

He explained that I appeared to have magic which was incredibly rare. This only further proved that I was the one from the prophecy. We calmed down from the weirdness of the situation and my uncle pulled out a wooden sword.

"Ok Ross let start your sword training."Uncle said before throwing the training sword to me. First, he taught me how to stand and how to hold the sword properly. Then, he told me to swing the sword at the tree while making sure I held the proper positioning. We did this practice for a while before I was told to return home for the night.

I walked through the town square to my home. when I got home my mom hugged me and we walked to the table to eat dinner. I told her about how I found out that I had magic and about how I trained with a wooden sword. She listened carefully to my stories of the day and told me how proud she was of me. After that we went to bed for the night. This became my routine for the next three months.