
Hero Story: You Are Special

Imagine a world where magic is real and some possess unique abilities that defy reason. But what happens when you lack both? In a world where being special is common and normal is strange. Asher Himmel is a young boy who lives only with his grandfather, in a seedy neighborhood along with other people that society has turned its back on him for having mediocre or non-existent skills. One day, while cleaning, Asher finds his grandfather's comic book collection and decides to read it out of boredom, not knowing that this would inspire him with the nobility and moral dilemmas of those subjects called 'heroes'. But that would not be the only thing that would change in the young man, as he would be visited by a being of indescribable appearance, which gives him a chance to become a 'hero'. This is the story of a young Argonaut whose ordinary dreams are transformed into something extraordinary, challenging the very notion of what it means to be a hero.

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27 Chs

Chapter 19: Skill Thief 1

Arthur Miller

February 18, 2011

Police Department No. 6

Capital, Eternity

Regulux and Steel Maiden solved all 300 cases posted on the website in just 5 days. While most were about capturing superhuman thieves and drug dealers, it was no problem for the pair of protectors. Thanks to such a feat, the atmosphere in the departments and the Ministry of Police became heavy.

Strangers did more than 85% of the work of the police. Newscasts and news websites talked about that situation, showing the police force as a bunch of scumbags collecting high salaries without even working. The reputation of the police was left in a bad light. Because of this, the President of Eternity, supported by the World Government, dismissed the Minister of Police from his position and replaced him with a World Government Representative.

As a first action, the Helpers For Peace website was removed. With that, the police officers with the ratio of uploading cases to that platform were terminated. Not only that, they were forced to do community work in the Frontiers of the country to clean up the image of the police.

While the new chief looked quite good and professional to the naked eye, he was just as rotten as the previous one. He only implemented measures to increase the public image of the government, but his measures did nothing to help solve crime in Eternity, on the contrary, he diminished the police force, as well as gave the police the authority to file cases that affected a small group of inhabitants, which was worse than uploading it to a public platform.

We basically went from having civilians do our job to sweeping it under the rug. It was unbelievable the reality of the issue.

Luckily, I managed to establish a telepathic channel with Steel Maiden, keeping her informed of everything that happened in this short period of time. Not only that, I have sent archived cases as well, which have been solved very easily by the vigilantes.

Everything would be going amazing, but for the fact that the "Skill Thief" is still at large, with 35 victims on his list. So far, the police have found no way to find out the identity of the criminal, and my talent is useless against him. I have thought of passing the case to the disguised couple but it could be very dangerous as the Thief has 35 unique and magical skills in his hands, which we don't know if he can use under any conditions.

While I was immersed in my thoughts, my assistant passed me a cup with coffee.

-That skill thief has been a headache for a long time," said my assistant.

-Yes, I'm honestly very concerned that someone with such an annoying talent is out there making messes.

-Now that I think about it, if the Skill Thief's modus operandi was to appear to those with financial problems by posing as a pawnshop owner, wouldn't that mean he's someone with access to other people's credit information? Something like a bank employee?

-THAT'S IT! I hadn't thought of it that way. I was so focused on his talent that I forgot the obvious.

There is only one bank in the capital, which happens to belong to the government, which will make it easier to find information. I asked my assistant to pass me a list of employees whose schedules did not fall within the criminal's peak hours.

The list was drastically reduced to 3 customer service representatives. A 25 year old guy, a 60 year old man and a 40 year old woman. In a normal case, the best thing to do would be to question each one but that would mean putting the criminal on alert. Besides, they could be a team of people, which would complicate matters even more.

-I can think of a way to capture and find out who the criminal is.

-What is it?" said my assistant.

-Assistant dear, have you ever taken out a loan?

Lactura Noir

February 18, 2011


Capital, Eternity

Due to changes in the police, Asher and I had little activity, only completing cases passed to us by Arthur through the telepathic channel. The information sent by Arthur was even more detailed than previously shown on the website.

While waiting for orders at my house, Asher and I played cards. I played a lot with Thomas, so I was very good, or at least I thought I was. I didn't get a win this whole time. I'm starting to believe that Asher is a big cheater; Thomas was letting me win; or that just this guy has great luck, it could even be a combination of all three.

It was my 60th loss of the day, and I got so upset that I threw a projectile of water in Asher's face.

-Besides not knowing how to play, bad loser. It's true that God punishes twice," said Asher as he shook the water out of his blond curls.

-Surely you didn't wish for leprechaun luck? I mean, that makes more sense than wishing for a popsicle with walnuts.

-Ice cream with nuts and chocolate is tasty. A privileged millionaire who barely knows how to make lattes and lumps of charcoal can't have an opinion.

-At least, I do have a poor boy's TV.

It was funny how Asher's company had such a positive effect on me. Even if we talked jokingly about family, I didn't feel sad. I could even remember Thomas without crying at the thought of his dark fate.

-You're an asset to my life, stupid," I said, smiling.

-Yes. You should give me a salary to put up with you, stupid. 200 gold coins an hour.

-I'll throw 200 lightning bolts in your cheek better. Besides, you're not worth that much. You'd better give me your 10,000 gold coins as payment for the teleports.

At that moment, I received information from Arthur through the telepathic channel.

-Arthur has just informed me of a disturbing case. Apparently, a man has a unique ability that allows him to steal magical or unique abilities, and he is using it to steal his abilities from people with monetary problems. Apparently, in order to activate his talent, he must be given a highly prized item and accept a coin value for that item," I explained.

-That sounds very dangerous.

-The worst thing is that we don't know his identity for sure, but we have three possible suspects even though they work in the same place.

-If we are wrong, the real criminal will escape. It's a big problem. I imagine Arthur has a plan.

-Yes. They'll lure the criminal to a specific point using bait. He didn't give specific details, just an address and the order to hide well until the thief attacks.

I checked the map, and the address turned out to be next to Police Department No. 15, so I used my [Lady of Steel] and Asher activated his assault mode, then grabbed him by the shoulder and used the Teleport crystal. When we arrived, we walked a bit until we were in front of a small house, which was the agreed address.

As soon as we stood in front of the door, it opened automatically. We entered and an audio automatically played in our brains. It was Arthur's voice.

{I opened the door for you. The rest is up to you. You have until 17 hours to hide}

Eternity's doors have a security system to regulate in which situations they open. As well as having a function to send coded messages to the brains of guests who meet the standards described. I imagine Arthur set the door to open for a couple in a certain time frame. A burglar would not enter this house because of its proximity to the Police Department.

-We have to figure out how and where to hide," I said.

-I have an idea. We'll hide in the living room. Just as I can create clothes with solid light, I can create a field of light to envelop us, and then change the color and intensity to ones similar to those on the wall. Basically we'll do like the camareons.

Asher showed me an example. He stuck to the wall and wrapped his body in the light from his wings, until he became one with the environment.

-That talent is too useful.

-Yes. And that's all I wished for was a very strong shield. The [Miracle Machine] creates the most optimal option according to my wishes.

-All that's missing is that the nut ice cream you ordered first really is the elixir of eternal life.

-Shut up, rich girl who can't cook!

-Better that than liking walnuts.

While we were discussing, it was time for Asher to hug me to create the camouflage. It was weird the feeling of being "invisible".

Minutes later, Arthur's assistant entered the house accompanied by a person. It was a young man, with an age around 20. Arthur's assistant walked from one side to the other as if she was not in control of her actions.

Asher thought about attacking the guy at once, but we had the advantage of the first attack. We had to make the most of it because if we failed, we could be in severe trouble.