some people are ignorant... for this type of person surviving doesn't have any meaning. fortunately, there are still people who constantly Train to become strong. If only there is no Heroes that want to save humanity without even getting a proper meal... I wouldn't be born in this Fancy, beautiful world. #Earth-080322

Luzrav · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Living Inside A Cage #2

This is it... the best academy in the entire world Avalon!! Known because of the hard training and the difficulty to graduate. I'm finally here, let's move inside, He thought.

Woahh so beautiful, the outer building is made of magic ingredient obsidian so thought the building is like a president living Inside of it, the color is just black... but I didn't expect the inside was so beautiful. the wall is so clean like a glass panel, He Thought.

"There he is... why are you late 2 hours Nero ?" Says Teacher with her arms around her hips. Nero pulls out his pen and starts to write something in the book. "Sorry, Miss Anne. And Thanks For Waiting?" Read Miss Anne.

"Are you...Have special needs?" Question Miss Anne. Nero Again Writing... "No, But You Can Say It Like That??" Read Miss Anne. "I Have Some Accident When I Was Young" Continued Miss Anne.

"Whatever at least you're here, I'll accept your apology only this time. Okay Listen, so because everyone is already here, let me have a formal introduction first. My Name is Anne Hathwaz, I'm your one and only teacher in this academy so I also gonna be your laws and for those who do not agree or breaking my laws... I Will Definitely Kill you *Big Creepy Smiles." Says Miss Anne.

"So how about we learn history for the first class ?*Smile. As a note for you who may already be scared or don't enjoy yourself in this academy. You may think for yourself to leave this place sooner. because if you don't after the introduction phase of the training for exactly a week from now. There is no turning back. I'm just saying that in case there is some, but I think it isn't right? you guys are elite so you probably already Made up your mind, Yes?" Says Intimidate Miss Anne.

"Yes, Ma'am." Says Everyone loudly. "Without Further a do Let's go to the Classroom. Follow me, everyone." Says Miss Anne. Everyone got excited because of how beautiful the room is, it's so modern and Made of high-quality material Mythril. The Dark blue from the furniture combined with a glowing wall is just perfect.

"For 7 days onward we will only learn history while waiting for that guy to come here... you guys probably already know he is so busy with his work. So our main Topic for the first day is Ragnarok." Says Anne while showing the hologram video.

Whatt? why that boring Topic? I've seen it so many times that even I can't count anymore. it's because this fuc*ing Human Achievement is displayed everywhere. I remember using a fuc*ing public toilet that has a fuc*king hologram feature for ads purposes... it's displayed there freaking hours... ugh I can't go back then because my Poopoo was so damn hard to 'release'. ugh to think about that nightmare... He thought.

"Ragnarok has been really hard for us humans, it was real chaos back in the days. many people who cannot evolve died, some people from the Old World try evil things by betraying humanity and teaming up with the demons and monsters, and Old world people don't have a chance to be Awakened because they were born before World Isolation. Because they are desperate in the Ceverioz Plain, they then decide to give up their Freedom to the gods and become their Avatars making the gods our enemies more powerful. Greedy humans because of them the balance of power from the start of the battle begin to crumble..." Say Anne With a Calm Face yet Cold Voice.

"And finally the old world begins to fall to pieces because of the Goddess of Chaos Eris that targeted Humanity... That's it everyone for the Topic of Skills and the heroic yet terrifying things that the number 2 Rank Heroes Cardi G Kenzie Do for us that brought the New World. we will discuss this on the next day" Says Miss Anne with her precious smile.

"So everyone please use your QR code that was given before... RC-103 the Robot Guide will tell you the room, just give your QR Card and ask them in the main lobby on the first floor. If you have any questions just ask me I'll be in my room not far from the main lobby." Explain Miss Anne.

After that, I'm going to the main lobby. I enter the elevator that is Made out of transparent glass... number one academy indeed, it's so fancy even the electricity is from the new fusion technology. I'm so freakin excited to see my beautiful room...hopefully the bed is not Made with cheap materials like those scammer 5 stars hotels, He thought.

So... I just need to give it to RC-103 And then he will give me the key password for my room... Super cool, I would give them 100 rating for the service...if I can hehe, He thought.

So this is the room... The total number of students is just 26 but there are so many empty rooms left... who the hell designed this stupid building. eh, someone comes here, He thought.

"Ah, you are that guy who is late, aren't you? your room is here too? Nice to meet you I'm Derek we're gonna be roommates so let's be friends." Says Him while asking for a handshake. Again Nero pulls out his 'magical' book to write his thought. "Nice To Meet You Too, I'm Nero. I Hope We Can Help Each Other In The Future ^_^" Read Derek.

"Yeah sure... I'll leave then, im gonna take a bath first, bro if you want to go to the canteen please wait for me." Says Derek while he stands in front of the door half-opened. Write Nero "Yes I'll Knock On The Door If I'm Ready." Read Derek.

Hahhh finally I'm in my room what's up with that red spiky hair bastard... who does he think is being friendly with me? but still, I have a promise for Vincent so I need at least to be kind and make some friends... from a business perspective it's also not that bad hehe. Manipulation is always good stuff... but for now let's take a shower and then go to the canteen, He thought.

After taking a shower he then cleans up his room then goes to the canteen with Derek.