
Heroes and Ghosts

Clint Barton didn't expect visitors in Homestead. Especially teenagers stealing from him in the middle of the night. But when Clint confronts him and realizes he's not alone... well, what's he's supposed to do? The Avengers have everything, it seems, but a family man. Featuring fanboy Thor, Steve's overprotective nature, and twice the Jackson as you'd expect. (Percabeth later on.) I just want to let you know that I have permission from the author LostHeroGuide go check out the story on https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11493775/1/Heroes-and-Ghosts

SDIVAD · Book&Literature
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22 Chs

19. The Good, The Bad, And The Panda

I just want to let you know that I have permission from the author LostHeroGuide

go check out the story on



Hey guys! I can't stop watching the Suicide Squad trailer, and can you blame me? I LOVE IT. I can't wait to go see it, and Deadpool! I wait for censored stuff, because that's just who I am, but I was more than tempted to break that rule. Marvel and DC are really bringing the heat! If all these new Rick Riordan books don't empty my wallet, the movies coming out will. The struggles of a minimum wage job, I guess. I'm sure you guys can relate.

I've been discussing PJO/Arkham crossover stuff with people, and I've gotten so many good ideas! I'll be giving people credit as I go along, though, so if you want to be a part if it, then PM me!

This was a fun chapter to write, and I hope that you know that the next chapter is going to blow your mind. I'm talking reunions with a few of the seven. Whether they know they're meeting Percy or not... hehehe.

Also, just real quick, I hope you guys understand the side jokes. I'm a huge fan of parallels, so if you find a coincidence, or perhaps a pillow pet, then its usually me connecting two world together, like a crossover should be used for.

Disclaimer: I'm not Rick or Marvel.



Danny had to crawl, but she eventually got to the edge of the wall. She peaked out while Terry took stock of her arrows. She was breathing heavily against the wall, trying to slow her racing heart.


She saw him first, collapsed on the ground with a chunk of his shoulder missing. Her breath immediately caught in her throat. Shakily, she started to stand.

A hand immediately shoved her down. "What are you doing?" Terry asking in a voice higher than usual. Danny took another breath. She tried to stand again.


Terry turned and saw the boy's still figure. She sighed and stared Danny in the eye. "I'll get him, but you need to stay."

Before Danny could make a smart remark, Terry ran from cover, dodged a flailing tail and picked up the wounded boy.

Meanwhile, Danny went for the sword.

"Danny? No!" Terry screamed. Too late, she shoved the weapon into the Hydra's rump.


He was running on empty.

Percy had had a lot of close calls in his life. Too many. Too many to count and too many to consider it as luck. So many, in fact, Percy's perception on fate had spun into a web of theories. A web of thoughts that went past and transcended the Fates themselves.

Clint Barton had been a good teacher. Chiron had been a good teacher. His mother, Annabeth, The Avengers- all, great teachers willing to help him learn.

But time was the ultimate teacher. And he'd had five years to listen to what it had to offer for him. He'd trained to fight monsters, assassins, spies, and- to a point -aliens. Now, it was all coming down to this moment.

He held in one hand his sword, Riptide, the blade he'd kept after all these years because it was the only thing that stayed his. In his other, he held the weapon of Red Hydra's doom: the Panda Pillow Pet.

The moment the charm had entered his hand, he'd kept it there, ready to play his hand when the opportune moment presented itself. When his energy had really started failing him, he'd pulled it out in hopes of getting a reaction.

Judging by the two and a half sets of eyes pointed at him, he knew it had worked.

Red Hydra snarled as Percy hovered over his head on his shoes. He'd kept himself a good ten feet above, but he guessed his enemy could jump just as high if need be. "I see that you truly saw the future as I did." Red Hydra said, trying to keep his mouth shut tight, but still speak. He reminded Percy of a pouty child.

"You visited the Python himself for the future, of that I was sure. You learned a lot, waiting in the Underworld for an escape." Percy said, trying to unnerve his opponent. Fear tactics were a necessary part of his war. "I was just waiting for the right moment to strike."

Red Hydra's reptilian eyes narrowed. "Then how-?"

"The Panda? The tower? Red, these things lined up for a reason. I don't see the future. You can't prevent it. I did exactly what I knew needed to be done." Percy admitted.

Red looked genuinely confused for a moment. "But, the stuffed animal? How did you know?"

Percy shrugged. "I didn't." He opened the top of the plush critter, pulling out the hidden pipe bomb within. "I just needed somewhere to put this."

Red Hydra snarled, ready to make a move-

-and then he let out a mighty roar of pain.

Moment of opportunity, Percy thought, then dived toward the main head. He landed perfectly, a foot on each jaw, keeping them open. Then, he looked the Red Hydra in the eye.

There was a rare moment in Percy's life when taking the life of a monster meant nothing to him. Now, this human-hybrid life in his hands, Percy felt the power of mercy in his grasp as well.

But he couldn't choose it.

He threw the armed bomb deep into the gullet of the beast, then dived out of the way.

He tried for flying, but his boot's wings had been shredded by the teeth of that enormous beast. He began to fall. Briefly, he saw his three teenage companions huddled together behind the wall, and tried steering towards them.

When he hit the ground, he twisted his ankle. Still, he made it over to them, throwing himself over top of them as the explosion began.

His backplate was specially crafted to withstand harsh environments, especially battle. So while he grunted at the force of was enough to jostle him around, he remained poised over his fellow demigods. The heat of the explosion washed over him first, followed by the shrapnel. The pipe bomb had been fitted specially with celestial bronze, so even though it tore through his Kevlar, the layer of bronze plating beneath kept him safe.

When the noise returned to him, he examined the world around him.

The observation deck of the Empire State Building was aflame. Shattered stone and concrete, twisted metal, and a large crater where a Hydra had been standing before. Smoke curled from not only their roof, but looking out over the New York skyline many others. He saw Avengers Tower being put out by Tony's suits, and the rest of the Iron Legion was spreading out over the city. Dare Enterprises was smoking, as was Oscorp.

Percy nodded to himself though, because he could already hear people in the streets singing and cheering. A deafening screech echoed around him, and Percy caught a glimpse of jets flying by.

All in a good days work, he thought humorously.

Someone cleared their throat behind him.

The looks on their faces… It hurt. Percy hadn't meant to, of course, but these three had bonded with him. How could he not have become friends with them? They reminded him so much of his demigod days.

"So, you're Percy Jackson." Danny said, her expression one of complete concentration. Percy rubbed the back of his neck in embarrassment, because wow, was this really happening? He took a step forward.

Terry, so much like Thalia, stepped forward first. She pulled out a knife and threw it at his feet, where it stuck in the stone. "Not another step, Jackson." She said bitterly.

Percy put his hands up in a gesture of goodwill, but still kept his hand close to Riptide's hidden sheath. "Calm down guys. I'm not expecting a happy ending right now." He said, keeping his voice low and tone passive. He pulled a large stack of cash (slowly) from his pocket, dropping it at his feet and kicking it towards them. "That's enough for a taxi ride back to Long Island, and then some. Consider it the only compensation you're getting from this quest."

He began backing towards the ledge, ready to jump off if need be. The second knife in Terry's hand didn't scare him, but the look in her eyes was familiar. He'd crossed a line, lying to her like that. Just like Thalia, Percy remembered.

"Why didn't you tell us?" Andrew asked. He took a step forward, past Terry's defense. "Why not tell us from the beginning?"

Percy shrugged. "I wasn't lying about why the gods tried to kill me." Percy said. "They needed me gone, and a quest wasn't going to bring me back. But if I'd shown up to give you a ride East, we wouldn't have made it. They would've at the very least killed me." He took another step back. The void behind him was tempting…

"The Avengers… They're your friends?" Danny asked, trying to stand. She grit her teeth as she placed weight on her ankle. "That's why you were heading East? To help them?"

"I'll admit, the two demigods and a huntress threw me off a bit…" Percy said. "But the plan was to get to them. I figured that you might be a part of it, so yeah. I gave you a ride East." Another step…

"Not another inch." Terry said, her knife poised to throw. "How do you know them?"

Percy smiled a bit, gesturing to the trident in the center of his armor plate. "I am an Avenger. Five years now."

Andrew gasped. Although he had a missing bit of his shoulder, he seemed pretty chill. Apollo's work, Percy thought. "That's why they…"

Percy caught on. Perhaps he'd somehow spilled the beans to Nat and Clint… Well, they knew the dangers. They knew some teens rode bikes while others slayed monsters. "The redhead and the blond know, yes. I trust them."

Danny took another shaky step forward, grabbing Andrews shoulder for support. She looked Percy dead in the eye, and he could see the resemblance between her and her father. The brown hair was a misdirect, but the eyes… His. For sure. "But how can we trust you?"

The city that never slept was as silent as a tomb up on the Empire State Building. Percy took a deep breath before moving forward a few steps. Terry didn't put her knife down, but she didn't throw it either. When he was right up to Danny, he knelt down. He looked her dead in the eye as well. "Truthfully? I'm not sure. I trust you guys. I know that you'll tell the gods when they call for an audience. I know that Chiron will be able to see it in your eyes.

"But I'm not expecting you to be friends with me. Tell the world, if you want. It's not like I'll be able to hide any longer." He said, standing. This time, he turned his back on them, walking towards the ledge again.

When he was stopped physically, his instincts almost had Andrew hanging by his ankles over the ledge. But he stopped first, understanding that he was being hugged from behind. He turned slowly, seeing that Andrew was looking up at him.

Percy hugged back, albeit awkwardly, before getting side hugged by Danny as well. Finally, with a resigned sigh, Terry joined in (for a half second, before backing away). "Be careful." Danny said.

Percy barked out a laugh. "We're demigods. I'm an Avenger on top of that. I'm lucky, not careful." He said.

Andrew looked about ready to reply, but a sudden roaring of repulsors cut him off. Percy sighed, turning to see the serious face of an Iron Legion suit.

"Sir, I was told to inform you of a Hydra gathering in the Berkeley Hills by Agent Barton. He said it was urgent."

Percy's good mood deflated. The demigods behind him were the same. He clenched his fist. "Schmidt. Jarvis, is Blackjack ready?"

"Tony has just finished repairs. It will be ready to fly upon your arrival."

Percy nodded, and the suit flew back to who knows where. Percy looked back towards his demigod companions.

"I'll see you again. I promise." Percy said.

He jumped off the ledge, feeling the wind against his skin. The helmet that collapsed into his armor fitted itself onto his face, displaying a hud. He aimed his wrist at the nearest building, firing a length of hydro wire.

Spider-Man, Spider-Man, does whatever Percy Jackson does…


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LHG :)