
The journey

Me and uncle walk down the path in the village to the forest on the start of our grand journey. Some of the villager wave goodbye to us.

My mother explained my disappearance away by saying that I went to go live with my new husband that my dad met in another village. My new appearance she explained was a boy that she offered to let stay with her because he is her brother in laws apprentice.

We walk through the forest seeing many different animals and plants on the way. My uncle had to keep getting my attention back to travel due to the things around me being things I had never seen before.

When we break through the trees, I see flat grassland that goes on for miles. Rabbits cover the land ahead of us.

We walk through the grassland, through rivers and streams. Go passed many villages on the way.

After about a month of travel we arive at the base of a huge tower. This is the next step on this long adventure.