
Herobrine in Marvel

I am new to this but let's try anyway Here is the synopsis. What happens when Herobrine (Alexstar -Mc) interacts with Marvel as a human again? When Marvel becomes his playground. When he seeks entertainment. There was a hidden excitement when he learned that his world was not as simple as it seemed for some people (us) it was the source of entertainment for some a living place. Some thought they could conquer it but they had to fight against Herobrine because it was his playground and his family also loved this place. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx "You can't kill me for I am immortal, but you can be killed for you are not immortal." "Hmm, indeed you are right about me not being immortal. But you are a bit wrong the reason I don't call myself immortal is all immortals have something in common with you too. You know what it is." "We are strong." Though the speaker now felt uneasy. "Yeah that too but that's not what I am talking about. The common characteristic of all immortals is they die they can be killed, and so you that is why I am not immortal for I am Herobrine." "What are you talking about? I have never been killed." "Are you sure?" NOTICE --- THE STORY IS HAVING SOME REWRITE CHAPTERS FOR BETTER STORY YOU COULD CHECK LATEST CHAPTERS FOR THAT xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx King among mortals. God among kings. And among Gods? well... he is Herobrine. NOTE: A FEW READERS ARE CONFUSED ABOUT THE ORIGINS OF MC AND I HAVE GIVEN AN EXPLANATION IN A CHAPTER IF YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND THEN I AM SORRY THOUGH I WILL SUGGEST NOT FOCUSING MUCH ON THE ORIGINS AS THEY WILL BE REVEALED IN THE VERY LAST OF THE STORY. Note Mc is Herobrine (Overpowered) There are elements from other universes. and for more read the novel. The image is from Google. Minecraft belongs to Microsoft. Marvel belongs to Disney. And other Belongs to their respective owners. READ THE NEW BOOK!

Fav_is_Romance · Anime & Comics
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56 Chs

31 Sin and Devil

After defeating Agatha I still granted her the contract greatly shocking her but I didn't bother to explain her.

When I told her to go to her mansion (All Witch Queens were given one in Inner City) she looked a bit disappointed but I didn't care, while I am interested in her it is not to the point I will make her my woman though if comes willingly than I will give it a try.

Why I am interested in her well, while I lived as a human she was my crush along with other characters which seems to make her appear more attractive to me and I also don't feel anything wrong with it.

I would have felt embarrassed but in the first place, I created a whole illusion (Copy of Earth) for something like this though only women weren't excited but beings like the Beyonder, Infinities, and many beings who don't belong to our reality they will sure make all this life more entertaining.

I always wanted strong women in character or mentality and Agatha had both, I didn't care how they looked in this universe where you can use magic physical appearance is the last thing to care of, though it is a different case for mortals not only humans but other such beings too.

And if I started taking women by looks then for sure all of Pantheon's beauty goddesses would be mine.

But one thing is for sure this is not the first time this will happen there are a lot of interesting women in our world, I couldn't help but be excited to meet them, which again brought a smile to my face, I don't know how my wives don't grow bored.

Then it struck me that they were much younger than me with Gaia being the oldest but she was still younger than me a lot and also I was the source of their entertainment.

As I have done many new things such as Genesiheim our new Kingdom which was unlike any we had ruled in the past.

However, there are many more things I gained except interest in various women, Evelyn and Lilith I couldn't help but feel a bit melancholic about them but relaxed as they will come soon to be with me again.

I am not worried about them as they can fend for themselves as long as some high-tier god doesn't come after them.

Both Evelyn and Lilith are powerful sorcerers and goddesses. (I will reveal about them later)

I also gained knowledge about many artifacts like M'kraan Crystal, and Blade of Phoenix which coincidentally fell on my lap on the very first day I came back.

Knowing about beings who can rival One Above All is something I didn't expect ultimately they can't defeat him but attacking him without being erased from reality is a big achievement.

Victor Von Doom a human, a king who took power from the Beyonder though I am sure Beyonder let him take those powers to see what would happen, but he survived after getting those powers which is another impressive feat.

He would also be a nice source of interesting things.

I am curious what would happen when I give him Netherite.

I am curious what would happen.

Then, Reed Richards was a perfect example of how when you gain something you lose something. I feel sorry for him, he wouldn't be able to do his job properly here as I have destroyed any means of time travel, going to another Universe unless I allow it which only a few beings have, and cosmic entities being one of them, I think I will allow him to 'accidentally' open some portal to some 'random' dimension in Anant.

Then comes Thanos I didn't expect him to be an idiot though there is some version of him that absorbed TOOA's powers which I am sure TOOA allowed considering that was a dark multiverse, but such people don't unsettle me.

Instead, they give me a sense of relief and excitement.

The only thing I am worried about is my family, the feeling was gone faster than it appeared after all in this universe no one can harm them, though it doesn't mean they will have it easy.

"So let's see who the new Ring Hold-" I stopped in the middle as I felt someone was calling me it reminded me of the times when I started playing Devil someone was doing a ritual to make a deal with me, usually I would have sent a Hell Bringer but I had a feeling the one who summoned me isn't that simple.

Also, these rituals were stopped when I grew bored of them so how the Hell they summoned me?

I really wanted to slap my past self now after remembering how I threw different artifacts throughout the world to see what would someone else do with them.

Thankfully they can't be used to kill innocents.


This is also an example you gain something you lose something, I gained a lot of knowledge which has filled many pieces in my knowledge but also began to sympathize with humans to a human degree.

It wasn't that I didn't care about them I can confidently say after Gaia I was the one who helped humanity most but that is a story for another time.

So I answered the call.

Somewhere in an underground basement, there were three women, the one who who stood out was a woman with a disfigured face who appeared to be the leader and had a tablet in her hand. While the other two were standing at a safe distance ready to go into action if something went wrong.

Not only that some hidden guards who were holding high-tech weapons that should not be possible in the current era, were ready to take action on order.

Suddenly the tablet started glowing and burning causing the woman to drop the tablet startling the others and then he appeared.

(Sinthea/Sin PoV) (A few moments earlier)

The Devil was our and mine last hope (it is classic) to get my revenge and take what was rightfully mine that is if I survived after this, I couldn't help but grit my teeth remembering how my father's pet Zola ruined my plans and how in my arrogance I rejected that woman's offer. Fortunately, she found this tablet of an ancient devil who grants wishes for a price, unfortunately, I can't force others to use this or sacrifice other people.

The tablet was strong but not heavy made from some dark coloured metal which seemed ordinary at first but it always gave me a mysterious feeling and I also felt calm while it was with me I didn't know why. The temple where I found this also didn't give many clues except Nakara was related to the goddess which was useless.

As I said "The Overlord of Nether the Lord of Devils. Please heed my call for I am in peril. I am willing to pay the price whether it is my soul or my life. Please come *[1]Nakara."

I waited for some time I felt someone was seeing me after that the tablet burst into red flames causing me to drop it in reflex.

Then he appeared.

(Current Situation)

As Herobrine now Nakara appeared in his blazing form scaring everyone in the basement.

Closest to him was standing Sinthea Schmidt aka Sin and behind her were Madam Viper aka Ophelia Sarkissain and another woman he didn't know about.

He had to control his flames though otherwise there would be no one to see except ashes even the guards that were hidden in the basement.

Sin immediately bowed to him following the other two women and said in steady, respectful, and a bit of hidden fear

"My lord please forgive my impudence for disturbing you-"

Before she could complete her sentence I cut her "State what you want daughter of Johann Shmidt and Susan Scarbo?" I enjoyed the reactions of all three women from fear to shock to anger.

Looks like Cynthia didn't know who was her mother and it was the same for the other two it looked like I would see a family drama but alas they were too mature for that to start in front of the Devil who at least in general didn't have a good reputation.

(I am referring to all devils as they are depicted as evil while Nakara isn't evil he is still acting as a Devil.)

Hiding her shock and anger to be lied that her mother was dead and that too by the woman she trusted so much.

She wouldn't have trusted his words if she hadn't felt the power he was radiating and he had no reason to lie to

She said to Nakara "My lord I seek revenge and reclaim what should have been mine. Please grant me power, I am willing to pay any price as long it is within my reach." Though she would like to pay the minimum price she knew beggars can't choose and unfortunately she was, in this case, a beggar.

"Hmm, so what do you want me to do do you want power? Or should I get that revenge of yours?" I asked knowing that she would ask for power. As for revenge, she wanted it from her father and Arnim Zola, the former for ruining her life and later for ruining her plans and what was rightfully hers it was the Hydra organization and its assets, after that the whole world, that is if she survives this encounter.

How did I know all this? Continuity knowledge aside it was due to my ability to know a person's desires, I mean what Devil I would be if didn't know people's desires?

"My lord, I would not like to give you more trouble than I already have given by summoning you here, I also want to get what I desire by my own hands. May the lord grant me the power to accomplish so." She said her words carefully not trying to appear power-hungry and greedy.

Although I said I don't judge by appearance for now I am playing Devil not generous god.

"So, what price are you willing to pay me I don't think your body is enough considering your face has shown an attempt to copy your father, and your soul is something I don't need." As I turned towards Ophelia Sarkissain taking my snake-like tongue and making a licking-like gesture continued "That is if you give me that servant of yours."

Both Ophelia's and Sinthea's faces turned ugly as Ophelia stomped her foot on the ground and hissed "I am not her subordinate Demon." To which I cackled and looked at Sinthea who was gnashing her teeth and said "What can you offer me?"

Obviously, I didn't mean what I said.

"I will serve you for eternity my lord as your servant if I succeed in my revenge and my whole organization will worship you." Both Mother Night and Madam Viper wanted to protest but I didn't wait as I said "Deal. From now on you are my eternal servant." I said Sinthea's body got covered in ethereal flames which made everyone frightened they tried to rescue her only to be stopped by me as I roared "Do not interfere, humans, she is becoming something more so watch how a mortal breaks her shell of weakness.

Sinthea who felt power coursing through her body felt euphoric, she couldn't believe she had been this weak but when she was turning into his servant she got information about what she had become.

[Red Shaman of Nether - An eternal servant of Nakara the Overlord of Netherworld. (Very similar to Ghost Rider - I am not giving time travel or reality-warping powers as they would be useless in his universe)

God-like strength, speed, stamina, agility, reflexes, endurance, and durability

Netherfire Manipulation

Netherfire infusion

Netherfire constructs

Karma manipulation

Soul manipulation

Soul reading

Soul consumption


Magic immunity

Reality warping immunity

Time manipulation immunity

Supernatural awareness


Nether magic manipulation

Spirit possession

Elemental manipulation




Interdimensional travel

Extrasensory perception


These powers, she couldn't believe that it was all real but the power inside her was real. She couldn't help but compare her strength with Nakara she looked at him, as if someone poured a cold bucket of water over her, their power gap was like that of a toddler and a god, she felt like an ant in front of him.

She also felt an inexplicable connection with him a feeling of servitude that she didn't like but she couldn't do anything and the power was worth every ounce of her loyalty even more than her loyalty.


If it is not here check in comments.

Note- Hell Bringer and Red Shaman are different.


1.- Another name for Alexstar/ Herobrine he is called Nakara when he acts as a Devil. It means Negativity.

You can check Chapter 1 now and I will have to edit some chapters that are to be changed a bit due to the first chapter don't worry they are not very important.

Also if you want to see pics of the characters who will have more screen time I have put them in the comments of Auxiliary chapters and in-volume chapters too.

I changed Sinthea's mother to some unnamed woman whom Red Skull grasped to Susan Scarbo aka Mother Night.