
Herobrine in Marvel

I am new to this but let's try anyway Here is the synopsis. What happens when Herobrine (Alexstar -Mc) interacts with Marvel as a human again? When Marvel becomes his playground. When he seeks entertainment. There was a hidden excitement when he learned that his world was not as simple as it seemed for some people (us) it was the source of entertainment for some a living place. Some thought they could conquer it but they had to fight against Herobrine because it was his playground and his family also loved this place. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx "You can't kill me for I am immortal, but you can be killed for you are not immortal." "Hmm, indeed you are right about me not being immortal. But you are a bit wrong the reason I don't call myself immortal is all immortals have something in common with you too. You know what it is." "We are strong." Though the speaker now felt uneasy. "Yeah that too but that's not what I am talking about. The common characteristic of all immortals is they die they can be killed, and so you that is why I am not immortal for I am Herobrine." "What are you talking about? I have never been killed." "Are you sure?" NOTICE --- THE STORY IS HAVING SOME REWRITE CHAPTERS FOR BETTER STORY YOU COULD CHECK LATEST CHAPTERS FOR THAT xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx King among mortals. God among kings. And among Gods? well... he is Herobrine. NOTE: A FEW READERS ARE CONFUSED ABOUT THE ORIGINS OF MC AND I HAVE GIVEN AN EXPLANATION IN A CHAPTER IF YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND THEN I AM SORRY THOUGH I WILL SUGGEST NOT FOCUSING MUCH ON THE ORIGINS AS THEY WILL BE REVEALED IN THE VERY LAST OF THE STORY. Note Mc is Herobrine (Overpowered) There are elements from other universes. and for more read the novel. The image is from Google. Minecraft belongs to Microsoft. Marvel belongs to Disney. And other Belongs to their respective owners. READ THE NEW BOOK!

Fav_is_Romance · Anime & Comics
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56 Chs

28 Kids, Agatha and Darkhold.

(The year is 1985 I changed it from 1975)

It has been one year since I made Genesiheim.

The population of the place is now thirty thousand people with ten thousand being cat people.

The witches caught him off guard though they came in numbers of around fifteen thousand, the numbers were not surprising but the ones who were leading them were, Maria Russoff a lycanthropy-cursed witch whose curse runs through their whole family and coven but I turned it into benefit ensuring her and her coven's loyalty through a blood contract in exchange I allowed them access to magical powers too, at first they were suspicious but upon seeing Lilia's group using strong magic they were envious of it and wanted to perform such feats so they signed the contract.

Honestly, I think they shouldn't make contracts easily but again they don't hesitate to make contracts with demons in exchange for magic though it doesn't happen often but they will make one if it is to their benefit.

This is true in the contract ensures their loyalty in exchange for magical powers from the island, the more loyalty the more magic, and if they reach their limits they could form a personal contract with me.

I can share my magic or energy with other people in the form of contracts like demons or dimensional lords but this was their access to the magic of the island which though very potent couldn't compare to my magic.

I only formed a contract that would share my energy or magic with the Witch Queens making them tied to me.

Though Maria Russoff isn't the one who caught me off guard it was Agatha Harkness and Margali Szardos.


Agatha Harkness is a famous and strong witch whom I would put on the same level as Selene and the Ancient One.

She and her coven which was called Salem Witches came here in desperation as their previous home known as New Salem was under attack by demons who wanted to devour their magic it was a gamble for them which profited them, I would say.

Though Agatha didn't trust me yet, I didn't mind she hadn't signed any contract with me like other Witch Queens.

But she would do it sooner or later, one thing I learned was that despite their good unity they were highly competitive not in a toxic way though.

So, I am sure when seeing her fellow Witch Queens becoming powerful with my magic and having no side effects she will come to me.

Now let's talk about Margali Szardos, an accomplished witch not same level as Agatha but she can give tough competition to Lilia, she is also the foster mother of Nightcrawler whom she had found near the forest and named Kurt Szardos, I suspect he is the son of Azazel, not Destiny or Mystique as they appear to be just good friends in this world as told by Arkea.

But anyway I am quite happy to have these witches, most of them were apprentice-level level with some being Master.

The Witch Queens were near Supreme level without my contract except for Agatha who was a full-fledged Supreme without my contract a rare case but considering her origin not impossible.

But there was a huge problem I realized and I couldn't help but slap my forehead after realising it.

I realized how much difference is there in the gender ratio as witches are all female so half of the population is already female not counting cat people who have seven thousand females and three thousand males.

Then comes the rest five thousand who are a mix of metahumans, normal humans, and some mutates.

All were rescued from being experimented on all over the world, human trafficking, and such.

Sadly there were not any Alphas among them which made me realise that most Alpha levels are already in groups or organizations or are powerful enough to get caught.

The only new alpha-level metahuman I have on my island who is not related to me is Kurt who is still a child.

However, don't think I need them.

Nah, I can make Hell Bringers who can be Apocalypse class threats if they are trained properly and I am not limited by numbers.

Frankly, I would say I can make an army of Hell Bringers that could defeat Cosmic Ghost Rider individually but I wouldn't do that there are reasons why Minecraft players play survival sometimes hardcore and why the Beyonder loves to play mortal.

Though my not doing this is essentially for maintaining balance, not in Thanos' idiotic way.

But anyway let's talk about what happened last year.

Medusa got pregnant after I had spent a whole month quenching the gorgon queen's thirst.

And then Hell broke on me and it wasn't Hell Bringers but my Bast and Arkea, thanks me Fan Fei and Claudia didn't join them I don't want world-ending babies roaming together in my palace in groups.

Though the gestation period saved me from such troubles, it wasn't like Gaia's million years, thankfully but a century for Bast which I have much to Bast's comfort reduced to two decades I could reduce it to one but my first child with Gaia would be born a year prior and since I have guessed what or who my child would be I don't want another Apocalypse class baby roaming around.

Gaia's child was special after learning what would happen if I wasn't here I had guesses as to why my child took so long, for a good reason.

You know Demigorge was supposed to be her first child who is nothing more than a beast driven by instinct and he was supposed to be reborn as Ra after going inside Sun, but due to me thrashing the corrupted Elder Gods he wasn't needed but Gaia got pregnant with my child and since it was pre-planned that Demigorge would be her firstborn but wasn't needed due to me.

As God Eater wasn't needed there should be someone who had to take his place, someone with complete control over themselves not driven by instincts, so it took millions of years to make a for complete sentience or find one I am pretty much sure this child will be the strongest of his siblings and a God slayer.

Arkea had gone into deep sleep due to the pregnancy, I realized it was still too much for her to bear my child, and had to hibernate for safe childbirth, I had estimated she would give birth before Bast, but I had premonition her child would not give me much trouble.

The most troublesome one would be Bast's child my instincts were telling me also cats are also known for causing trouble and she is a Cat Goddess, I shivered at the thought.

But no matter how my child is I would love them a lot I was sure.

"My Lord Herobrine, Agatha Harkness has come to seek an audience with you."

I was brought out of my monologue by the voice of Warden who is currently working as my assistant as Arkea is in hibernation.

"Let her in. I also want to see what she has in mind this time."

As I said the door opened revealing Agatha in her tight fighting outfit her body betraying her actual age that dated back to the establishment of Atlantis, her white streaks of hair stood out the most, reminding me of a metahuman named Rogue who I was searching for an already to make addition in unique 'vampires' of my faction.

"So what do you have to say this time Salem Queen?" I said with a hint of playfulness in my mind as Agath had a frustrated look on her face that she tried to hide behind her cold facade but didn't escape my eyes.

"I want to form a contract with you." She said looking in my eyes with a conflicted expression.

"Go on." I could sense but in a sentence.

"But, I want it to limited time of ten years but before that, I want to have a dual with you with only magic."

I looked at her in amusement and asked with a smile "Do you think you stand a chance against me even when I am only using magic?"

She made a bitter expression "I don't think I can win someone who made a place like this from scratch and if I am not wrong you are like a dimensional lord having unlimited access to energy." Then she smiled and continued "But I am sure I will not go down that easily."

'Oh, you have no idea.'

"But still it will be unfair to you so why don't I give you a handicap, I will not use my benefits of domain and limit my number of spells and magic reserves." She wanted to protest but I continued "If you win it I will give you anything you ask and if you lose then what will you give me."

It would be very wrong to say that Agatha wasn't tempted she already had thought what she wanted the moment he said he would give her anything though she knew her limits but the last part reminded her she was not going to duel some random sorcerer. Hell! She knew she had a higher chance of winning against Sorcerer Supreme than him even though he gave himself a handicap.

She had used appraisal on him and she did not doubt that he didn't know about it and allowed her to do so.

But that was also the reason that she was attracted to bet on the duel knowing the extent of his powers he should be at least at the level of Elder Gods like Chthon and Set (she doesn't know that she is still underestimating him) and being the husband of Gaia further solidified the thought.

Though she hadn't heard of an Elder God named Herobrine however she had heard his legends of defeating gids and killing them like Chronos the Titan of Olympian Time and Poseidon the God of Seas and that he defeated both Chthon and Set together, though the last part she remained skeptical about it having used Darkhold in past she knew had a rough estimate of the extent of his powers and she knew he was powerful and Set also was strong Elder God as she also had fought the user of Serpent Crown in past and she had won by luck and that was just portion of the Elder God's prowess.

It wasn't that she doubted Herobrine's strength but she had seen and experienced the power of the Elder Gods and not Herobrine's creation of an island with abundant energy from scratch was no small feat but it was nothing major when it came to the Elder Gods like Set, Chthon and Oshtur the latter being the reason magic existed on Earth.

So it wasn't her fault that she underestimated Herobrine.

So thinking about what she would keep at stake that would stroke his interest she said "What about the location of Darkhold? I can personally take you there. I have a way to get rid of Darkhold's corruption." The last part was not completely true as it also depended on the user's strength but knowing his strength he should have no problem.

Herobrine scoffed at that "Heh, what would I do of that fake thing when I have the original?" As he summoned a black book with mystical engravings a sinister aura of corruption enveloped the room suffocating Agatha as she heard various whispers promising a lot of power and trying to corrupt her, the Darkhold she used in the past wasn't even a speck of dust in front of this book which she was sure was the original due to the feeling of corruption which was same as in Mount Wundagore but infinite times more.

When she thought she would lose herself all the feeling vanished as she looked at Herobrine's cheeky smirk having a very high urge to wipe it from his face.

Then she noticed her state her body covered in sweat sticking to her sinful body, she felt her cheeks on fire as she glared at Herobrine but she swiftly diverted her attention to the book that now lay obediently in his hand sure it was the real Darkhold.

"Why do you have it?"

"Why shouldn't I have it?" He retorted with the same annoying smirk.

"It should be in Mount Wundagore the castle Chton built there." She said.

"Well it was there but I took it away."

He said smile never leaving his face.


She asked frustrated with his smile.

"Well it was an interesting book about all that magic and I thought it would look good in my collection instead of that gloomy castle where no one goes."

"Huh." Her mind went blank after hearing what he said.



I will upload pic later.