
Heroes and Ghosts

Clint Barton didn't expect visitors in Homestead. Especially teenagers stealing from him in the middle of the night. But when Clint confronts him and realizes he's not alone... well, what's he's supposed to do? The Avengers have everything, it seems, but a family man. Featuring fanboy Thor, Steve's overprotective nature, and twice the Jackson as you'd expect. (Percabeth later on.) I just want to let you know that I have permission from the author LostHeroGuide go check out the story on https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11493775/1/Heroes-and-Ghosts

SDIVAD · Book&Literature
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22 Chs

18. The Red Hydra

I just want to let you know that I have permission from the author LostHeroGuide

go check out the story on



Hey Guys! Been working real hard on writing the rest of this story, and although it's slow going I'm having fun. Hope you guys enjoy this chapter, and plz feel free to tell me what you guys want to see, or give my your best guess to how the story is going to go.

Disclaimer: It's right here. You know who I'm not.



He fought like a madman.

His sword, maybe a foot and a half of glowing bronze, was a blur of movement. He kept a pistol in his left hand, but that didn't seem to bother him. Instead, whenever Red would get any gripping with his knives made of shadow, Percy would put a bullet into his forehead.

But Percy was running out of bullets, and Danny could see the sweat glistening on his skin. His breathing was getting shallower.

"He's not going to win." Terry said next to her. She had leaned Danny up against the railing, and she was currently trying to keep anyone from being killed.

Danny shook her head, and it instantly began to hurt. She grimaced. "Not without our help, no." She said. She straightened up in her position, checking her charm bracelet. Miraculously, it seemed entirely undamaged. She set her wrist down, wincing at the slight movement.

She saw a blur moving between the (day job) heroes, red and blue. Danny shook off her sense of nausea, standing despite her friend's protests. "W-we need to kill him." She said. She pulled the bow charm off her bracelet, then readied an unsteady arm. "We need to help Percy."

"He's an enemy of the gods." Terry reminded her.

"He saved all our lives." Andrew insisted. "Besides, Apollo and Poseidon said we needed him. We have to help him."

Terry looked conflicted, but sighed. "What do we do to help?"

Danny looked around, noticing all the Avengers were untied. The redhead and archer were already helping the others to the elevator. Percy and Skull were breaking the top of the Empire State Building. As Skull was bearing down at Percy, the Son of Poseidon jumped up. His combat boots sprouted wings, two black wings like a crow's. He took off, sword in hand and pointed his closed fist at Red Skull.

His gauntlet whirled and spun, lighting up with a blue hue. Suddenly a long cable shot out with a strange, three-pad ended hook. It grappled onto Red's arm, dragging him up with him. "Danny, I need the panda!"

"Apparently he needs a panda?! What's he talking about, Danny?" Andrew asked her. His eyes rested on her wrist, and his mouth formed an 'O'. "How do we get it too him?"

Terry pulled it off the bracelet, inspecting it. Finally she handed it to Andrew. "You have the best pitch here." She stated simply. Danny hid a smirk. Only Terry, paying a compliment during a fight. Even to Andrew.

The look on Andrew's face spoke volumes about his level of confidence right then. "Danny, it's your quest. you deserve to be the hero." He said, the sound of Nazi getting smashed against steel playing in the background. Danny shook her head.

"Terry's right. Besides, as acting quest leader, I'm pretty sure you have to follow my instructions anyway."

Andrew took the charm in his hand, closing his fist around it. "Guys... Thanks for taking me with you."

"We had a choice?" Terry asked.

Andrew laughed loudly, the only bit of sunshine in the storm around them. He began to walk towards the fighting pair, the wind picking up around them. The last of the Avengers disappeared down the stairwell. The two had disappeared behind the buildings spire, but were coming back around. As Danny saw Andrew take each step closer, she could he was in terrified awe at what he saw.

The Red Skull wasn't there anymore. In his place was a creature that disney producers would've screamed at. It stood twenty feet high, easily. The black trench coat had morphed into black, scaly armor. Nearer to the limbs and at its long, snake like necks were blood red. But just to make sure the image was burned entirely into their memories, three heads- elongated skulls -sprouted from each necks.

The Red Hydra landed not even ten feet from Danny, but she didn't flinch. Instead, she began to pray to her dad, Zeus, Poseidon, Hades (just in case) and anyone else who might possibly be listening to help them survive and not lose any limbs.

Red Hydra's heads spoke in unison as each head gazed in a different direction: one on Terry and Danny, one at Andrew, and one at Percy, hovering above them all in sweat covered clothes. "To think, you still believe that the gods will lead you to salvation. Only Jackson-" add column of flame for emphasis "-understands their true nature. They are as self destructing as the human race."

A long, scythe like claw reached out, gently (and very much creepily) tucked a strand of hair behind Danny's head. The other two kept their prey out of reach. Danny's hydra head gave her a pitied look. "I wish to reconstruct their power. Surely I cannot do this myself. Join me, young godling. Help me build a new- better world."

The yellow, lamp like eye focused on Danny, getting closer and closer. Those knifelike teeth were looking very well brushed, shining like steel.

Danny tapped the spear on her charm bracelet, shoving it forward in the same movement.

At the same time, Andrew let the panda fly.

Percy's shoes dive bombed towards the charm in a blur of blue movement.

All three Hydra heads lunged.


Danny would've been killed had Terry not intervened.

Danny's spear had scored a clean hit, passing through the Hydra's eye and earning a glass-breaking shriek. Terry had jumped and dragged Danny out of the way, just in time. Where she once sat was crushed in the jaw of the Hydra.

No- drakon hydra.

Terry couldn't imagine this thing being just a hydra. She'd fought Hydras. This was Maleficent meets the grey sisters. The drakon like body was a giveaway. He's somehow forged his body with the beasts, she thought.

She pulled out her knife, setting her jaw into a determined line as she sized up the Hydra head. A spear still through his eye, he was trying to look at them with what little vision he had left. He hissed in pain. "Foolish girl." His tail, barbed in several places, flickered into view. "You could've had your own piece of the worlt." His tail launched toward Terry.

It was as quick as hitting a lightswitch.

Terry remembered the first time she'd discovered it, when that stupid bully on the playground had kept pushing her. She'd stood up then, telling herself she could be immovable.

He could never push her down after that.

And now, as her skin tensed into a material harder than steel, she couldn't be moved.

The tail shattered when it connected with her face. The Hydra screamed out in agony, it's head immediately going skyward.

Terry moved then, picking up a dumbstruck Danny and running between the creature's legs. She ignored the look her friend was giving her.

Terry vaguely had an idea what was going on with Percy and Andrew. She caught glimpses, but otherwise was focused on keeping her sister in arms alive.

Finally, Terry rounded a corner farthest from the Red Hydra. She set Danny down, then kept her knife ready, just in case.


He didn't see if the panda charm had reached Percy or not. Quite frankly, he was trying to stay alive, thank you very much.

Those claws and teeth were razor sharp, and a sword was not his weapon of choice. He barely dodged each swipe. Worse still, his ADHD chose now to act up. He kept looking towards Danny and Terry, making sure they were alright.

And he did a double take when he realized that Terry was standing her ground.

At that same moment, his hydra head took a chunk out of his shoulder.

His scream echoed in his own head as he collapsed. His vision was switching between blurry and red, and that didn't comfort him in the slightest. Sweat trickled in his eye, and blood wetted his sword hand.

So this is it, he thought. You lost in the end.

A hissing noise entered his ears, but he didn't have the strength to push the hydra head away. It rested itself sideways, facing him. It's lamp like eye consumed his vision. "You haven't lost yet, little godling." Red Hydra crooned, as if reading his mind. "I see potential in you. You could do many things, Andrew Magaliger, and I hate wasting potential. My offer stands until you bleed out."

Andrew had never been told he had such potential before. It almost made him smile that the enemy was giving him compliments. Still, he had an answer planned out. "I'll die for what I think is right. Thanks, but no thanks."

The head retreated, moving in and out of his vision. When it had settled, it's head was sneering. "Foolish, to refuse power that is placed in front of you." Its mouth opened wider, and Andrew could feel the heat coming off of the creature's mouth. This really was the end. He closed his eyes.

At least I won't have to worry about the wound anymore.

But as suddenly as the heat was there, it was gone. Andrew risked a glance and saw that, yes, the Red Hydra was currently facing Percy.

Andrew's last thought echoed in his head, leaving him to be confused until he'd woken up.

Is Percy fighting a hydra with a pillow pet?


PJO/Arkham is gaining some beef. If anyone has any ideas, feel free to throw in your input! I'd love your input! PM me!

LHG :)